Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 469: : Don't harass her

Later, it was the Mushi Group who helped them tide over the economic crisis. In the past five years, although the Nanshang Group has begun to slowly regain its prosperity, there are still some things controlled by them!

Therefore, the president of Nanshang Group has always been polite to Mu Beiting and dare not offend him with any negligence!

The meaning of Peter's words is very obvious, Nan Mingchuan naturally heard it, and hurriedly said with a smile, "Then I will wait in the office for President Mu to come!"

"Thank you!" Pete hung up after thanking him.

After an hour and a half, Mu Beiting and Pete arrived at their destination!

When the two got off the bus, Nan Mingchuan was already waiting at the gate of the group. Seeing Mu Beiting walk in, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Hello, President Mu! I am honored to have the opportunity to meet you!" Nan Mingchuan stretched out his hand towards Mu Beiting.

When working with Mu Group before, he tried every means to meet Mu Beiting and couldn't see him. All the people who contacted him were from the company!

He never expected that one day Mu Beiting would suddenly appear in his company, and he could see this person with his own eyes! It's incredible!

Mu Beiting glanced coldly at Nan Mingchuan's outstretched hand, and walked over to the company directly!

Nan Mingchuan's outstretched hand stiffened, and suddenly felt a little unbearable.

Fearing that Nan Mingchuan would be angry, Pete hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook him back, and said with a smile, "Mr. Nan, I'm sorry, our president has always been like this. He has a cleanliness, so he never has physical contact with anyone, even if he touches his clothes. The horns won’t work, I hope you don’t take offense!

Being explained by Pete made Nan Mingchuan feel even more uncomfortable.

What is cleanliness, is he dirty?

Although I felt uncomfortable, my face was still smiling brightly, and he hurriedly said: "Haha, it doesn't matter, I have heard of Mr. Mu's deeds a long time ago, and I know him a little bit! So, I won't take it to heart! "

Pete still smiled and said politely, "Mr. Nan knows best! Let's go to the office and talk again!"

"Okay!" Nan Mingchuan responded with a smile, and then led Pete to the president's exclusive elevator.

Not long after, Nan Mingchuan took Mu Beiting and Pete to the president's office on the top floor of the Nanshang Group.

Because Mu Beiting is obsessed with cleanliness, Nan Mingchuan specially asked his secretary to go outside and buy a cup of coffee!

"I don't know why Mr. Mu came to see me today?" Nan Mingchuan sat behind the president's desk and looked at Mu Beiting with a smile, flattering.

Mu Beiting didn't say anything, motioned Pete with his eyes to pass the folder in his hand to Nan Mingchuan.

Nan Mingchuan glanced at Mu Beiting in wonder, and when he saw the contents of the folder that Pete handed over, the whole person was struck by lightning, sitting there for a long time unable to return to his senses.

Looking at Nan Mingchuan's expression, Mu Beiting said coldly: "Tell your lady, let her not harass my wife and my mother-in-law, otherwise, I will be very kind to her!"

Looking at the content written on the document, Nan Mingchuan couldn't help but flushed his eyes and said emotionally: "My daughter is An Xin, she is my daughter! I have been looking for a daughter for several years! It turns out she is really my daughter. !"

"No, she is not your daughter! Since you didn't want her twenty-six years ago, then don't disturb her in the future!" Mu Beiting left a cold sentence, stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that he was leaving, Nan Mingchuan hurriedly called him, "Wait!"

Mu Beiting stopped, but did not look back.

Nan Mingchuan stood up, took it slowly to Mu Beiting, and pleaded: "Mr Mu, I know you want to protect Anxin! But, I am her father, I will not hurt her! I'm just simple I want to recognize her as a daughter! My other daughter, Jian Si, died ten years ago, and An Xin is now my only daughter. How can I let her live out!"

"Your family's affairs have nothing to do with me. I just want to warn you not to harass my wife, especially your lady!" As he said, he walked towards the door again.

"Mr. Mu, I know you care about peace of mind! But, she is my daughter, she has the right to know the truth, you can't make all decisions for her without hiding her! Do you think you are good to her? You are so sure She doesn’t want to go back to Nan’s house or her biological father? An Xin, she has the right to know the truth and have the right to choose. You can’t make any decisions for her!” Seeing Mu Beiting’s attitude so determined, as a last resort, Nan Mingchuan I had to shout to Mu Beiting's back.

Hearing that, Mu Beiting's steps to the door stopped obviously! Then he opened the door and left without looking back.

Seeing Mu Beiting's departure, Pete calmly said, "Mr. Nan, you'd better listen to Mr. Mu's words! You also know that your Nan family is now suffering from the enemy. Without the support of our Mu Group, you may be in a difficult situation! , Don’t do things like pebbles and rocks! Otherwise, you will regret it!"

Nan Mingchuan red eyes and said sadly; "However, An Xin is now my only daughter, the hope of our Nan family, and the only root of me in Nan Mingchuan! How can I pretend to be completely ignorant when I know her !"

"Then it depends on how you weigh the weight!" As he said, Pete didn't linger much and left with Mu Beiting.

Looking at the empty office and the open office door, Nan Mingchuan only felt black in front of him, his legs softened, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

daughter! His daughter! He is now the only daughter in Nan Mingchuan!

Ten years ago, after his baby girl Jane died, he started looking for her! After looking for a full ten years, he didn't expect that he would know the situation of his daughter in this situation.

Five years ago, at Huo Junmo's wedding, the first time he saw An Xin, he had a familiar feeling! After that, he also secretly sent someone to investigate!

However, nothing was investigated! Thinking about it now, he finally knew why he couldn't investigate anything!

Because Mu Beiting protected Ye Anxin so well, it was almost airtight, and he couldn't even investigate the relationship between the two of them! If it weren't for Mu Beiting to confess now, he wouldn't know that his other daughter actually married Mu Beiting.

Thinking of this, Nan Mingchuan couldn't help but walked to the back of the desk again, picked up the folder that Pete had left on it, picked it up and looked at it again. When he saw the content on it, he narrowed his eyes and picked up the phone to dial. A phone call passed.

After a while, the call was connected!

Nan Mingchuan said in a bad tone: "Where are you now? Are you in Jincheng?"

There was a stuttering voice on the phone, " did you know?"

"Get me back right away, right away!" He just hung up the phone.

He now understands why he can't investigate the results of An Xin! Among them, Mu Beiting's protection is not to mention, she must have moved a lot of hands and feet!

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