Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 447: :Unconsciousness

Ye Anxin was startled by this sudden fear, and turned around abruptly. When he saw the person behind him, the blood all over his body rushed to the forehead, and she stood in shock. There he forgot to react in a daze.

this person? Isn't this Su Yuexin's mother?

Although they hadn't met a few times in total, she remembered her acrimonious appearance very clearly.

However, seeing her again today made her a little bit unbelievable in her eyes!

This...Is this still that high-spirited mother Su five years ago?

In the past, no matter what time, Su's mother looked high and looked down upon people!

Today is...

Ye Anxin couldn't help but look up Su Mu from start to finish.

Su Mu, who has always liked to dress up, is now not only wearing old, washed white clothes, her neatly combed hair is just casually tied, and the hair on her ears and temples has even fallen messy.

His eyes were erratic, and his entire face was even more haggard, and no blood was visible.

Ye Anxin looked at Mother Su in a daze, staring wide-eyed, and asked in disbelief, "You...what's wrong with you? What are you doing?"

Under Ye Anxin's horrified gaze, Su's mother suddenly knelt in front of Ye Anxin, tightly holding Ye Anxin's hand with both hands, she cried all of a sudden, crying, and said sadly: "Ye Anxin, I Please, please let us go! She is innocent, she is just being used by others! I beg you, you help me intercede in front of Mu Beiting and let Mu Beiting Release Yuexin from the prison! I am just a daughter like her. She has a mental breakdown and can't really be put in prison anymore!"

Although Su's mother looked pitiful, Ye Anxin felt sympathy for her, but thinking about what Su Yuexin had done to her, Ye Anxin had to harden her heart and said sharply, "You beg me too. It’s useless! Everyone should pay for what she did! Back then, when she hurt me again and again, when she killed the child in my stomach, how could she never think about it This end?"

Seeing Ye Anxin's refusal, Su's mother refused to let it go. She took Ye Anxin's arm and continued to plead, " must have a way! You are Mu Beiting's favorite woman, and Mu Beiting can listen to everything. Yours, as long as you speak up, he will definitely agree! Ye Anxin, just beg you, please help me! Let Mu Beiting let Yuexin go!"

Ye Anxin said with a cold face, with a tough attitude: "I just said that everyone has to pay for their actions. When Su Yuexin did a series of bad things, she should have thought of this result! Even if she is instigated by others, if she is not bad-minded, it will be useless even if others instigate her! After all, it is her own wrong intentions that caused the situation today! You are not here to ask me to let go She, it's better to let her rehabilitate in prison, and maybe she can be a new person after she comes out!"

Mother Su lowered her head, kept shaking her head, and muttered to herself: "There is no chance, there is really no chance! Yue Xin has no chance in this life!"

Seeing Su's mother's abnormal behavior, Ye An was puzzled and frowned slightly!

What is no chance? No chance in this life? What happened to Su Yuexin?

Wouldn't it be okay if she can get over her life when she comes out of prison? Why do you say that she has no chance in this life? What does it mean?

However, it was only for a moment, Ye Anxin shook his head vigorously, pulled away Su's mother's hand, and said sternly: "For your request, I really can't do anything! If I pity her, Sympathize with her, then who will sympathize with me, have pity on me! At the beginning, my child was killed by her, and I was forced to leave my hometown by her, leaving my son for five years! Ye Anxin, I am not a Virgin, so I can’t do this. Repaying grievances with virtue!" Ye Anxin turned and left without looking back after finishing what he had to say.

Su's mother lowered her head, her messy hair hanging on the earphones, her eyes were erratic, her mouth was closed, she didn't know what she was talking about.

Ye Anxin didn't bother to care about her either, eyes around was going to find a place to sit and rest and wait for Mu Beiting and Xiaobai.

While Ye Anxin was standing there, looking around for a bench, Su's mother who fell on the ground took out a fruit knife from her clothes, slowly raised her head, stared at Ye Anxin's back viciously, clenching her teeth. There was a fierce look.

Ye Anxin, who turned her back to her, didn't feel the slightest, but saw a long distance next to the haunted house, grinned, and walked toward the bench.

Seeing that Ye Anxin didn't find herself, Su Mu stood up from the ground, shouted, and rushed towards Ye Anxin with the fruit knife in her hand.

Ye Anxin turned her head when she heard the sound, and when she saw Su's mother holding a fruit knife in her hand, rushing through the crowds, and rushing towards her, she was so excited that she wanted to hide, but Su's mother had already forced her to the front.

"Ye Anxin, since you won't let me get better, and you won't let Su Yuexin go, then I won't let you go! Anyway, I have nothing, so I will drag you and I will die together!" Su Mu venomously left. In a word, the fruit knife in his hand pierced towards Ye Anxin's heart.

Ye Anxin's eyes widened, instinctively, when the fruit knife in Su Mu's hand stabbed, she flashed to the side. Although the heart part escaped Su Mu's attack, her arm was not spared, and a strip was cut out abruptly. Long blood mouth.

Ye Anxin clutched his injured arm, stepped back and asked harshly, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy, I've been driven crazy by you! My dear daughter is also driven by you, neither human nor ghost! Live a life that is better than death in jail every day! I beg you, you I don’t agree to let her go! Instead of that, it’s not as if I die! I’m sorry, don’t think about it, I want you to bury my daughter! You robbed her of the happiness that originally belonged to her!” Su’s mother chuckled. Holding a fruit knife, he stabbed at Ye Anxin like crazy.

Ye Anxin was taken aback by Su's mother's madness. When Su's mother was holding a fruit knife and stabbing indiscriminately, she didn't dare to say anything, but ran forward desperately.

There are a lot of people in the playground. Every time you take a step, you will bump into a person!

However, they just stood on the side and looked at all this coldly, no one dared to help!

Even if one or two people can't watch it occasionally, and are ready to come out to help, they will be held back by their companions!

Everyone, looking at the fruit knife in Su Mu's hand and her crazy look, did not dare to say anything. When Su Mu ran to her, they all hid far away for fear of being hurt.

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