Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 468: : Go to the South

When Yi Anxin came out of the bathroom, Mu Beiting's phone call was over.

Looking at Ye Anxin's dripping hair, Mu Beiting took out a dry towel, told her to sit on the bed, and said lightly: "I'll wipe your hair! Don't catch a cold, you are still pregnant with a child!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin faintly replied without saying anything. He sat on the bed obediently and let Mu Beiting wipe his hair.

Taking advantage of the time when Mu Beiting was wiping her hair, Ye Anxin asked casually, "Uncle, who on earth is threatening my mother? Why did she force my mother to leave Jincheng? My mother has always been very popular, never Offended anyone, who does not want her to be in Jincheng?"

A cold light flashed through Mu Beiting's deep eyes, his thin lips lightly opened, and he said warmly: "Don't think about it, you'll know when the matter is investigated!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded and continued: "Actually, I don't want to think about it. I'm just worried about my mother! She was very emotional just now, I'm afraid she will be hurt!"

Mu Beiting wiped Ye Anxin's hair while saying, "No! I have sent someone to protect her, she will be fine!"

Hearing that, Ye An couldn't help turning his head, looking at Mu Beiting in surprise, and couldn't say anything: "Really? When did it happen?"

Mu Beiting's complexion remained unchanged, and his complexion said as usual: "When you took a shower just now!"

Ye Anxin looked at Mu Beiting's serious face and was moved in his heart. He couldn't help but kissed his beautiful thin lips gently, then quickly moved away, hoarsely saying, "Uncle, you are so kind, thank you !"

Mu Beiting's eyes flickered, and he stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead, "Fool! Turn around quickly, I will wipe your hair!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin nodded, and continued to let Mu Beiting wipe his hair.

After listening to Mu Beiting's words just now, Ye Anxin's heart could not help but heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as the mother has someone sent by the uncle to protect her, nothing will happen. She believes in the uncle's instinct!

Mu Beiting has been gently wiping Ye Anxin's hair almost dry before getting up and going to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he came out of the bathroom, Ye Anxin leaned on the bed with a book in his hand and fell asleep with his head down! Because his head is tilted to one side, the corners of his mouth are even drooling.

Seeing her like this, Mu Beiting couldn't help but smiled slightly, and walked over gently, telling her that the book on her legs was removed, and then she was lying flat on the bed, and then covered with a thin cover. blanket.

After everything was settled, Mu Beiting turned off the lights in the room, walked out of the room lightly, and went to the study room next door to do business.

Mu Beiting was busy until two o'clock in Zero City before returning to his room, telling Ye Anxin to sleep with his arms in his arms.

When Ye Anxin woke up the next day, Mu Beiting was nowhere to be found.

Ye Anxin freshened up. When he went downstairs, he saw that the housekeeper was ordering the servants to do something, so he walked over and asked, "Housekeeper, how about uncle? Did you go out for a run?"

The housekeeper shook his head and answered truthfully, "No, Pete came to see Mr. before dawn today. Mr. went out to do errands. Mr. specially ordered that if Mrs. wakes up, she will have breakfast directly instead of waiting for him!"

"Oh! What about Xiaobai?" As he said, he couldn't help looking around, searching for Xiaobai's figure.

The butler smiled and said, "Little Master is in the study room! If the wife orders breakfast, I will call the Little Master down!"

"No, you order the servant to bring out the breakfast, and I will go up and call Xiaobai!" Ye Anxin waved his hand, said, and went up the stairs to the study on the second floor.


On the other side, Mu Beiting was sitting in his business car with a folder in his hand, looking down very carefully!

When he looked at ten lines and read all the documents, he sank.

Pete sat next to Mu Beiting and said earnestly: "President, this is the most comprehensive information that can be investigated so far! If you need to investigate more clearly, just take some time!"

"No need!" Mu Beiting closed the folder, his eyes clearly thoughtful.

Pete frowned and hesitated: "President, what should we do now? If you let Madam know about this, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear the blow!"

Mu Beiting handed the folder to Pete and said lightly: "Call the airline and take off to the capital immediately. I'll take a trip myself!"

"Yes, I understand!" Pete took the folder that Mu Beiting handed over, took out his mobile phone, called the airline, and then ordered the driver to go to the airport.

After everything was handled properly, Mu Beiting took out his cell phone and made another call to Ye Anxin. The call was quickly connected and Ye Anxin's sweet voice came from inside, "Uncle, where are you now?"

Mu Beiting said solemnly: "I have an urgent business trip to the capital, you and Xiaobai stay at home, remember, don't go out, ask the housekeeper to do anything!"

"Go to the capital! When will you come back!" Ye Anxin didn't worry about Mu Beiting's words at all!

She just instinctively felt that if the uncle went to the capital, maybe there was just a company business to discuss!

I used to run around several cities for official business.

"Tonight at the earliest, and tomorrow at the latest!" Fearing that Ye Anxin would forget, Mu Beiting could not help but solemnly exhorted again, "Remember, don't go out casually! Tell the housekeeper to do everything!"

Ye Anxin didn't think about the meaning of Mu Beiting's words, and she nodded her head obediently, "I know! You can go on a business trip with peace of mind! I will stay at home honestly with Xiaobai!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, then hung up the phone.

The driver kept saying that Mu Beiting was sent to the airport, and Mu Beiting and Pete went directly in through the VIP passage and boarded a private plane towards the capital.

After flying for two hours, the plane landed at the capital airport.

Mu Beiting and Pete got off the plane and took the exclusive reception vehicle of the Mu Group in the Capital Branch and headed directly to the headquarters of the Nanshang Group.

After getting in the car, Pete called directly to the office of the president of Nanshang Group.

After a short while, the phone was connected, and a vigorous voice came from inside, "I am Nan Mingchuan!"

Pete didn't talk nonsense, and directly reported his intention, "Hello, Mr. Nan, I am the chief assistant of Mu Beiting, president of Mu Group! Our president is now on his way to your company, and will be there in one and a half hours!" The implication is that our president will arrive in an hour and a half, and you must be obediently waiting for our president in the president's office!

The reason why he dared to speak this way is not only because this is Mu Beiting’s usual style of dealing with things, but also because Nanshang Group fell into an economic crisis five years ago, and their counterpart Huotian Group ignored them and refused to reach out. Help!

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