Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 443: : The child is yours!

As his voice fell, the tears in Ye An's eyes flowed more fiercely, choked up and called out a name that he hadn't called in five years, "Uncle!"

Hearing this name, Mu Beiting's tall figure couldn't help but stunned, and then smiled sly, "This name is so warm! This is what my family is calling for peace of mind, it is only my family's name for peace of mind!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin could not cry.

Although I was crying, I never felt warm and happy in my heart.

Ye Anxin stretched out her hand, put her arms around Mu Beiting's neck, and choked up: "Uncle, I promise you, I will stay, stay by your side, and never leave you!"

Mu Beiting blinked his childlike innocent eyes and looked at Ye Anxin with joy, "Really? You don't lie to me?"

Ye Anxin nodded, and solemnly said: "Yes! Don't lie to you!"

"Haha!" Hearing this, Mu Beiting gave a silly grin, lowered his head, and kissed Ye Anxin's red lips.

Ye Anxin closed his eyes and waited for the kiss.

However, Mu Beiting's warm thin lips just touched Ye Anxin's red lips, his head tilted, and he lay down on Ye Anxin's neck. After a while, there was a sound of even breathing.

Ye Anxin opened his eyes and couldn't help touching his head. Seeing that he didn't react, he couldn't help laughing.

Ye Anxin touched Mu Beiting's head and said dozingly, "Fool, since you love me, why don't you tell me earlier?"

Unfortunately, only Mu Beiting's breathing responded to her.

Ye Anxin held Mu Beiting's hand, placed his palm on her flat stomach, and said softly: "Actually, you really don't need to care about the child in your stomach. He is not a sinner, he is our child!"

Unfortunately, no matter what she said, Mu Beiting still had no response, and he fell asleep completely.

Ye Anxin smiled and sighed, "Oh! Go to sleep! Go to bed obediently! Wake up tomorrow morning and nothing will happen!"

After the whole night, Ye Anxin did not move Mu Beiting away, but let him continue to press on himself.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Mu Beiting turned over and slept next to him.

After gaining freedom, Ye Anxin immediately sat up, looked down at Mu Beiting's sleepy face, softened in his heart, and stretched out his index finger uncontrollably, carefully depicting his outline.

She looked at his face as if she couldn't see enough.

Finally, after another hour, Ye Anxin was also sleepy, and lay next to Mu Beiting, sleeping with him on the hospital bed head to head.


The next day, when the first rays of dawn appeared in the sky, Ye Anxin woke up!

But Mu Beiting, who had a hangover, still had no response while sleeping on the bed.

Ye Anxin found out Mu Beiting's cell phone, called the housekeeper, and asked him to prepare the sober soup to the hospital. After hanging up the phone, he sat quietly guarding Mu Beiting.

Maybe Ye Anxin's sight was too hot, maybe it was too much wine!

Under Ye Anxin's gentle gaze, Mu Beiting slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he saw Ye Anxin, Mu Beiting was stunned.

Ye Anxin smiled softly, leaned over and said softly, "Uncle, I'm sorry!"

An inexplicable light flashed across Mu Beiting's eyes, his thin lips pressed tightly, and he said nothing.

Seeing Mu Beiting not speaking, Ye Anxin continued to speak softly, "Uncle, can you forgive me? I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have distrusted you at the beginning. It was all my fault, I will give you Apologies, don’t blame me, okay?"

Mu Beiting blinked, staring at Ye Anxin who was close at hand for a long time, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Don't you hate me?"

Ye Anxin desperately shook his little head, and said guiltily: "I don't hate or hate, I don't hate you! Actually, it's not so much hate, it's love! There is no hate where love can come from! I just love you , That's why I hate you! If my heart feels like water and let go of my feelings for you, then how can I still hate you!"

Mu Beiting asked again, "Are you willing to come back?"

"Return back! As long as you don't blame me, I am willing to return to Xiaobai and you! It's just...!" Ye Anxin's eyes darkened involuntarily!

Seeing her talking, Mu Beiting suddenly turned around, staring at her small face with sharp eyes, and said sharply, "It's just what?"

Ye Anxin lowered his head and said guiltily: "It's just that I have to go back to Seoul!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting's eyes suddenly narrowed, "You still can't let go of that man?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong, uncle!" For fear that he would misunderstand, Ye Anxin suddenly raised his head, his friend shook his head, and said emotionally: "I can't let go of Professor Su! It's just that he really Take care of me and treat me very well! I am reconciling with my uncle now, and I feel very sorry for him! No matter what, I have to go and say thank you! And, I should go back and give him an explanation!"

Mu Beiting asked coldly, "Explain? What's the explanation?"

Ye Anxin couldn't help licking her lips and bit her scalp and said, "I...I promised his marriage proposal before, and I am going to be with him! Now, my uncle and I are reconciled, so naturally I am going to give him one. Explain, sorry to him!"

She felt that since she opened up with her uncle now, she shouldn't hide everything!

What's more, the matter of her agreeing to Professor Su's marriage proposal is a major matter. If she does not make it clear now, she is afraid that the uncle will think that she deliberately concealed it!

She didn't want any more misunderstandings between them.

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Mu Beiting's expression finally calmed down again.

Feeling his changes, Ye Anxin explained hurriedly: "Uncle rest assured, I will make it clear to him this time I go to Seoul! I want to be with the uncle and Xiaobai! Our family of three must live happily!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting's expression lightened a little, and he pointed to Ye Anxin's stomach and asked, "Then when are you going to get rid of this evil species?"

Ye Anxin burst into laughter when he heard the words! Then he squeezed Mu Beiting's big hand, gently placed it on his stomach, and said with a smile, "Uncle, he is not a sinner! She is our child!"

Mu Beiting frowned and said in a puzzled way: "Our child? When did it happen?"

Ye Anxin blinked playfully and deliberately sold her off, "Uncle, think about it, Jiangcheng Hotel more than a month ago!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting frowned and fell into thought.

Ye Anxin didn't bother him, but just sat obediently and watched him. After a while, he didn't seem to have any memory. The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, "The amount of medicine given by the uncle that day was too heavy, and it is normal to remember ! In short, you believe me! The child in the stomach belongs to us! Our flesh and blood!"

Without hesitation, Mu Beiting uttered four words categorically, "I believe you!"

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