Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 482: : Uncle, thank you!

Sensitive Xiaobai seemed to perceive Ye Anxin's strangeness, and raised his head to look at Ye Anxin. When he saw Ye Anxin's red eyes, he hurriedly said: "Mom, is it me? Are you unhappy not seeing your grandpa and grandma?"

Ye Anxin hurriedly shook her head, wiped her eyes, and smiled: "No, no, Xiaobai, don't think about it!"

Xiaobai looked at Ye Anxin suspiciously, thought about it for a while, then sighed and said helplessly: "If you are really unhappy, then I will go see them!"

Ye Anxin squatted down and stroked Xiaobai’s fair skin, “Don’t worry, as long as you don’t want to, mother will not force you! Mom is not unhappy, but feels sorry for Xiaobai and feels guilty! If her mother didn’t leave you, My Xiaobai must not be like this today! It's mother's fault, mother shouldn't be so selfish!" Having said this, I couldn't help holding Xiaobai into his arms.

Xiaobai stroked Ye Anxin's back with distress, and comforted: "I have never blamed you, and you don't need to be guilty! Although you are not by my side, I am by your side!"

"Are you with me?" Ye Anxin let go of Xiao Bai, looking at him suspiciously.

"Come with me!" Xiaobai nodded seriously, took Ye Anxin's hand and led her back to her room, then opened the closet drawer and took out several sets of the top, revealing a drawer full of drawers. photo!

Ye Anxin squatted next to the drawer, looking at the drawers full of photos, his whole body trembled slightly, stretched out his hand, and took out those photos!

Seeing all kinds of self on the photo, tears could no longer be controlled.

"There's more!" I was afraid that Ye Anxin felt that there were few photos, and then opened the drawer next to it, took out the clothes covered outside, and revealed a drawer full of photos!

Ye Anxin looked at these photos, her lips trembling, and choked up, "Xiao Bai, these photos...?"

"These photos were taken by me personally, by my dad, and by detectives! In the past five years, whenever I missed my mother, my dad would take me to Seoul and sit in a black car to watch my mother secretly! Every time when my mother is not paying attention, we will take photos! When I get home, my father is busy and can't take me to see my mother, I just look at the photos! Actually, I have been by your side for the past five years !"

Xiaobai pulled out the tissue on the bedside table and wiped away the tears from the corners of Ye Anxin's eyes!

However, no matter how you wipe it, you can't finish it. In the end, it gets worse and worse!

"Black car?" Ye Anxin frowned, searching in his mind carefully!

Black car? Could it be the black car that she saw at the window after she was drunk?

Could it be that the uncle and Xiaobai were sitting inside looking at her, but she didn't even know that her own son was by her side!

Seeing that Ye Anxin's tears couldn't be wiped off, Xiaobai said nervously, "Mom, stop crying! You really don't have to feel guilty! In the past five years, you have not been with me, but I have been with you! What's more! , You often come back to Jincheng to look at me secretly! I know, you just love me in your heart!"

"Xiao Bai!" Listening to Xiao Bai's mature and sensible words, Ye Anxin couldn't help it anymore and hugged him into his arms!

She really owes him too much. In the past five years, she has paid so much for her uncle and Xiao Baiwen, but she doesn't know it. She hates him for five years and blames him for five years!

It turns out that in the past five years, they have never left and abandoned her, but she left and abandoned them!

The uncle obviously loves her so much and misses her so much. He would rather hide in the corner with Xiaobai to watch her secretly, and never explain to her, he would not take her home!

If she hadn't agreed to Professor Su's marriage proposal, I'm afraid they will remain deadlocked like this! The uncle will never bow his head all his life and let the butler lie to her to come back!

If it weren't for the child in the belly, the uncle would not be drunk, nor would he show her heartfelt feelings, they might not be able to untie the knot in their entire lives!

Her uncle, her little white!

She is sorry for them! It was her low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and distrust that made Xiaobai grow up without her mother for five years!

Seeing Ye Anxin's crying sadness, Xiaobai was at a loss, wanted to pat her on the back, but was afraid of excessive force, so she stiffened her hands on her back and blamed herself: "Mom, don't cry! I thought you saw The photo will be happy, if I know it will make you cry, I won’t show it to you!"

Knowing that Xiaobai was at a loss, Ye Anxin let go of him, touched the tears on his face, took a deep breath, and sobbed: "Mom, this is a happy cry, not sad! Mom is happy, happy that Xiaobai has not left her mother in the past five years. , I didn’t give up on my mother, and I was willing to wait until my mother turned around! Xiaobai, my mother really loves you!"

"Mom! I love you too!" He blushed as he said, and immediately lowered his head embarrassedly.

Amused by his appearance, Ye Anxin laughed while crying, and wiped her tears with her hands.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open! Mu Beiting's tall figure appeared at the door!

Xiaobai and Ye Anxin looked at the door at the same time!

When Mu Beiting saw the tears on Ye Anxin’s face, his good-looking brows were tightly frowned, and he strode over, pulling Ye Anxin's body squatting on the ground up and encircling it in his arms. Big hands wiped away the tears from her face, and said displeased: "Xiao Bai made you cry?"

Fearing that Mu Beiting would blame Xiaobai, Ye Anxin shook his head and denied, "No, no! Not him! It's me!"

"Why are you crying suddenly?" Mu Beiting frowned tighter, obviously not believing her.

Ye Anxin pursed her lips and held back her tears. She stood on her tiptoe and pressed a kiss on Mu Beiting's beautiful thin lips with her teary red lips. He choked and said, "Uncle, thank you for not giving up on me! Give me back Teach a son who is so sensible and obedient!"

Mu Beiting stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the place where Ye Anxin had just kissed, and his brows were twisted tightly into the word'chuan', "Salty! I don't like it!"

"Puff...!" Ye Anxin couldn't help laughing out loud, squinting his eyes with tears and smiling, "Uncle, although this is salty, it is sweet in my heart! Really, I am very sweet in my heart. , It’s never been so sweet! If it weren’t for Xiaobai to tell me, I don’t know yet, you have paid so much for me in the past five years!"

When Mu Beiting heard the words, his sharp eyes swept towards Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai took a step back instinctively and stared at Mu Beiting warily.

Ye Anxin cupped Mu Beiting's handsome face with both hands, forced his face to face him, and then stood on his toes and kissed his lips!

At the moment her red lips kissed Mu Beiting's thin lips, Xiao Bai lowered her head consciously.

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