Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 430: : The best man for her

So, after returning from buying vegetables, Su Yichen put on his apron and got busy in the kitchen.

After returning from the hospital, Ye Anxin was placed on the bed in the room by Su Yichen to rest! However, after waking up after two hours of sleep, I couldn't sleep anymore, so I got up and wanted to move my body!

As a result, as soon as I opened the door of the room, I smelled a strong fragrance of chicken soup!

Ye Anxin frowned and walked out of the room curiously. Just walking into the living room, he saw Su Yichen standing in the kitchen washing vegetables in an apron from the open kitchen door!

Ye Anxin walked to the door of the kitchen, leaned against the door, and asked incredulously, "Professor Su, you... are you cooking?"

Hearing the sound, Su Yichen stopped washing the vegetables and turned around. When he saw Ye Anxin, he grinned, "Yeah! I'm cooking for you, and the doctor said that you are undernourished and need to be supplemented. So I give You made chicken soup!"

Ye Anxin took a look at the kitchen, only to realize that the kitchen was not as messy as she believed! On the contrary it is very clean and organized!

The washed dishes are all packed in plastic sieves, and a plate is placed under them in order to prevent the water from running down!

All the rest were wiped clean, without any water stains! Even the ground is not dirty at all!

Ye Anxin looked at him blankly, and asked in surprise, "You can actually cook?"

Su Yichen turned around and continued to wash the vegetables while saying, "Yes! I grew up in an orphanage, so I have the ability to be self-reliant! Although I don't know how to make luxurious meals, home-cooked dishes are still fine! You first Go to the living room and take a rest. When I'm done, you can try my craft again!"

Ye Anxin said embarrassedly, "This is my home, how embarrassed to let you cook, I should be the one!"

Su Yichen licked the vegetables out of the dish basin with his hands and feet, and smiled and said, "You have promised to marry me, no matter what your family’s and my family’s! Besides, it is only natural for a husband to serve his wife! Go hurry up Rest, when I wash this dish, I can cook the dish! Wait patiently, you can eat it right away!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait and see what kind of delicious meals our Chef Su can make!" Ye Anxin smiled slightly, stopped quarreling him, turned around and walked to the living room sofa to sit down and open it. TV series, while watching TV, I still look at the kitchen from time to time!

Sure enough, within half an hour, I heard Su Yichen say, "It's done! The dishes are all on the table, come and eat!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Anxin stood up with a smile, and walked to the dining table at the entrance of the kitchen. When he saw a table of delicious and delicious meals, his stomach that was not hungry just started groaning.

"Sit down and eat!" Su Yichen stuffed the rice from the kitchen into Ye Anxin's hands and asked her to sit down at the table.

"Then I'm not welcome!" Ye Anxin smiled with his chopsticks in his mouth, and ate it unceremoniously.

Seeing that she did not look like a girl at all, Su Yichen couldn't help laughing out, "Eat slowly, no one will rob you! After the meal is finished, I will have a bowl of soup! I will stew it for you specially. Chicken soup is still a local chicken soup, a good thing to replenish your body!"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin was eating vaguely with rice in her mouth, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up performance: "Professor Su, you can’t tell, your craft is so good and the food you cook is so delicious. To be honest, I'm not inferior to those five-star chefs!"

Hearing Ye Anxin's performance, Su Yichen was delighted and said without concealment, "I have never felt so fulfilled in my life! It is the most happy thing to be appreciated by my beloved woman!"

Ye Anxin took another bite of rice into her mouth, and said vaguely, "I'm telling the truth, don't anyone praise you?"

Su Yichen smiled bitterly, and said sadly, "Since I was little, I have no friends except Cheng Le. Therefore, I have always only cooked for myself! Occasionally, when we two get together, Eat outside! How come there are two big men cooking at home, don’t you think it’s weird?"

Ye Anxin's eyes were crescent-shaped, and she smiled and said, "That's right! Don't worry, you don't need to be afraid of your craftsmanship being buried in the future, I don't mind being a white mouse, I will give you a taste every day!"

Su Yichen looked at Ye Anxin and said seriously, "If you are willing, I will make it for you in this life!"

Listening to his affectionate words, Ye Anxin's heartstrings moved slightly, but he didn't answer, bowed his head embarrassedly, and silently buried his head in the meal!

After Ye Anxin finished eating, Su Yichen took the initiative to take the bowl in her hand and filled her with a bowl of chicken soup.

After drinking the chicken soup, Ye Anxin couldn't help but admired again.

I have to say that Professor Su's craftsmanship is indeed very good, and her body is not worse than her!

It's just that, sometimes, she is at home alone and is too lazy to cook, so she can just eat anything!

It seems that she can't be lazy in the future, and she still has to eat!

After the two of them had eaten, Ye Anxin rushed to wash the dishes, but Su Yichen was dragged to the living room, pressed onto the sofa to sit down, and returned to the dining table to start tidying up the mess.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Ye Anxin looked at Su Yichen's busy figure, feeling sour and moved.

She has lived for twenty-six years, and never has a man treated her so nicely! Even Mu Beiting from the beginning did it for a purpose! Su Yichen is the only man who does not have any purpose, but is purely good to her!

Seeing her such dedication, if she still doesn't feel the slightest, then she is too hard-hearted!

Maybe, after she broke up with Mu Beiting, she should try to accept him and try to love him! With him, at least he will not let himself be hurt, nor will he hurt himself!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin stood up and poured a glass of water on the coffee table!

After Su Yichen returned to the living room after his busy work, he handed the tea to Su Yichen.

Su Yichen didn't think it was weird, so he drank it after receiving it!

While he was drinking, Ye Anxin took out the paper from the coffee table and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Su Yichen was taken aback by her sudden intimacy, and Su Yichen took a cup of tea. He looked at Ye Anxin in surprise, as if he couldn't believe that all of this was true.

Ye Anxin said from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you! Without you, I wouldn't be born again! Maybe as early as five years ago, I would have committed suicide in a rush!"

Su Yichen held a teacup in one hand, while holding Ye Anxin's hand that wiped his forehead with the other hand, he said softly, "You don't need to say sorry, everything I have done is willing!"

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