Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 467: :Investigate clearly

Ye Anxin looked at Ling Yueyue suspiciously, and asked tentatively, "Yueyue, do you know something? Otherwise, why did you say this suddenly?"

Ling Yueyue shook her head and said thoughtfully: "Of course not, I'm just guessing! Maybe it's just my crazy thinking! Anyway, you promise me not to do stupid things!"

I don't know why, An Xin is very firm in her mind that it is not Ye's father giving birth to a daughter!

Although it was her guess and has not been confirmed, she was almost 100% sure that An Xin was definitely not Ye's father's biological daughter!

However, she was also afraid that An Xin would not be able to stand the shock after knowing this, so she must be prepared in advance!

The more Ling Yueyue said this, the more disturbed Ye An's heart became, "What the **** is it? I'm talking about it!"

Ling Yueyue knocked her head and said impatiently: "Oh! What I said is just my guess! Anyway, you always ask your uncle to investigate, and it will be clear by then! It's just a matter of waiting! Only two days!"

"If you don't tell me, why are you hitting me?" Ye An narrowed his heart and gave Ling Yueyue aggrievedly.

Ling Yueyue relentlessly counterattacked, "Your head, you can't get rid of it!"

"Humph!" Ye Anxin snorted coldly, turned his head away, pretending to be angry and ignored Ling Yueyue.

Ling Yueyue looked at Ye Anxin's profile, and her thoughts changed unconsciously.

It seems that not only must Mu Beiting check it, she must also ask her husband Huo to check it! Mu Beiting didn't like to tell people about anything. She was scared. When An Xin knew about it, she wouldn't be able to stand the shock, and she couldn't appear in front of her to comfort her for the first time!

If she and Mu Beiting can know exactly what happened here in the first time, then they can give An Xin the greatest help at the most appropriate time.

Ye Anxin glanced out the window and said, "Yueyue, I will send you back to Huo's house first! Then I will go back by myself!"

Ling Yueyue shook her head and refused with a smile, "No! My driver is still waiting outside your house! I will send you back, and then take my car back!"

"Okay, then!" Seeing Ling Yueyue had said so, Ye Anxin didn't say anything, but ashamed: "Yueyue, I thought I would go shopping together this afternoon! As a result, not only couldn't go shopping. , On the contrary, these things happened, really sorry!"

Ling Yueyue smiled and patted Ye Anxin's shoulder, and comforted: "Oh! Who are we with whom! Originally, I just wanted to get together with you when I went shopping! It doesn't matter if you are together at your house too!"

Ye Anxin smiled faintly, then chatted with Ling Yueyue casually.

Until the driver kept telling them to send them back to Mu's villa, Ling Yueyue personally sent Ye Anxin into the house, and then she got in her car and left.

When Ye Anxin returned home, it was time for dinner!

After dinner, Ye Anxin, Mu Beiting and Xiaobai's family of three walked in their yard!

After the food in his stomach was almost digested, Ye Anxin took Xiaobai's hand and sent him back to the room.

Xiaobai stood at the door, looking at Ye Anxin reluctantly, but didn't want to go in!

Ye Anxin touched his little face and said softly, "Xiao Bai, why don't you go in? Do you want your mother to sleep with you again?"

Xiao Bai just wanted to nod his head, but when he received Mu Beiting's warning eyes, he changed his head abruptly, then turned and walked back to the room.

After Xiaobai entered the room, Mu Beiting took Ye Anxin's hand back to the room, took out her pajamas from the closet for her, and asked, "Why didn't you buy anything while shopping today?"

Ye Anxin suddenly held down Mu Beiting's clothes holding hand, and pleaded: "Uncle, I have something to ask you for help! You must help me!"

Mu Beiting turned around, staring at Ye Anxin with his deep eyes, frowning, and said displeasedly: "I don't like you using the word'please' in front of me!"

"...!" Ye Anxin was silent for a while, and then told Mu Beiting what had happened today.

The more I said it, the more ugly Mu Beiting's face became.

Ye Anxin hugged Mu Beiting and said sadly: "So, uncle, my mother is being watched and threatened! I can't let my mother be harmed! I hope the uncle can investigate for me who threatened my mother! I don't want to Leaving Jincheng! I finally returned to Uncle and Xiaobai. I don't want to leave you!"

Mu Beiting took out his mobile phone from his pants pocket and dialed a call.

The phone was quickly connected, and Mu Beiting said solemnly: "Go and investigate clearly, who the wife's mother has seen between one o'clock and two o'clock today! Tell me the result tomorrow morning at the latest!" , He hung up the phone.

Ye Anxin let go of Mu Beiting, looked at him gratefully, and said from his heart: "Uncle, thank you!"

"Fool!" Mu Beiting stretched out his slender hand, gently touched the teardrops on Ye Anxin's face, and continued: "Don't worry, I will take care of things! Take a shower first, and rest after washing! Tomorrow! There will be results in the morning!"

"Yeah!" With Mu Beiting's assurance and comfort, Ye Anxin was finally able to relax.

She knew that the uncle had always done what he said and did what he said! Since he said he would handle this matter, he will definitely handle it!

She won't worry if the uncle takes the shot!

Mu Beiting moved his mouth to Ye Anxin's ear, bit her earlobe, and whispered, "Let's wash it together!"

Ye Anxin's pretty face flushed, and Ye Anxin glanced at it, grabbed Mu Beiting's pajamas, and rushed into the bathroom without looking back.

At the moment when the bathroom door was closed, Mu Beiting's smile instantly disappeared, his thin lips pressed tightly, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of phone numbers.

After the phone rang a few times, the phone was connected, and Huo Yunmo's voice rang from there, "Bei Ting, what are you looking for?"

Mu Beiting said coldly: "Let your woman answer the phone!"

"Wait!" Huo Yunmo didn't ask anything, and directly gave the phone to Ling Yueyue next to him.

Ling Yueyue took the phone and said proudly: "Hey! Mu Beiting, I knew you would find me!"

Mu Beiting didn't waste time and said straightforwardly, "Say, what do you suspect?"

Ling Yueyue did not conceal anything, and directly said what she suspected, "I suspect An Xin is not her father's biological daughter! However, this is just a suspicion and has not been confirmed! Therefore, you still need to check and see. See if what I suspect is true! What Ye Father said today is too suspicious!"

"I know, I will investigate it!" After getting the answer, Mu Beiting quickly hung up the phone.

After hanging up with Ling Yueyue, Mu Beiting dialed another phone call out! I made several calls in a row!

[Four more finished! The heroine's life experience is about to be revealed, please don't worry! (*^__^*)】

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