Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 466: : Being monitored!

Ye mother didn't even think about it, she just said, "If you don't leave, let's go! Anyway, from the beginning to the present, it is you who are hurting us! Without you, my daughter and I will still You can live a stable life!"

"You...!" Father Ye couldn't hold back the face that Ye Mother said, his old face flushed.

Mother Ye glared at Father Ye, too lazy to bother with him, took Ye Anxin's hand, and said nervously: "Anxin, let's say it, we will leave tomorrow, we will leave tomorrow!"

With the reminder from Ling Yueyue just now, Ye Anxinhe was much calmer than before, and patiently calmed down and said, "Mom, don't worry! Even if you have to leave, you must explain things here clearly! And, we must think about it. Where to go? When you decide where to go, I will find a place to live on the Internet, and then we will set off again! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a headless fly, bumping everywhere!"

Ye Anxin smiled and nodded, "Okay! Then you pack your luggage in the past few days, I will find a good place to live, and we will leave after everything is done!"

Ye Mu nodded repeatedly, and at the end she didn't forget to remind, "Hmm! Good! Three days, at most three days, we must go!"

"Yes!" Ye Anxin nodded and agreed.

Seeing that the two of them didn't care about themselves at all, they discussed and left. Ye's father narrowed his mouth and said aggrieved: "Hey, I really want to go!"

Ye Mu nodded and vowed: "Go! Definitely go! If you don't leave, you will keep it alone. Anyway, An Xin and I must leave here!"

"Uh...!" Ye's father Nunu mouth, wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just rubbed his nose sadly, and continued to watch TV!

"Since it's so decided, then I will go back first! After I go back, I will find a place online to see where we are going? After I find it, I will decide where to live! We will leave when everything is done!" Ye Anxin stood up and prepared to leave.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for your news!" Seeing that the dust had finally settled, Ye Mu was completely relieved.

Ling Yueyue and Ye Anxin had a full view of her emotions. They just glanced at each other tacitly and left after bidding farewell to Ye Mu.

Ye Mu kept sending Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue to the door. After they disappeared in the corridor, she closed the door and went back to the room to pack their clothes.

When the door was closed, Father Ye stopped watching TV, got up and walked to Mother Ye, "Hey, old lady, are we really going?"

"Yes!" Ye Mu didn't even look at him, and continued to walk to the room.

Father Ye catches up and continues to ask, "But, where are we going after living here for more than 20 years? A lot of years old, and going to a strange place in a strange place, what are you going to do? "

"I don't care about you, whether you love to go or not, anyway, I'm going with An Xin!" He said, walking into the room, and before Ye Father came in, he closed the room door forcefully.

"Crazy woman, I don't know what's going on!" Father Ye's mouth squashed, making himself boring, standing outside the door and rubbing his nose, returning to the living room to continue watching TV.

After leaving the rental house, Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue walked down the dark and damp corridor!

Fearing that Ye Anxin would fall, Ling Yueyue carefully held her arm all the way down.

As soon as they got out of the corridor, Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue walked towards the commercial car that had stopped not far away!

Not two steps away, Ling Yueyue accidentally caught a black car head emerging from the corner of the wall not far away.

She didn't think it was suspicious yet! However, when her gaze passed, the black front of the car was obviously shrinking back!

It was just a subtle thing, Ling Yueyue was sure that there was someone in the black car!

And that person is staring at them secretly!

The owner of the car saw that she found him, so he drove the car back a bit with a guilty conscience!

It was this subtle movement that made her more sure of her guess.

Ye Anxin didn't notice the slightest difference, holding Ling Yueyue's hand, worriedly said: "Yueyue, what's the matter with my mom?"

"Let's get in the car and talk about it!" Ling Yueyue took a defensive look at the black car, and took Ye An into the commercial car.

Until the commercial vehicle started to leave, Ling Yueyue couldn't wait to ask the driver, "Uncle driver, did you find the black car that was parked in the corner just now?"

The driver thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "Yes! Is it the car parked behind the corner?"

Ling Yueyue asked hurriedly, "Yes! That's the black car! Do you know how long it has been parked for?"

The driver answered truthfully, "I don't know! It seems we were there when we came! We were still there until we left!"

Ling Yueyue slapped her thigh and said excitedly: "That's right! I guessed it was right!"

"Yueyue, what do you mean by this? You mean, my mother was followed?" Although Ye Anxin is not as shrewd as Ling Yueyue, she is not a fool. Ling Yueyue has said so clearly. , If she doesn’t understand anymore, it would be stupid!

Ling Yueyue shook her head and explained: "It was not being followed, it was being watched! If I was right, before my aunt came to see us, she must have seen someone before, and that person forced her to leave Jincheng! And, I'm 100% sure, that person must have a strong background, otherwise, Auntie wouldn't be so scared!"

Ye An said angrily: "Who is it? Who is going to force my mother to leave?"

Ling Yueyue didn't panic, and analyzed slowly: "I want to know who it is, but I have to go to your uncle for help! Auntie just said that she must leave within three days! So, the person who forced her to leave was She gave her an ultimatum to her! Fortunately, she gave her aunt for three days! During these three days, you first stabilize your aunt, and then ask your uncle to find someone to investigate! With Beiting’s skills, It couldn’t be easier to check one thing in Jincheng! What's more, that person was too stupid, and he had to find someone to monitor his aunt here! Let Mu Beiting start from the person who is watching here, and he can immediately get the People will find it out smoothly!"

Ye Anxin nodded, "Well! Then I will go back and tell the uncle, let the uncle find someone to investigate immediately!"

Ling Yueyue nodded, and suddenly seemed to think of something. She took Ye Anxin's hand and said cautiously, "Anxin, promise me, no matter what you find out, you must be calm and calm! Don't be sad! fudge!"

Seeing her nervous look, Ye Anxin couldn't help rolling her eyes, "After experiencing so many things, what else can make me sad! Don't worry! No matter what happens, I will Not so stupid to do stupid things! I still have Xiaobai and Uncle!"

Hearing this, Ling Yueyue nodded in relief, "Well! I'm relieved with your words!"

[Dear readers, sorry! Update today is late! Three chapters will be updated first, and another chapter will be updated after I have lunch! Don't worry, everyone! muah! (*^__^*)】

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