Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 432: :Emergency situations

After Xiaobai walked down the stairs, he glanced at the man wearing sunglasses, habitually sat down on Mu Beiting's thigh, and asked expectantly, "Dad, Is there news and photos of her again? I want to see!"

Mu Beiting glanced at the man in sunglasses with cold eyes!

The man immediately shook his head wittily, "Little Master, there is no news and photos of the wife for the time being, I just came to report something else to the husband!"

"You lied to me! Hurry up and get her photo out! Otherwise let you go!" As he said, Xiaobai Tieqing reached out his hand to the man.

The man looked at Mu Beiting hesitantly. When he saw Mu Beiting's warning eyes, he immediately lowered his head and bit his head and said, "Young Master, I'm sorry, I have something to leave first!" Xiaobai reacted, lowered his head directly, and left like flying.

Seeing the man with sunglasses fleeing, Xiao Bai frowned, moved his gaze to Mu Beiting's face, and asked displeasedly, "Dad, why don't you let me see her picture?"

Mu Beiting touched Xiaobai's head and asked instead: "Xiaobai, do you want you and her to come back? Come back to you and stay with you forever?"

"Yes!" Xiaobai's eyes lit up, but when he remembered something, his face darkened again. "But, it's been five years and she hasn't come back. Will she come back now?"

Mu Beiting squinted his eyes slightly, and vowed: "Yes! Definitely!"

"Dad, let's talk, let's pull the hook!" Xiaobai smiled faintly, and stretched out the little finger of his right hand towards Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and hooked his little finger.



Ever since Su Yichen learned that Ye Anxin was pregnant, because she was worried that she was at home alone, she would go to her home every day after get off work and buy her vegetables and cook for her personally!

Seeing Su Yichen busy in the kitchen, unlike a big president at all, Ye Anxin walked in, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go in.

Seeing her coming in, Su Yichen hurriedly pushed her out gently, "Go out! The kitchen is dirty, and you are still pregnant with a child? Don't come in, what should I do if my coat slips and falls?"

Ye Anxin was pushed to the door by him, and said embarrassedly, "I'm always ashamed to let you cook for me every day! If you let others know, the president of Tangtang Tang Group cooks for me every day, I will let all love Your woman is jealous!"

"I just like to spoil you! I am willing to spoil you all my life!" Su Yichen blinked at her playfully, and then turned around to work in the kitchen.

Ye Anxin leaned on the door frame of the kitchen, looked at Su Yichen's busy figure, and couldn't help but raise his mouth.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room rang suddenly.

Ye Anxin walked over, took a look at the caller ID, saw that it was the butler's call, and immediately connected, and couldn't wait to ask, "Butler, did Mu Beiting go on a business trip again? I can see Xiaobai again, right?"

The butler on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and Fang was hoarse and choked: "Madam, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of the young master! Mr. went on a business trip this morning. I wanted to call you, but the young master passed out again. Now! I haven't woken up until now!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin raised her heart to her throat instantly, "Xiaobai fainted again? What is going on? Isn't his illness cured? How could he faint again?"

The housekeeper said sadly, "Look at the family doctor! He said that the last time I was ill has not been completely cured, and the virus is hidden deep. This time, the air conditioner may have been blown on at night to induce the hidden diseases in the body! Originally, I didn’t want to call to make you worry! But the young master kept calling his mother when he was in a coma! I thought, the young master must miss his wife, so I had to call you!"

"Take care of Xiaobai, I'll go right there!" Ye Anxin hung up the phone without any hesitation. He took the phone and booked the flight ticket, then walked to the kitchen door and apologized to Su Yichen who was cooking. Said: "Professor Su, I'm sorry, but the housekeeper called me just now and said that Xiaobai was ill! I am very worried about Xiaobai and must go to see him right away! I may not be able to eat this meal today!"

Hearing that, Su Yichen turned around and said worriedly: "Xiaobai is okay? Didn't I say that I was cured last time? Why is he sick again now?"

Ye Anxin shook his head and said in a daze: "I don't know the specifics! The housekeeper said, Xiaobai kept calling her mother! So, I must rush over now! Tonight, you can only eat by yourself Up!"

"I know that you are very worried about Xiaobai now. If you want to leave you to eat your meal before leaving, you will definitely not agree! In that case, I will take you to the airport! You can't eat at home, you can buy something to eat at the airport. Fill your stomach! Don't forget, you still have one in your stomach!" With that, Su Yichen took off his apron, washed his hands, and walked out of the kitchen.

Ye Anxin hesitated and said, "But, haven't you eaten dinner yet?"

"It doesn't matter if you a pregnant woman didn't eat, let alone I am a man! Hurry up! Don't leave, you won't be able to catch the flight!" Without waiting for Ye Anxin's reaction, he took her hand and left with her.

After the two got off the arms, Su Yichen brought Ye Anxin to the side of his car, opened the door of the passenger seat for her, and waited for her to get in before returning to the driver's seat, starting the car, and heading towards the airport.

In order to fear that Ye Anxin would be hungry to Jincheng, Su Yichen stopped the car when passing a fast food restaurant, quickly packed her a dinner in the fast food restaurant, and handed it to her after getting in the car, "I know, with your Personality, you can’t eat if you don’t see Xiaobai safe and sound until Jincheng! So, when I eat now, I’ll drive while supervising you to eat! If I don’t finish eating, I’ll take a detour and not give you away Go to the airport!"

"You...!" Ye Anxin was taken aback, then sighed, opened the fast food package, and started eating without knowing the taste.

She knew that Professor Su did it for her good!

He seemed to force her to understand herself better! Although there is food at the airport, there is also food on the plane!

However, in Xiaobai's situation, she absolutely can't eat it!

Therefore, he threatened her in this way.

In order not to worry him, and for the children in his stomach, although Ye Anxin had no appetite, she had to force herself to eat all the fast food.

Without telling her to finish the fast food, Su Yichen nodded in satisfaction.

An hour later, Su Yichen sent Ye Anxin to the airport.

Su Yichen leaned forward to unfasten the seat belt for Ye Anxin, and was about to unfasten his own. Ye Anxin had already opened the car door and went down.

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