Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 431: : Keep the child

Ye Anxin said sincerely, "If we can really be together one day, I will do my best to forget the past and live with you!"

She knows that there are many unsatisfactory things in life! Not all people will eventually get married with their beloved!

Many people, many times, they are not married to the other half they love!

However, they can also live happily!

A relationship is not to have, you only need to bury your heart and be a favored person with peace of mind!

Before, it was because Professor Su was so nice. If she marries him because she is grateful, she feels unfair to him!

But after talking to him in the hospital in the morning, she figured it out! Since he can't love other women in his life, marrying him and staying with him is the best reward for him!

Instead of letting him give silently for a lifetime without complaint, it is better to give a response. This way, it is good for them!

"Yeah!" Su Yichen nodded, took Ye Anxin's hand, took her to the sofa to sit down, and said softly, "I called Cheng Le just now and he said that he had prepared the information these two days, and then Send it directly! It’s just that Mu Beiting’s contacts are too wide, and he is afraid that the divorce proceedings will be intercepted before the divorce proceedings are sent! Therefore, he will find a way and send it directly to the highest trial office!"

Ye Anxin sighed and said helplessly: "Oh! Mu Beiting only covered the sky with his hands in Jincheng, I am afraid, even if it is really sent to the highest court, as long as Mu Beiting says a word, the case will be rejected!

Su Yichen seems to have already thought about the future, and said seriously, "Don't worry! If the divorce is not working, I can find another way! Give you another identity in Seoul! Mu Beiting can cover in Jincheng with just one hand. God, but Seoul belongs to the Tang family! Even if Mu Beiting wants to intervene in Seoul's affairs, he is still powerless!"

Ye Anxin asked incredulously, "Is this method feasible?"

Su Yichen nodded and comforted: "Don't worry, I will take care of it for you! It is easy for the Tang family to arrange an identity for you in Seoul!"

"Hmm! I believe you!" Ye Anxin nodded. This time, she was completely ready to throw away the past and start again.

Although she is reluctant to bear Xiao Bai, but she can't lose the child in her belly again!

In her life, she will never forget the scene of Mu Beiting snatching the child from her at the airport!

She has already lost one child, and she can never lose another one! In any case, she must keep the second child!

For this second child, she can only apologize to Xiao Bai!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but caress her flat belly! Although I feel guilty and blame myself, I also have expectations for the upcoming little life!

Su Yichen hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask, "An Xin, I want to ask you, does Mu Beiting know the existence of this child?"

Ye Anxin shook his head and said with certainty, "No, he doesn't know!"

If he knew, he wouldn't have been in that tone when Xiaobai got sick last time and she returned to Mu's house!

Therefore, Mu Beiting had no idea what happened that night at the River City Hotel!

"Yeah!" Su Yichen nodded and continued, "I have blocked the news at the hospital! The news of your pregnancy is completely unknown to everyone except the two of us! Even if Mu Beiting knew that you were hospitalized, I want to investigate, but I can't find anything! So, you can rest assured!"

"Thank you!" Ye An said gratefully, "My first child has been snatched away by Mu Beiting, this child must stay with me anyway!"

Su Yichen patted his hand gently, and promised: "Don't worry, I will do my best to protect you and your child!"

Ye Anxin pursed her lips at Su Yichen, and she no longer knew how to thank him for her gratitude! She only hopes to express her gratitude to him with practical actions for the rest of her life.


Jincheng, Mu's Villa.

Mu Beiting was sitting on the sofa. After reading the contents of the file in his hand, his face became extremely gloomy.

Pete stood aside, looking at Mu Beiting's increasingly gloomy face, carefully asked, "President, what are you going to do? Really divorce your wife?"

This morning, he suddenly received news that a lawyer named Cheng Le wanted to handle the divorce proceedings for BOSS and his wife!

After getting the news, he came over non-stop to tell the BOSS the news!

This lawyer Cheng Le was too careless, didn't he know that the power and eyeliner of BOSS spread all over Jincheng? As long as there is a little bit of wind blowing, someone will come to inform Mu Beiting to please!

So, when he just took a little bit of careful action, this matter has all fallen into the control of the BOSS!

Mu Beiting's thin lips were tightly pressed into a line, and in anger, all the documents in his hand were torn to pieces!

Seeing Mu Beiting's anger, even though his heart trembled, Pete bit his head and asked, "President, do you want to stop it?"

Just after Pete’s words fell, a man wearing a black shirt and a magic mirror was brought in by the housekeeper, and then he handed an envelope in his hand to Mu Beiting and said respectfully: "Sir, this is the latest lady Happening!"

Mu Beiting did not reach out to pick it up, but coldly said, "I see, go out!"

The man hesitated for a while, and said boldly, "Sir, you should take a look!"

Mu Beiting glanced at him sideways, was silent for a while, reached out and opened the envelope in his hand!

When I saw a paper photo inside, my gloomy handsome face became even darker than the bottom of the pot!

Pete raised his eyes and glanced at the photo without a trace!

In the photo, the wife and a man were sitting at the same table for dinner. The two were talking and laughing, and the wife lowered her head shyly, blushing and embarrassed!

In other photos, the wife even gave the man water to drink, and intimately wiped his sweat!

There are also photos of shaking hands sitting on the sofa and chatting!

Looking at these photos, Pete only felt a chill on his back, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

Madam, is this the rhythm of death?

In the case of maintaining a husband and wife relationship with the BOSS, still so close with other men!

With the bossy character of BOSS, how can he allow his own woman to entangle with other men!

"Damn it!" Mu Beiting angrily threw a pile of photos in his hand onto the coffee table in front of him!

At this moment, Xiaobai walked down from upstairs.

Mu Beiting took a sharp look at the magic mirror man! The man nodded, and before Xiaobai walked over, he hurriedly cleared the photos scattered on the coffee table and put them in his pockets.

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