Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 448: : Eager to save the girl

Under the dodge of passers-by, the position in front of Ye Anxin gradually became smooth.

Ye Anxin ran forward while looking back, wanting to see how far Su Mu was from him!

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he stumbled under his feet without knowing what he was doing, and he lost his weight and fell directly to the ground.

Su’s mother had been chasing her tightly, with no passer-by in the way, she was getting closer and closer to Ye Anxin. The moment Ye Anxin fell, she immediately forced her over, using her finger to fall to the ground, looking panicked. Looking at her, Ye Anxin said viciously: "Ye Anxin, I ask you, will you help me save Yuexin?"

At this time, Ye Anxin dared to irritate her, saying something that would make her crazier, so she smiled and calmed down softly, "Auntie, don’t get excited, we have something to say! I don’t know what happened. ,how can I help you?"

Ye Anxin slowly climbed up from the ground while holding her hand in front of her, looking at Su Mu defensively.

Hearing what Ye Anxin said, Su's mother turned angrily into a smile, and couldn't wait to say, "You just need to help me intercede in front of Mu Beiting and let her let Yuexin come out! If she stays there again, she will Living tortured to death! As long as you are willing to help me plead in front of Mu Beiting, I will let you go!"

"Yes, yes! Come! Let's put the fruit knife down and find a place to sit down and talk slowly!" Ye Anxin stretched out his hand, trying to take the fruit knife from Su Mu's hand.

With Ye Anxin's comfort, Su Mu chuckled silly, and obediently handed the fruit knife to Ye Anxin.

Seeing Su's mother handing the fruit knife to herself so easily, with an innocent and unsuspecting smile on her face, Ye Anxin was stunned!

At this time, she had already dared to be very sure that the mother Su in front of her was no longer the arrogant and powerful mother she had known before!

She is very sure now that there must be something wrong with Su Mu's mentality!

Ye Anxin threw the fruit knife into the trash can not far away with a complicated mood, smiled at Su Mu, and pointed to a resting bench not far away and said: "Let's sit down there and talk slowly. Come on! Don't get excited, let's say something slowly!"

She knew that Su Mu had a problem with her mentality, and she couldn't easily provoke her, otherwise it would be bad for her to do anything!

As a last resort, Ye Anxin had to perfuse her to delay time.

After sitting on the bench, Mother Su's head was still swaying slightly neurologically, and the hand holding Ye Anxin was trembling slightly.

Su's mother changed her hideous look just now, and pleaded: "Ye Anxin, Yue Xin really knows her mistake! She has already received the punishment she deserves, I beg you, you let her go! She has nothing now! , You have won, and you have got everything, just let her go! I'm just a daughter like her, I really can't live without her!"

Ye Anxin smiled gently and asked tentatively, "You tell me first, how do you know I am here? Have you started following me long ago?"

"I...I'm looking for Mu Beiting...I want to beg him...but I never see him every time, and he refuses to see me! I have been guarding outside the villa for two years! Yuexin suffers in prison, I feel uncomfortable, I want to save her! But...I can't do anything, there is no way...I...!" As he said, I remembered how miserable my baby daughter was in prison. It looked like Mother Su started crying all at once.

Although she was unfamiliar with Su's mother and didn't meet many times, Ye An couldn't tell what it was like to see the arrogant and domineering Su's crying so sadly.

After all, they are all pitiful to the parents of the world, just like she was able to kill people for Xiaobai.

Presumably, Mother Su couldn't stand this tremendous change. Seeing her daughter suffer, she was powerless, so she became delirious!

Ye Anxin sighed and said helplessly: "You go back first. I will try to talk to the uncle and see if the uncle is willing to let her out!"

Hearing this, Su's mother squeezed Ye Anxin's arm tightly, and said with expectation: "Yes, as long as you speak, it will definitely be possible!"

As a result, Ye Anxin couldn't help taking a breath because Su's mother tried to transition and was involved in the wound on her arm.

And this scene happened to be seen by Mu Beiting and Xiaobai who came out of the haunted house.

Mu Beiting furrowed his brows tightly, without thinking about it, he walked over in large strides, stretched out his long arms, fished Ye Anxin into his arms, raised his feet, and kicked Mother Su from the bench to the ground without hesitation. .

Xiaobai ran over immediately, took Ye Anxin's hand, and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

For the first time seeing him so caring and eager on Xiaobai's face, Ye An was moved in his heart, and hurriedly broke free from Mu Beiting's arms, knelt down, touched Xiaobai's face, and said softly: "Mom is okay. Don't worry, Xiaobai!"

Su's mother saw Mu Beiting, her eyes lit up immediately, she knelt and ran to Mu Beiting, hugged his legs, burst into tears, and said excitedly: "Mu Beiting, I beg you, let go Pass my daughter, let her go! She is better than dead now, so you can do it, let her go!"

"Get away...!" Mu Beiting coldly glanced at the hand that Su's mother was holding his legs, lifted his foot, and kicked Su's mother far away.

Mu Beiting exerted great force with this kick, directly kicked Mother Su far away, and then fell to the ground with all four feet upside down.

Su's mother who fell to the ground didn't seem to feel any pain at all, she sat up again, and wanted to rush to hug Mu Beiting's legs, but she was frightened when she saw Mu Beiting's sharp and cold gaze like Satan. He lowered his head and dared not make any more movements.

Mu Beiting clenched his teeth tightly, raised his foot and kicked towards Su Mu, but he was caught by Ye Anxin.

"Uncle, forget it! She's already like this, and she's got retribution!" Seeing that Su Mu was already so pitiful, and she really hadn't done anything to hurt herself, everything is what Su Yuexin said, Ye Anxin Feeling unbearable, he took Mu Beiting's arm, hoping that he could let her go.

Mu Beiting squeezed Ye Anxin's still bleeding arm, narrowed his sharp eyes into a line, and said displeased: "Did she hurt you?"

Ye Anxin nodded, smiled, and soothed: "Forget it, it's really okay, it's just a skin injury, she is also eager to save the girl! Forget it, let's go back!"

Mu Beiting turned his eyes to look at Su Mu, and sternly warned: "If you dare to harass her again, I will completely destroy Su Yuexin!" As he said, he took Ye Anxin's hand and took her away.

Ye Anxin was led by Mu Beiting and Xiaobai to the front, still couldn't help but look back at Su Mu.

I saw Mother Su kneeling on the ground not far away, her head down, her head swaying constantly, her mouth closed and her mouth closed, mumbling as if she was talking.

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