Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 496: : Ghost Story

Yan Qinghan answered while helping to place the tables, pots, and pans, "Of course! We are all the proud sons of heaven who are accustomed to dignity and dignity, how can we set up a stove to make a fire? This kind of thing! Anyway, it comes with a generator, and of course you have to bring an electric rice cooker and an induction cooker! This way, cooking is convenient! I tell you, my baby is also a chef, and the craftsmanship is not worse than your sister-in-law! I will let her show you a hand later, Let you have a taste of her craft!"

Guan Nuannuan gave Yan Qinghan a look, and said embarrassedly: "Don't listen to him talking nonsense! Even if he doesn't dislike my cooking, my parents said my cooking is unpalatable, even in early summer! However, I often hear him say that your craftsmanship is good and you can cook good food! You can teach me more later!"

"No problem!" Ye Anxin readily agreed, and also helped wash the rice and vegetables!

Although she can't do the heavy work she can do, but this kind of easy work of washing rice and vegetables is fine for her!

For a family of five, the man is responsible for some mediocre physical work, while the woman is complicated to cook!

Because Lin Shengxia was born as a young lady, her fingers do not touch the sun, so she can only help washing vegetables or handing condiments when she never cooks!

Although Xia Yunmo is not a master chef, he can cook some simple dishes!

Because of their growing environment, Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue are better at cooking. Not only do they have many dishes, but they also make the best taste!

The other four people are all used to doing this kind of thing, their hands and feet are relatively agile, and after a while, all the dishes are sorted out and cleaned!

Because there are too many people coming, the amount of cooking is bigger!

Ye Anxin, Guan Nuannuan, Xia Yunmo, and Ling Yueyue worked together in a division of labor, and each copied a few of their own specialties!

And the men, after all the lifting things were done, they sat down and started chatting to pass the time!

Whenever they sit down and put a dish on the table, Yan Qinghan will sneak over to take a bite!

After working for a while, the meal is finally ready!

All the five families gathered around a big round table, holding the tableware and eating!

Lin Shengxia sat next to Gu Xingchen, looking at a table of delicious food, blushing, and said embarrassedly, "Everyone, I'm so sorry, I didn't help you much!"

Ye Anxin smiled and comforted: "It's okay! Everyone comes out to play, and the most important thing is to have fun. Cooking is just a trivial matter. With so many people working together, we can do it all at once!"

Gu Xingchen put her chopsticks into the bowl, and said softly: "Don't think about it, they are not such stingy people, eat more!"

"Yeah!" Lin Shengxia blushed, nodded, and ate slowly.

Tiantian sat next to Huo Yunmo and Ling Yueyue, and while eating, she said excitedly: "Mom, after dinner, what shall we do tonight?"

Ling Yueyue bit her chopsticks, tilted her head and thought for a while, "Why don't we tell ghost stories around the fire at night? I tell you, big night, in this wilderness, telling ghost stories is so exciting! Why! What? Do you guys play?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Shengxia instinctively hid in Gu Xingchen's arms, and said timidly: "Do you have to speak? I'm timid! I'm afraid!"

Ling Yueyue hurriedly said: "With Gu Xingchen next to you, what are you afraid of! Even if there is a ghost, he will protect you, don't worry!"

Guan Nuannuan on one side was also excited immediately: "I agree, I agree! I like ghost stories the most! Haha...Let's tell ghost stories around the fire at night! We often play during picnics in college! It's fun! "

Ling Yueyue looked at Xia Yunmo and asked, "How is Mrs. Xiang? Are you afraid?"

Xia Yunmo shrugged and said, "I don't care, it's up to you!"

"Then it's so decided! After everyone has eaten, cleaned up, let's light a fire and tell stories around the fire! Fortunately, feel relieved to pick up dry firewood during the day and come back!" The more I think about it, the more excited he gets, in order to enter the game quickly, Ling Yue Yue lowered his head and ate it gorgingly!

The few children present all stared at Ling Yueyue in a daze. Regarding what Ling Yueyue had just said about telling ghost stories around the fire, they seemed to be completely out of state!

For them, that kind of scene is unfamiliar. They only know that ghost stories are scary, but they have never heard of it, and don't know how scary it is!

Therefore, seeing Ling Yueyue so excited, they also had a glimmer of expectation in their hearts.

After everyone has eaten dinner and cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, the sky is completely dark! Everyone lit the fire and sat in a big circle around the fire!

Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue sit together habitually, Mu Beiting and Xiao Bai are on the left of Ye Anxin, Tiantian Tiantian and Huo Yunmo are on the right of Ling Yueyue!

Yan Chuxia naturally squeezed beside Xiaobai, and wanted to sit with Xiaobai!

Although Xiaobai frowned and looked impatient, he didn't force her to push her away!

Because of fear in her heart, Lin Shengxia hugged Gu Yunhuan in Gu Xingchen's arms!

Xia Yunmo was beside Xiang Qingshi like a okay person, Xiang Qingshi held her little son a little bit in his arms, and Xiang Xuelan was between their husband and wife.

After everyone sat down, Ling Yueyue couldn't wait to say, "I'll start first, I'll start first! You guys are so prepared! This is a very scary story!"

Ye Anxin gave her a white look, and said with no good air: "Okay, you talk first, and no one will grab you!"

"Then I'm starting! A long, long time ago, in a dark night, a person rushed through a graveyard. The breeze blew by, and the sound around made people's hairs stand up and their scalp slapped. It's here. At that time, he suddenly noticed that a little red firelight appeared in the distance." Ling Yueyue said while sitting with her hands, one by one, like a flash of fire!

Everyone listened to her carefully and looked forward to the next story.

"When he saw this firelight, the first thing he thought of was "wild fire". So he picked up a stone tremblingly and threw it at the light. I saw the light fluttering to the back of another grave. He was even more afraid. Then, he picked up another stone and threw it toward the fire, and saw the light fly to another grave. At this time, he was about to collapse. So, he picked up another stone and threw it at the light. At this time... …!" At this point, Ling Yueyue paused deliberately, blinking her mysterious eyes, looking at the few children who had shrunk into her parents’ arms in fright, deliberately lowered her voice, and said in a cold tone, "You Guess, what happened at this moment?"

Except for Xiaobai and Tiantian, the other children shook their heads at the same time and said with expectation: "I don't know!"

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