Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 490: : Order a baby kiss

Just as everyone was chatting, Yan Chuxia suddenly jumped from the chair and walked to Xiao Bai's side, handed the roasted chicken wings to him, and said, "Bai Brother, I baked this, for you to eat!"

Xiaobai glanced at the chicken wings that had been scorched by Yan Chuxia, her mouth squashed, and contemptuously said, "No! Dirty!"

Hearing this, Yan Chuxia's eyes immediately turned red, and he said aggrieved: "I baked this by myself!"

Xiaobai tilted his head, with a firm attitude, "No!"

Yan Chuxia didn't give up, struggling for the last time, "If you don't want me to bake, who will bake you? You don't do it yourself!"

Xiaobai didn't even look at her, and naturally said, "I want my mother to bake it!"

Yan Chuxia couldn't hold it anymore, tears filled his eyes, and he was about to fall aggrieved.

Ye Anxin sat next to him and couldn't stand it anymore. She gave Xiaobai a fierce look, and said displeased: "Xiaobai, you must be polite. This is what people want in early summer. How can you say that! Hurry up and take it. , Say thank you! Otherwise, I won’t bake you today, I will leave you hungry!"

Seeing that Yan Chuxia was about to cry, Yan Qinghan said distressed: "Smelly boy, Uncle Yan treats you not so badly. I can't help your mother to come back to you! You are so kind to my girl!"

Little Bai Nunu's mouth, did not speak, looking at the grilled chicken wings that Yan Chuxia was still stretching out in front of him.

Seeing Xiaobai shifting his gaze to his grilled chicken wings again, his eyes lit up, and he said with expectation: "Brother Bai, this is what people want!"

Xiao Bai's mouth narrowed, and he looked at Ye Anxin again.

Ye Anxin still stared at him warningly, and if he refused, she would be angry and ignore him.

Thinking of this, Xiaobai had no choice but to take over the grilled chicken wings that Yan Chuxia handed over.

Seeing that Xiaobai finally accepted his grilled chicken wings, Yan Chuxia immediately laughed happily, her round and big eyes were shining, and she looked very beautiful, even more beautiful than a doll.

Yan Qinghan sat aside and saw that the baby girl he was holding in his palm was so kind to Xiaobai, but he was completely transparent, and couldn't help but sullenly said: "You don't want to, why do you only bake it for your brother Xiaobai? What about your father and me? I have hurt you for almost four years!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Chuxia said with a stern face, and said solemnly: "Mom said, do your own thing yourself! You are such an adult and not a child, you have to eat your own bake!"

"...!" Yan Qinghan widened his eyes in surprise, and said angrily: "Since you are talking about your own business, why don't you let your little white brother cook it yourself?"

"He's a kid, you're an adult! You have a wife, he doesn't! It's only natural for me to bake him!" At this point, I didn't forget to squat my mouth and said with disdain: "If you want to eat, let your wife bake it. !" As he said, he sat on his stool again and continued to bake chicken wings.

After being choked by Yan Chuxia's words for a long time, Yan Qinghan's handsome face turned red.

Sure enough, the daughter was raised for others!

This is less than five years old, just because of a man talking to dad! When I grow up in the future, I will pay it off if I marry!

Does his father still have a position?

Sad, so sad!

Why is he so frustrated every time in front of Xiaobai! Compared with Xiaobai, he became a piece of grass in her daughter's mind! sad!

Yan Qinghan narrowed his mouth, looking sadly at his wife Guan Nuannuan!

Unexpectedly, Guan Nuannuan not only didn't have a word of comfort, but rather said with no face: "Okay, eat your chicken wings! Be jealous with Xiaobai, you are not afraid of shame!"

Seeing that his wife was not on his side, Yan Qinghan aggrievedly put the freshly roasted chicken wings to his mouth and took a bite.

As a result, before he had time to swallow it, he immediately spit out, sticking out his tongue, and constantly fanning his tongue, "It's hot, so hot!"

When Guan Nuannuan and Yan Chuxia saw this, they showed contemptuous eyes at the same time. Yan Chuxia don't hold back and said with disdain: "Dad, you are really embarrassing. You are not as good as Brother Xiaobai. Look at Xiaobai. Brother, how mature and stable!"

Seeing Yan Chuxia upholding Xiaobai so much, Ling Yueyue on one side couldn't help it, and asked, "Chuxia, is your Xiaobai brother so perfect in your mind? He has no shortcomings?"

Yan Chuxia raised his chin high, and said proudly: "Of course not, my little white brother said the most perfect!"

Seeing Yan Chuxia's proud look, everyone present couldn't help but laugh!

Ling Yueyue pretended to sigh helplessly, and shook her head, "Ah! Yan Qinghan, your daughter is too old to help her father! Your daughter said she was completely deceived by Xiaobai! I think you can fulfill your daughter, order them Baby, let them get married when they grow up!"

Although she is only four years old, she also knows what marriage is! Getting married is just like your own parents, you can live together in the future, meet every day, and do some shameful things!

Thinking of this, Yan Chuxia blushed at the thought of being able to marry the Prince Charming in his mind, and embarrassed her head down, with a shy look on her face.

Unfortunately, before Yan Chuxia had time to be happy, he heard Xiaobai refuse without hesitation, "No! I definitely don't want to marry her! She is a little girl, and she is too young, I don't want it!"

Hearing this, Yan Chuxia looked at Xiao Bai with a grieved expression, and said with red eyes: "Brother Bai, don't you like me?"

Xiaobai turned his head, did not answer, but he also admitted directly.

Yan Qinghan is not happy to see her daughter being wronged!

Although he was angry just now for his daughter’s misbehavior towards Xiaobai, but in the final analysis, he still said his daughter, the daughter he grew up with in his hands. The most unbearable thing is to see the daughter who was wronged, busy and angry. "Hey, Mu Shaobai, what's wrong with my little boy, why is it not worthy of you, so you dislike it?"

Xiaobai said frankly: "If you don't like it, you don't like it, there is no why! There were so many women around Uncle Yan, why did you choose Aunt Guan?"

Hearing Xiaobai mentioning his former woman, Yan Qinghan suddenly slumped again, his tongue stuck in his throat, who was always good at speaking, couldn't get a word out for a long time.

You know, the most annoying thing about his baby is his past **** image, every time he mentions it, he has no good fruit!

This Mu Shaobai said deliberately, and deliberately said so, so that he could go home and kneel to durian! Damn little thing, it's even darker than his father! Full of ghost ideas, bad-hearted.

I really don't know how his daughter would fall in love with such a master. If she really marries him in the future, wouldn't she be eaten to death? Thinking about and the baby girl always looks like a bag, he is heartbroken!

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