Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 428: :Marry me!

Su Yichen asked eagerly, "You are awake, are you hungry, do you want me to buy you food?"

I didn't think that when she asked, Ye Anxin really felt hungry and grumbled, her mouth slumped, and nodded pitifully!

"Then you are here to wait for me obediently, I will come as soon as I go!" He said, standing up and preparing to leave.

Seeing him leaving behind, Ye Anxin said guiltily, "Professor Su, you have been with me all night, don't you need to go to the company today? I don't want you to delay the company's major events for me!"

"You forgot, today is Sunday, an international holiday! Don't worry! I won't delay business!" Chao Ye Anxin smiled softly, and left the ward without looking back.

Looking at the closed door of the ward, Ye An couldn't tell the feeling in his heart!

Staring at the door for a while, Ye Anxin got out of bed carefully and went to the bathroom to wash!

Because this is the best private hospital in Seoul, and she is now living in a VIP ward, every time a patient is discharged, the ward is fully disinfected and the sheets are the best!

And the toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels and the like in the toilet will be replaced with new ones, just like the hotel outside!

Therefore, when Ye Anxin walks to the bathroom, he can brush his teeth and wash his face!

After she was cleaned, she felt that she was sober!

The only pity is that I came here suddenly last night and wanted to take a shower, but I didn't have clean clothes to change!

In desperation, Ye Anxin had to wipe her body with a towel.

After everything was done, I walked to the window, opened the curtains, opened the window, and looked at the hospital garden outside the window. I couldn't help closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Last night, she couldn't digest the unexpected pregnancy for a while, so she didn't know what to do!

Last night, she even had a night's dream. All the dreams were what happened that night in Jiangcheng Hotel!

After waking up this morning, she suddenly became bright!

Since this child is here, it is a gift from God. In any case, she will definitely give birth to this child and raise it well!

Even if the road ahead is difficult, she will grit her teeth to come through!

Ye Anxin opened his eyes and looked at the scenery outside the window. He couldn't help but slowly stroke his flat belly with both hands, and the corners of his mouth evoked a happy smile.

Ye Anxin had been standing by the window for a long time, until she heard the door opening, she turned her head and looked at the door!

Su Yichen held early in his hand, and saw Ye Anxin standing by the window, smiling slightly, walking towards the bed, and softly said: "Are you up? How do you feel about your body? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Ye Anxin said in a very good mood, "I'm fine! After taking a rest for a night, I feel much better now!"

Hearing her saying it was okay, Su Yichen sighed, raised the breakfast in her hand to her, smiled and said, "It’s okay! Come and eat early! I bought your favorite soy milk!"

Ye Anxin nodded, walked to the bed and sat down.

Su Yichen took it out of the plastic bag early and handed it to Ye Anxin's hand thoughtfully!

Ye Anxin didn't say anything, she took it earlier, lowered her head, and ate silently!

Su Yichen did not speak either, just like Ye Anxin, he immersed himself in breakfast!

Until the two of them finished their breakfast, Su Yichen cleaned up the disposable dishes and threw them into the trash basket, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and then sat down on the chair beside the bed again.

Su Yichen said in an uneasy voice, "An Xin, the doctor said, you are anemia caused by malnutrition! You are pregnant with a child, and you can no longer just hide at home and eat instant noodles by yourself like you did before! You should make good supplements. Do you know nutrition?"

"I know! With this child, I won't be sloppy anymore!" Ye Anxin nodded solemnly, and touched his abdomen with both hands unknowingly.

Looking at the contented face, Su Yichen choked his throat, thought for a while, still couldn't help but ask, "An Xin, can I ask, who is the father of this child? Is it Mu Beiting?"

Although it was a question, he was extremely sure in his heart!

Except for Mu Beiting to make Ye Anxin willing to give, he really couldn't think of anyone else who would make Anxin like this!

Sure enough, Ye Anxin didn't intend to hide it either, and almost nodded and admitted without hesitation!

At the moment when he saw Ye Anxin nodding, Su Yichen only felt that his heart was pinched by a pair of invisible big hands, and he couldn't breathe out of boredom!

Although he knew that An Xin had never had him in his heart, he also knew that there was only Mu Beiting in An Xin's heart from beginning to end! The two of them are just best friends!

However, no matter which man it is, he will not be indifferent when he sees his beloved woman is pregnant with another man's child, is it?

Su Yichen choked his throat, and after a while, he spoke again, "Then does he know?"

Ye Anxin immediately shook his head and said emotionally: "He doesn't know, Professor Su, you promise me, don't let him know! This is my child, my child! He has already treated Xiaobai Snatched away from me, I absolutely can't let him take away my second child! The absence of Xiaobai has already made me very painful. If there is no such child, I will really not be able to live!"

Seeing her emotional, Su Yichen couldn't bear it, and said distressed: "Then you are going to be a single mother? Raising your children alone?"

Ye Anxin nodded and said firmly: "Yes! No matter what the price, I will raise my child and grow up! Besides, I have a job now, and I have the ability to support him! Although he is by my side and has not followed me. The wealthy living next to Mu Beiting, but I will do my best to give him the best things!"

"Have you ever thought about how lucky you are to have a baby when you are pregnant alone? What will you do after giving birth to confinement? You have to think clearly about the suffering in it!" Although you know that what you said will make Ye Anxin suffer !

However, Su Yichen still had to explain the cruelty of reality!

A single-parent woman who is pregnant and has a baby again, and will have to take the baby while going to work in the future!

This kind of suffering, without personal experience, will never be known!

Ye Anxin nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "I know! I figured it out last night! Now that I make up my mind, I won't regret it! Even if the sword and flames are waiting for me, I will grit my teeth!"

Seeing her seemingly fragile but pretending to be strong, Su Yichen couldn't help but grasp her hand tightly.

"Professor Su!" Ye Anxin stared at him in surprise by his sudden behavior.

Su Yichen looked at her seriously and said sincerely, "Ye Anxin, marry me! Let me take care of you and the child in your stomach!"

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