Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 480: : Ye father's exception

Ye Anxin patted Ling Yueyue's hand, and comforted: "Yueyue, don't worry! You are such a good person, God won't treat you badly! I think you did everything I would never have thought that one day I will marry Huo Yunmo! Look at how good your husband Huo treats you! It makes me envy, jealous and hate!"

"That is! All my happiness is achieved by myself! If nothing else, our Mr. Huo is really good to me, nothing to say! I never knew that I would have such a happy day! "When Huo Yunmo was mentioned, the sadness on Ling Yueyue's face disappeared, and she became radiant! It is a brilliance that satisfies happiness.

Seeing that Ling Yueyue was finally no longer shrouded in the haze, Ye Anxin sighed in relief, not daring to take care of the past that would make Ling Yueyue sad, and said instead: "Just happy! Let's work hard together. The better you go!"

Ling Yueyue poked Ye Anxin's forehead hard, and said without annoyance: "Okay, when did you become so emotional! We came out to buy clothes for your uncle and Xiaobai, you say so Going down, it's getting dark! If you don't buy clothes, be careful that your Xiaobai ignores you!"

"Okay, I know! Let's go! Let's look at the clothes!" Ye Anxin grinned, seeing that there were no clothes in the store that he was satisfied with, so he took Ling Yueyue's hand out of the store and went back in again. A shop.

The two took a break from shopping, and at noon they ate at the top-floor restaurant of the shopping mall.

By the end of the afternoon, both of them had achieved great feats. Ye Anxin bought a lot of clothes for Xiaobai and Mu Beiting, especially Xiaobai. In autumn, even if they wear one piece every day, they seem to wear it or not!

Ye Anxin bought a lot, and Ling Yueyue was not much better than her!

He carried all the clothes of Tiantian and Huo Yunmo!

Since marrying Huo Yunmo, she hasn't worked. Every day she is bored and shopping, so she has become a veritable prodigal wife! And Huo Yunmo's supplementary card also has no bottom line, let her swipe it!

Now, she is not at all soft when she buys things, and she feels very fulfilled if she doesn't even buy a thing! It's totally different from when I was a part-time worker, I was afraid that I would have no money to eat after buying things, and no money to send back to the countryside to my parents and younger siblings!

Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue seem to have made an appointment, and they are desperately swiping their cards and shopping together! In the end, I couldn't hold it in my hand, so I asked the clerk to deliver the goods to the door and deliver the things they bought to the house.

After some shopping, the two of them panted tired and sat down on the bench to rest.

Ling Yueyue panted and fanned herself with her hands, "Ye Anxin, you really hate you! Spending your uncle's money is really not soft at all! Don't you know it hurts?"

Ye Anxin gave her a white look, and said with no good air: "Talk about me! You are not the same!"

Ling Yueyue sighed exaggeratedly, and said helplessly: "Oh! No way, the habit I have cultivated over the past five years can't be changed. If I don't go out to buy something every day, I can't find my own existence! It's just a low life. When I worked day and night, I felt very bitter, so I thought that one day I would be able to live the life of a master! Now I have done it, but I feel that the previous days have a different taste! Oh! Yes! When I did, I despised myself!"

Ye Anxin pursed her lips and teased: "You are a disease of wealth and wealth. Just get used to it! If it doesn't work, find a job to pass the boring time! You are not the same as me, I can live without it, even if I stay alone all day long. At home, one book is done! I know you, you can’t be idle!"

Ling Yueyue said indifferently, "It's impossible to find a job! I'm going to find a shop and start a small business. I don't want to make a lot of money, I just hope to pass the time!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Anxin's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly: "Really? Is there a plan? What kind of shop?"

"I...!" Ling Yueyue was about to answer! As a result, before the words could be spoken, Ye Anxin's mobile phone in his pants pocket rang desperately.

Ye Anxin took out her cell phone and took a look at the caller ID. Seeing that it was Ye's mother, she answered the phone, "Mom, what can I do?"

Mother Ye hesitated for a while before she said: "An Xin! What are you doing? Are you busy?"

Ye Anxin shook his head, "Not busy! What's the matter?"

Mother Ye was silent for a moment, and Fang said again, "Then what! Since you are all back, when you have time, take Xiaobai to the house for a meal! Five years, I have never sat down with Xiaobai to eat. Meal! If he is not used to the environment of our home, we can go out to eat! Your dad also said that he is our grandson and our only grandson anyway, and we have to meet him anyway!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin readily agreed, "Yes! I'll go back and talk to Xiaobai, and then set a time, let's go out for a meal together! It's my negligence. I didn't know how to bring my child back so long. See you for nothing!"

"Really? Then I'll wait for your good news!" After speaking, he hung up with joy.

Ling Yueyue and Ye Anxin sat next to each other. When Ye Anxin answered the phone, she deliberately raised her ears and moved closer to her phone! At such a close distance, the conversation between Ye Anxin and Ye Mu naturally heard every word!

When Ye Anxin put away the phone, she took out her ears and said with a smile, "Your dad took the wrong medicine, so he still knows that Xiaobai is his grandson? In the past five years, I have visited my aunt, I Isn't that what I heard from his mouth?"

The reason why she said so is not completely unreasonable!

Five years ago, since Ye Anxin's disappearance, I replaced Ye Anxin and went to see her father and mother whenever I had time, because she and Ye Anxin grew up together, and Ye mother took her like a daughter!

Ye Anxin is gone, she can't bear to see Ye mother alone and helpless, every time she visits her, she will bring her a lot of things, and will give her living expenses!

Although she didn't want it every time, she would secretly put it under her pillow.

She went more often, and she knew Ye's father's attitude towards Xiaobai!

Every time when Mother Ye mentioned Xiao Bai, or asked her to help him see Xiao Bai secretly, Father Ye would always disdain that Xiao Bai was not his grandson! From beginning to end, he has no feelings for Xiaobai at all!

Perhaps in Ye's father, he had never admitted that An Xin was his daughter, so he did not admit that An Xin's child was his grandson.

He didn't understand, what kind of medicine Ye father had taken wrong, he would actually say that Xiaobai is his grandson?

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