Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 433: : Partnership lie to her!

Su Yichen unfastened his seat belt. He originally wanted to keep sending in, but Ye Anxin refused, "Professor Su, you don’t need to send it! The plane has twenty Minutes to take off, there is no time, I went in! Remember, you didn’t eat dinner either, you must remember to eat it when you go back, don’t forget it!” After he finished speaking, before Su Yichen could react, he waved to him, head Ran into the airport without returning.

Seeing Ye Anxin disappearing at the airport gate, Su Yichen suddenly had the illusion of losing her forever!

He always felt that this time, after An Xin left, he would never come back!

He didn't know why he felt this way, but this feeling was very clear, as if he had completely lost her at this moment.

Thinking of this, Su Yichen only felt that his left chest was throbbing!

He had been parked at the airport gate for a long, long time. When the security guard at the airport came and knocked on the door, he suddenly recovered and drove away absent-mindedly!


Because Seoul is far away from Jincheng, Ye An spent four hours sitting there before the plane stopped at Jincheng Airport.

After getting off the plane, it was almost early morning!

Ye Anxin stopped a taxi directly at the gate of the airport and rushed to Mu's villa!

Finally, in Ye Anxin's anxiety and high expectations, he finally arrived at his destination!

After Ye Anxin gave the car money, she got out of the car with her backpack on her back, then took out her mobile phone and called the housekeeper.

After the phone rang twice, Ye Anxin immediately said, "Butler, I'm already at the door, please open the door for me quickly, I want to see Xiaobai!"

"Madam wait a minute, I'll go right away!" The butler responded and hung up the phone.

Not long after, Ye Anxin found that the already pitch-black Mu's Villa was lit up again. Not long after, the housekeeper walked out of the villa and came over to open the door for Ye Anxin himself.

"Thank you, I really trouble you!" After thanking him, Ye Anxin walked inside and asked, "Butler, how is Xiaobai's situation now? Are you still awake? Have you notified Mu Beiting? When was he come back?"

The housekeeper followed Ye Anxin, and while walking, he replied, "Young Master hasn't woken up yet! I have already called my husband, but no one answers the call after I get through!"

Ye Anxin continued to ask, "What about Xiaobai? Did you get an injection? What symptoms did the family doctor say?"

The housekeeper's eyes flickered twice, and he said compulsively, "The symptoms are similar to the last time! The family doctor said that if the young master does not wake up tomorrow, he will be sent to the hospital!"

"It's okay, it should be okay! Last time I woke up in the early morning! I will definitely wake up this time! Xiaobai will definitely not have an accident!" Ye Anxin muttered to herself, saying she was comforting. The steward, it would be better to say that he was comforting himself.

In this way, while praying, Ye Anxin entered the house and walked upstairs to Xiaobai's room!

Because I was too anxious, I didn't notice that the butler who had been following him didn't know when he had left!

Ye Anxin stood outside Xiaobai's door, without any hesitation or thinking, he opened the door directly!

However, the room was dark, and even the bedside lamp was not turned on.

Until this time, Ye Anxin still didn't notice the abnormality, stretched out his hand, Mo Suo wanted to turn on the light!

As a result, I touched and touched, unconsciously touched something with warmth!

Ye Anxin was taken aback for a moment. Before she could touch something, her wrists were pinched by a pair of powerful hands. Then, her body was pulled into the room by a powerful force. The next moment, The door that was open just now closed somehow.

Ye Anxin couldn't help taking a breath, opened his mouth to call for help, but was covered by a pair of big hands from behind.

Because only the mouth is covered, and the nose and eyes are exposed!

After smelling a familiar breath, the fear just disappeared gradually, and was replaced by a wave of anger.

It's Mu Beiting! The person who brought her in just now was Mu Beiting! The door was closed by him too!

Although Ye Anxin is not smart, she is not a fool either!

What is the cause and effect of the incident, you can understand it carefully!

It must be Mu Beiting. In order to trick her back, he deliberately asked the housekeeper to tell her that Xiao Bai was sick!

He knew that she had always cared most about Xiao Bai! When she heard that Xiaobai was sick, she would definitely not doubt anything!

From the moment she got on the plane to Jincheng, she had successfully fallen into Mu Beiting's trap.

The **** Mu Beiting only knows to use her weakness to deal with her!

After Ye An's mind became clear, Mu Beiting happened to let her go! As soon as she was free, she immediately turned around and hid far away. Although she couldn't see Mu Beiting's person, she could know where Mu Beiting was now by feeling.

Ye Anxin said vigilantly: "Mu Beiting, what do you want? What is the purpose of lying to me back?"

Mu Beiting locked Ye Anxin's position at a glance, and stepped forward, pinching Ye Anxin's chin with his right hand, and sternly asked, "Ye Anxin, tell me why? Why are you doing this?"

In the clouds and mists that Mu Beiting asked suddenly, Ye An asked, "What and why? I don't understand what you said?"

Mu Beiting did not answer, and said domineeringly: "Ye Anxin, I remember I told you a long time ago, in this life, you don't even want to escape from my palm! Even if you die, you can only be me Mu Beiting Ghost!"

Annoyed by Mu Beiting's overbearing tone, Ye Anxin fought back angrily, "I, Ye Anxin, belong to no one, only me! I am not yours! So you have no right to imprison me!"

Listening to her, Mu Beiting's eyes flashed with obvious pain, "Why? Why? It's been five years, why don't you believe me? Isn't five years time enough for you to figure it out?"

Ye Anxin sneered, "I figured it out, of course I figured it out! I figured out that five years ago, I shouldn't have fallen in love with someone I shouldn't love, and wanted to get his love and grow old with him! As a result, Not only did it hurt my first child, but it also hurt me and my second child for five years! If God gives me another chance to come back, I will definitely not go to the Civil Affairs Bureau that day, let alone with you Get married! The biggest mistake in my life is to meet you Mu Beiting! All my tragedies are all because of you!"

"You...!" After hearing this, Mu Beiting's hand holding her chin unconsciously increased his strength, and the whole person was caught in a haze.

The pain from the chin made Ye Anxin frowned! But she was stubborn and clenched her teeth, not allowing herself to show it!

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