Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 442: : Drunken confession

"I...I...!" Ye Anxin lowered his head, her teeth biting her lower lip.

"I think, I have said everything I want to say! If you don't believe what I said, you can go to jail and see how Su Yuexin fate! The next thing is up to you! Actually, for you and you I’m just an outsider and it’s inconvenient to participate in the uncle’s affairs! Also, it’s your privacy, and I don’t want to participate! Last time, I euphemistically told you that I wanted you to figure it out, but I didn’t expect it You got into a dead end and you can’t get out! Today, I said everything I should say! I still can’t say what shouldn’t be said! The rest is up to you! Whether it is separation or reunification, you It's up to you!" After speaking, Yan Qinghan stood up and patted Zou's pants.

Regarding Mu Beiting and Su Yuexin's affairs, he really felt that it was Mu Beiting's own personal affair. Although he has been scornful, it seems cynical and likes to joke! But he never mentioned a word about Mu Beiting's personal affairs!

In order to bring them together today, he has already said a lot of things that should not be said! Although he also concealed some things, but he felt that if you really love each other, those things are nothing!

He said so clearly today. If the younger sister-in-law cannot forgive Mu Beiting and can't solve the happy knot, then she is not worthy of Mu Beiting's love. He said more is vain!

Seeing Yan Qinghan was leaving, Ye Anxin said from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you!"

"No thanks! I said, I am the living Lei Feng! If you want to thank you, my sister-in-law will cook a delicious meal for me!" As he said, Chao Ye Anxin blinked peachy eyes playfully and whistled. , Put his hands in his pants pockets and left with his head raised.

After Yan Qinghan left, only Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting were left in the room.

Ye Anxin turned around and stared at Mu Beiting who was lying on the bed, moaning in pain, and then walked slowly over, standing by the bed, and watching Mu Beiting with frowning brows, feeling mixed. , The unspeakable taste.

Ye Anxin looked at Mu Beiting and muttered to himself: "Oh! What should I do? Give each other another chance? But...but, I'm so sorry Professor Su! He is so good to me, why should I? Can cruelly hurt him again and again?"

It's a pity that the drunk Mu Beiting didn't seem to hear Ye Anxin's words at all, just stretched out his hand and pressed his temple.

"Oh!" Ye Anxin sighed helplessly, squatted down, took off his shoes for him, and then put his legs on the bed.

Sometimes, she really didn't know what feelings she was for Mu Beiting, she loved and hated!

She said she didn't want him at all, but she couldn't do it!

However, she can't do it if she doesn't hate him!

After hearing what Yan Qinghan said just now, she was even more entangled!

Just as Ye Anxin thought, pulling the quilt on the bed to cover Mu Beiting! Mu Beiting suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Ye Anxin's eyes widened and looked at him. Before he could see the situation clearly, his whole body suddenly turned around, and then he was pressed onto the bed, and the rich smell of alcohol rushed over his face.

Smelling the familiar and unfamiliar breath, Ye Anxin couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, "What are you...what are you doing? Mu Beiting, you are now drunk and you should have a good rest!"

As soon as Ye Anxin's voice fell, Mu Beiting's handsome face suddenly pressed over.

As Mu Bei Tingjun's face approached, Ye Anxin only felt that her cautious liver thumped wildly.

Just when she widened her eyes, thinking he would kiss her lips! He actually just put his face on her neck and whispered as finely as: "An Xin, don't leave me, I really can't live without you!"

This is the first time Ye Anxin has seen Mu Beiting's weak and fragile side since he has known Mu Beiting for so long.

He was always domineering and unreasonable before her! No matter when, she must obey absolutely! Only this time, he was so fragile in front of her, and his tone was even pleading.

Ye Anxin's cautious liver thumped more severely, and her voice became hoarse, "Mu Beiting, what were you talking about?"

"Ye Anxin, I...I love you...! I really love you...!" Mu Beiting said in a hoarse voice, and then held Ye Anxin's hand to his left. The heart position on the chest, continue to say, "My heart beats only for you! From beginning to end, I am the only one in my heart! I love you! Don't leave me, OK!"

When he heard the three words "I love you" from Mu Beiting's mouth, Ye Anxin only felt that the blood all over his body was boiling, his nose was sour and his eyes were red.

She waited for this sentence for five years, a full five years!

If he was willing to say these three words to her five years ago, then she would not be so hesitating and insecure!

She did not expect that Mu Beiting would suddenly confess to her! All the hatred in her heart seemed to disappear with these three words.

Ye Anxin stretched out her hand, placed her palm on Mu Beiting's thumping heart, and asked expectantly, "You...what you said is true? Do you really love me?"

Mu Beiting nodded without hesitation, and said firmly: "I love you, I love Ye Anxin! Ye Anxin is the only woman I have ever loved in my life! For thirty-five years, I have been working hard to find light. Looking for sunshine! I thought, I just longed for that light, hoping that it could illuminate my heart! Until I met you, the first time I saw you, I didn’t know that I needed more than just light, but also warm Ye Anxin, without you, I feel my world is cold! Because of you, I feel bright and warm! Anxin, promise me, come back to me and stay with me, OK? Don’t leave me anymore !"

When saying these words, Mu Beiting's tone even begged.

Listening to Mu Beiting's affectionate confession, Ye Anxin couldn't help crying anymore.

Uncle, her uncle! After listening to the uncle's remarks, she knew that in the past five years, she thought she was injured very badly, but he was injured more severely than herself.

When he was torturing her, she was torturing him too!

For five years, they just tortured each other!

The lofty character caused him to refuse to bow her head, but she fell into Su Yuexin's curse, and she couldn't get out of it!

Unexpectedly, all their knots would be solved when he was drunk!

Seeing Ye Anxin's delay in answering, Mu Beiting took his face away from her neck and said coquettishly: "An Xin, promise me! Will you promise me? I swear, I will take good care of you in the future. Protect you, no longer let you suffer a little bit of harm!"

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