Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 491: : The two disappointed father and son

Seeing Yan Qinghan deflated, Ling Yueyue was overjoyed, and smiled and asked Yan Chuxia, "Chu Xia, why do you like Brother Bai? Where is he? On his appearance, My family is not worse than him every day?"

"Brother Bai is really the best in my mind. No one can compare it! I just like my brother Bai!" Although Brother Bai has hurt her thousands of times, her feelings towards him will not change at all.

Ling Yueyue sighed in her heart, sighing for the precociousness of the children now, and said at the same time: "Oh! Xiaobai, since early summer is crazy about you, I think you will go! Her family is powerful, and You are right, very good!"

Xiaobai still squeezed his mouth in disdain and didn't answer anything.

Although Xiaobai showed a cold expression to Yan Chuxia from beginning to end, he was extremely unwelcome to see! But in the end it can't affect Yan Chuxia's enthusiasm for Xiaobai in the slightest! Still happy to wait on! Before she was thirsty, the water passed over, and as soon as she finished eating the food in her hand, she passed over the food she had just baked.

Throughout the whole process, Yan Chuxia said that Xiaobai was very busy.

All the people present were all unpleasant, and they didn't seem surprised at all!

On the contrary, Yan Qinghan could not be abused by Yan Chuxia, but when he saw that his daughter did not want to be a man, he still said that he was distressed, but he did not dare to say anything.

Only Ye Anxin was completely confused!

She really saw this scene for the first time!

She didn't even know that her baby son could actually allow Yan Qinghan's baby daughter to follow him desperately!

When did this happen, and why did she have not heard anyone say after coming back so long?

Seeing her making a fuss, Ling Yueyue gnawed chicken wings while explaining, "An Xin, let me tell you, Yan Chuxia, this girl doesn't know what's going on, she likes playing with him since the first time I saw Xiaobai. Later, when I knew how to walk, I always ran behind him! No matter what Xiaobai did to her, she followed him desperately! At the beginning, I always liked to run to your house! Then I went to kindergarten , It's better! After a long time, you will slowly get used to it! You see, we people have long been used to it! Even Nuan Nuan is no surprise! Only Yan Qinghan is still alone That's tangled and jealous!"

"Puff!" Ye Anxin couldn't help laughing out loud.

As the saying goes, the daughter says the little lover of father! Yan Qinghan loves his daughter so much, and he will definitely go crazy with jealousy when he sees her looking at other men!

Haha! Unexpectedly, Yan Qinghan would have such a day! It really deserves it!

Except for Xiaobai and Yan Chuxia, the rest of the children are very peaceful, even the youngest Diandian and Gu Yunhuan are sitting quietly beside their parents! Eating chicken drumsticks baked by their parents!

Among these children, the eldest every day, he sits quietly next to Tiantian, wiping Tiantian's mouth from time to time, taking condiments, and passing his baked things to Tiantian! The whole process was very serious and attentive! It looks like a big brother!

Seeing such a day, Ye Anxin raised his mouth with satisfaction! Happy for Yueyue!

Being able to truly accept Yueyue every day, treat Yueyue as her biological mother, and treat Tiantian as her own sister, there is nothing more happier than this!

At the beginning, five years ago, Tian Tian was still a little devil in the world. After five years, he has become a little adult!

Ye Anxin packed the roasted chicken drumsticks on a plate, and handed it to Mu Beiting, "Uncle, eat some! I specially roast some for you, I didn't even dare to put the chili!"

Mu Beiting glanced at what was on the plate, received it in his hand, and silently lowered his head to eat.

Because Xiao Bai already had someone in charge of Yan Chuxia, Ye Anxin didn't care about him, only roasting him and Mu Beiting!

Seeing Ye Anxin's ******** on his father, Xiaobai pouted, his eyes full of dissatisfaction and a strong sourness.

Feeling that Xiaobai seemed to be upset, Ye Anxin hurriedly explained with a smile, "Xiaobai, mother won't bake for you if you don't go to, look at someone in the early summer, if you don't eat it all by yourself, you can eat it all! How can mother rob her? You are being served, but your father is not! So, I will take care of your father first. You have fun with Chuxia!"

"Huh! It's all an excuse, just say that you like Dad and don't like me!" Xiaobai snorted coldly, turning her head angrily not to look at Ye Anxin.

"I...!" Ye Anxin felt aggrieved, how could he say he was partial! If she baked Xiaobai, it would make Chu Xiabu happy!

She didn't want Chu Xia to think that she was robbing her brother Bai!

Afraid that Ye An's heart would be uncomfortable, Ling Yueyue hurriedly comforted and said, "Don't pay attention to them! The kids just say this! It will be fine in a while!"

Ye Anxin sighed deliberately, don't say deeply, "Oh! It's hard to be a human being, it's even harder to be an incomprehensible person!"

When Xiao Bai heard the words, his body was obviously stunned. When he turned around, his handsome face was slightly red, and he immersed himself in eating something baked in early summer!

Knowing that Xiao Bai didn't blame herself anymore, Ye Anxin smiled comfortably, and continued to busy roasting Mu Beiting.

While everyone was talking and laughing, the lunch was finally finished! After everyone gathered for lunch, walked on the beach to digest the food in their stomachs, they put on some swimsuits and went to swim in the water!

Just like before, everyone went into the water to swim, the smallest face and Gu Yunhuan put on their underwear and went down. The Mu Beiting family of three sat motionless on the beach chairs watching them play.

Ye Anxin couldn't go on because of her pregnancy! But Mu Beiting and Xiaobai felt that the water was not disinfected and dirty, and they even disdain to soak with so many people! Therefore, no matter what Ye Anxin said and how to persuade them, the two of them said that they were determined not to continue.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade them, Ye Anxin didn't say anything, sitting with them on the beach and watching them play enviously.

Although Yan Chuxia was very happy in the sea, she would look at Xiao Bai from time to time, fearing that he would suddenly disappear.

"Oh! I'm starting to wonder now, who is right and who is wrong to ask you to come here! You are completely cold!" Seeing people playing so happily, the two father and son sat beside them with stern faces, a pair of out of place Apparently, Ye Anxin began to regret asking them to come and say they were right and wrong!

"An Xin, take the move!" As soon as Ye Anxin's voice fell, Ling Yueyue's voice suddenly heard excitedly! Before Ye Anxin had time to react, the whole person was showered over.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Anxin hadn't recovered from this period, and Ling Yueyue threw the river at her several times!

After being fluttered by Ling Yueyue a few times, not to mention that she was all wet, even Mu Beiting and Xiaobai who were sitting next to him were useless to spare!

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