Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 481: : Withdrawn character

Ye Anxin shook her head, and said disapprovingly: "I don't know! My mother said that my dad has changed a lot in the past two days. Not only is he more diligent, he will help her with housework. , I didn’t go out and fool around with pig friends and dogs, it was like a completely different person! I was wondering, did my father discover it in his conscience, knowing that he had not fulfilled the responsibilities of a father and husband in the past twenty years, Want to make up now? And, even though I am not my dad’s own birth, in the final analysis, he is just a daughter like me, and Xiaobai is his only grandson. He will still depend on us in the future, so it is normal to change his attitude now. !"

Ling Yueyue held her chin with one hand and tapped her slender index finger lightly. He thoughtfully said: "Jiangshan is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change. Your uncle sent him to the gambling center for such a long time. I gambled, but his personality hasn't changed at all. He is still lazy and idle! Do you really believe that he will change overnight?"

Ye Anxin waved his hand and said innocently: "Oh! Human nature is good, let's think about everything! Maybe my dad really figured it out! No matter whether he is sincere or fake, she treats my mother well anyway. Besides, there is absolutely no need for him to be kind to us deliberately!"

Ling Yueyue poked Ye Anxin's forehead vigorously, then rolled her eyes, "You! It's too simple, thinking about everything is simple!"

"Okay, let's not talk, I'm hungry! Let's go back after eating! I promised Xiaobai to take a walk with him at night!" With that, she stopped talking with Ling Yueyue. Take her hand and lead her to the elevator!

Looking at Ye Anxin's profile, Ling Yueyue sighed in her heart!

She really didn't know how An Xin, who grew up in that kind of family, could have such a sunny, objective and cheerful personality!

In fact, she grew up in a much simpler environment than her, but her character is stronger than her. She sees many things very thoroughly, and never believes in nonsense about human nature!

She felt that personality makes a person, and she is 80 when she is three years old! Father Ye is already this age, how can he change his evil and return to righteousness?

However, after thinking about it carefully, she also felt that Father Ye had no need to pretend to be good to Mother Ye! What is his purpose? Cheating Ye Mu's money? It's impossible! Ye Mu's money has been given to him in this life. No matter where he hides the money, he can find it through the chests and chests. There is no need to cheat!

Did he really figure it out? Corrected the evil?

No matter how Ling Yueyue racked his brains, she just couldn't figure out the mystery.

When the two went to the restaurant on the top floor, Ling Yueyue called her driver, and when the two had finished eating, she went downstairs and got in her car and went home!

When he got home, Xiaobai had finished his dinner and was doing it on the rocking chair in the garden and staring at the door.

When he saw the door opened and Ye Anxin walked in, his eyes lit up, he jumped off the rocking chair, and happily ran towards Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin smiled and touched Xiaobai's head, "Xiaobai, are you waiting for your mother?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai blushed and turned her head awkwardly, not looking at Ye Anxin.

"Let's go! Mom will accompany you to stroll around in the garden. After digesting it, I can go back to the room to rest!" Looking at Xiao Bai's expression, Ye Anxin took him by the hand and led him to the garden.

She knew in her heart that Xiao Bai's character was very similar to Mu Beiting's, aloof, indifferent, restrained, but also very shy!

Every time when it comes to his heart, he blushes, and looks at other places embarrassedly!

Ye Anxin and Xiaobai walked hand in hand in the garden. Ye Anxin asked in confusion, "Xiaobai, where is your father?"

Xiaobai said truthfully: "Dad said there are some things to deal with, so I'm going to the study!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin faintly replied. After thinking about it, he asked tentatively: "Xiaobai, will mother take you to see grandpa and grandma someday?"

"Grandpa and grandma?" Xiaobai frowned! These four words are completely unfamiliar to him!

In the past five years, the only relatives he has come into contact with have been his father. Apart from his father, he is also his few good friends, Uncle Yan, Uncle Xiang, Uncle Huo, and Uncle Gu! Except for these people, he never knew his relatives!

Even my mother only met recently!

Therefore, he didn't even know that he had grandpa and grandma, and he had never seen it before!

Ye Anxin nodded and said warmly: "Yeah! Grandpa and grandma! That is, mom and dad! Xiaobai grows up so big and has never seen them before! Mom wants to take you to meet them! Grandma said she wants to be young White!"

Xiao Bai raised his head, looking at Ye Anxin, frowning, and tangled: "Is it necessary to see?"

Seeing Xiaobai's reluctance, Ye Anxin's heart twitched slightly, and said sadly: "Don't you want to see Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded according to his own heart!

Ye Anxin asked wonderingly, "Why?"

Xiaobai narrowed her mouth and said, "I don't like meeting strangers!"

Ye Anxin hurriedly corrected: "They are not strangers, they are Xiaobai's relatives!"

Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, of course: "People who have never met are strangers! Although they are related by blood, it doesn't mean anything! Only my parents are the closest to me!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Anxin was taken aback for a while, lowered his head and looked at Xiaobai's serious face, smiled reluctantly, and asked, "Then Xiaobai, have you seen your grandfather?"

"No!" Xiaobai shook his head and answered simply!

"...!" Ye Anxin quietly stared at Xiaobai's serious face for a while, sighed in his heart, and said helplessly: "Okay! Since Xiaobai doesn't want to see strangers, then my mother won't force you! My mother will. After you get used to it, I will take you to see your grandpa and grandma!"

Little Bai Nunu mouthed, lowered his head, and said nothing.

Ye Anxin touched Xiaobai's head and deliberately changed the subject and said, "Let's go! Mom will accompany you to stroll around in the garden, and accompany you back to the room to take a bath and sleep later!"

"Yeah!" Xiaobai nodded, and walked around the garden with Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin lowered his head, then the lights in the garden looked at Xiaobai's delicate little face, feeling helpless and sad!

The environment in which he lived since childhood has created Xiaobai's solitude different from children of the same year. Except for her, he doesn't care about other so-called relatives. No matter his appearance or personality, he is exactly the same as the uncle!

After all, Xiaobai became like this and has a direct relationship with her!

If she could stay with Xiaobai, maybe Xiaobai would not be like this at all!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin's nose was sour, and her eyes flushed unknowingly.

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