Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 427: : He is a good man

Su Yichen has been quiet, guarding carefully by the bed! Observe Ye Anxin's situation carefully!

I don't know how long it has passed. Ye Anxin, who had been sleeping quietly on the hospital bed, gave a light reminder, and his thick eyelashes moved.

Seeing her expression in full view, Su Yichen hurriedly held her hand that had not been injected, and said anxiously, "An Xin, are you awake? How do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

At Su Yichen's call, Ye Anxin slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eye was the white roof.

Looking at the roof here, Ye Anxin's eyes flashed blankly, and she couldn't help frowning.

She frowned, Su Yichen immediately stood up and leaned forward to check her condition, "An Xin, is it uncomfortable? I'll call a doctor!" As he said, he was about to press the red Anniu on the bed.

But before her hand touched, Ye Anxin said hoarsely, "Professor Su, where am I? Is this a hospital?"

Hearing her talking, Su Yichen retracted his hand, nodded, and said softly: "Yes! This is the hospital. You passed out when I drove you downstairs to the dormitory just now! How do you feel now, and is there any discomfort? Do you want me to call a doctor!"

Ye Anxin shook his head instinctively, and began to seriously recall what happened before he passed out.

She remembered that after she and Professor Su explained things clearly, Professor Su sent her back to the dormitory!

After arriving downstairs in the dormitory, Professor Su left!

Then she was about to enter the corridor! As a result, just after taking two steps, I felt that my eyes were dark, my body was soft, and I fell to the ground unconsciously.

She has been in good health these days? How could you faint suddenly?

Could it be that too much instant noodles have been eaten recently and there is no nutrition, so the fainting caused by malnutrition?

Ye Anxin pressed his forehead with his hand without an injection, closed his eyes, and said with some uncomfortable, "Professor Su, I want to drink water!"

"Okay! Wait, I'll pour it for you right away!" Su Yichen nodded, stood up hurriedly, and poured her a glass of water on the bedside table next to her.

"I'll help you up!" After the water was poured, Su Yichen sat up Ye Anxin and leaned on the head of the bed with a pillow under her waist. Then he held her with one hand and put the tea cup on the bedside table with the other. Take it and pass it to her.

Ye Anxin took the tea cup he handed over, and carefully drank the boiling water inside!

After drinking a glass of water, she immediately felt a lot more comfortable! Although his head is still groggy, his thoughts are much clearer than before.

Ye Anxin returned the empty cup to Su Yichen's hand, and asked in confusion, "Professor Su, it's good, how could I pass out? What did the doctor say?"

Su Yichen lowered his head, put the teacup in his hand on the bedside table, silently not knowing how to answer.

Seeing him not speaking, Ye Anxin raised his eyebrows, and his doubts became even greater, "What's wrong? Is there anything I can't say?"

Su Yichen pursed her lips. After being silent for a while, she said with great difficulty, "The doctor said, you are more than a month pregnant!"

"What?" After hearing the news, Ye Anxin only felt his head rumbling, blank!

She is pregnant? How could she get pregnant?

Is it because she was pregnant that night between Jiangcheng and Mu Beiting?

She is pregnant with Mu Beiting's child again?

Su Yichen looked at Ye Anxin's shocked face and asked tentatively, "An Xin, who is this kid? Is it Mu Beiting's?"

Ye Anxin was still immersed in this sudden news, and he never heard what Su Yichen was saying!

There is only one thought in her mind!

She is pregnant! pregnant! She is pregnant with Mu Beiting's child again!

Seeing Ye Anxin was in a daze, Su Yichen pushed her arm nervously, "Anxin, Anxin, what's wrong with you?"

Pushed by him like this, Ye Anxin suddenly returned to his senses and shook his head lightly. His pale face looked paler!

"An Xin...!" Su Yichen called her again, wanting to ask clearly, but seeing her face so pale, she couldn't bear to ask further, so she had to press her lips and swallow all the words back into her stomach.

Ye Anxin said blankly, "I'm tired and want to rest! Professor Su, you go back first! I'm fine now, and I don't need someone to take care of me!"

Su Yichen shook his head and said earnestly, "If you are tired, take a rest! I am watching you by the side! You are in a special situation now, and someone must be there to guard you! Otherwise, if something happens, it is not yours alone. !"

Feeling that what he said was reasonable, Ye Anxin didn't say anything any more, nodded gently, and Su Yichen helped him to lie back on the bed!

"Thank you!" After Ye Anxin thanked him from the bottom of his heart, he closed his eyes!

On the surface, I want to sleep, but I actually want to isolate myself temporarily!

Because she is really confused now, she doesn't know what to do!

How could Su Yichen not understand her thoughts!

She just woke up from a coma, how could she be tired!

He knew that she would not be able to digest the news for a while!

That said, this child is also an accident! She has no defense!


Su Yichen sighed in his heart, said nothing, did nothing, just sat next to the hospital bed like that, carefully observing Ye Anxin's every move.

He knew that at the beginning, Ye Anxin didn't fall asleep at all, just pretending to sleep with his eyes closed!

But in the middle of the night, she really fell asleep!

It's just that she seems to be sleeping unsteadily, and her mouth is always talking in dreams! He wanted to listen, but found that he could not hear clearly!

In desperation, Su Yichen had to sit on the side of the bed, holding her hand, hoping to pass on her strength to her.

After a night of suffering, the sun finally greeted the next day.

Ye Anxin also woke up after a drowsy night's sleep!

When she opened her eyes, the first glance was that Su Yichen was holding her hands in both hands, with her forehead lowered and the back of her hands, resting with her eyes closed!

This situation caused Ye Anxin's eyes to become hot.

No matter when, where, no matter how she rejected him, he will accompany her to take care of her without hesitation!

Even if he knew that she was pregnant, he was not angry, he didn't question, only accompanied him silently!

He is indeed a good man!

If she had never met Mu Beiting in her life, she would definitely fall in love with him and accept his feelings!

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in the world! None of them can go back to the past!

As if feeling Ye Anxin's gaze, Su Yichen, who was sleeping, moved his head and raised his head sleepily. He was originally just going to take a look. When he saw Ye Anxin looking at him with wide eyes, his eyes instantly brightened.

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