Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 497: : This is a cold joke

"Brother Bai, I am afraid!" Hearing this, Yan Chuxia was scared to nest her petite body into Xiao Bai's arms!

Xiaobai frowned and wanted to push her away! However, not knowing what to think of, put his hand on her shoulder and stopped.

"At this moment... I just heard the voice coming from behind the grave: "Damn, who? Pooping **** doesn't make people happy. A bag of cigarettes hit me three times! "The mystery was revealed, Ling Yueyue looked up to the sky exaggeratedly, haha!

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one smiled or talked, just like this quietly watching the exaggerated smiling Ling Yueyue!

Even the timid Lin Shengxia lifted his head from Gu Xingchen's arms and looked at her in wonder.

Just as Ling Yueyue was smiling, Xiao Bai's voice came abruptly, "This is a cold joke!"

Hearing this, Ling Yueyue's smile froze, and she lowered her head, only to realize that she was the only one smiling, and the rest of them were looking at her inexplicably!

Especially a few children, it seems that they didn't understand what she was talking about!

"Ahem...!" Ling Yueyue covered her mouth, coughed slightly, and said unnaturally: "Actually...I just...I just want everyone to have a good time! Ahem...!" , The little face reddened, and finally it almost buried her chest.

It's really embarrassing. Originally, I just wanted to frighten the cowardly children deliberately. I didn't expect...People were not frightened, but they lost their faces!

Xiang Xuelan looked at Ling Yueyue, blinked, and wondered: "Auntie, this is not scary at all!"

"Okay! Let me think about it again, I will find a terrifying person to scare you to death later!" Ling Yueyue dropped her shoulders weakly, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

Seeing that Ling Yueyue didn't have any scary stories, Guan Nuannuan hurriedly said excitedly: "I'm here, I have many scary ghost stories, I promise you will like them!"

Everyone is busy adjusting their mentality, looking at Guan Nuannuan with anticipation.

After the incident of Ling Yueyue just now, everyone was more courageous. They felt that their so-called scary ghost stories were nothing more than this, so they did not worry about the ghost stories that Guan Nuannuan was about to tell.

Guan Nuannuan raised a small face, and began to preach seriously: "Not long ago, a group of people went out for a picnic, just like we are now! They had a group of six people, three men and three women! As a result, in the middle of the night, they suddenly got up. It was a violent storm! Their tent was blown away by the wind, and all their luggage was soaked in their lives! No way, they had to carry their luggage on their backs, braving the heavy rain to find a place to temporarily shelter from the rain, and wait for the rain to stop. Afterwards, go home again at dawn! As a result, Huangtian pays off. On the way down the mountain, they suddenly saw an abandoned house! They didn't even think about it, so they ran in! It was a very luxurious house with a swimming pool in front of the house. But, such a big house is actually abandoned! The sofas and furniture in the house are all covered with white cloth, and the walls are covered with spider webs! There are also various oil paintings on the walls! Among them, there is a woman's. The oil painting was very lifelike. As the lightning flashed outside, they saw the woman on the painting. It was a long and very beautiful woman!"

As the story goes later, everyone listens more seriously! The whole heart fell out, and I can't wait to hear it all at once!

Even Ling Yueyue had forgotten the embarrassment just now, raised her head, and continued listening with expectation.

"That night, they lived in that house! They didn't understand why such a beautiful house, why no one lived, and why it was abandoned! And they always feel that they have a pair of eyes looking at them behind! Eyes, gloomy and chill, just like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month, they felt hairy in their hearts! For courage, the six of them, holding hands, surrounded the city and told jokes! At this moment, the door of the house Others pushed away from the outside! They were taken aback and thought there was something unclean! Guess, who was the one who opened the door and came in?" Guan Nuannuan said more and more quietly, and in the end, not only was the sound low, but inside It seems that there is still a hint of ghostly smell.

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads together, and their backs started to sweat!

"Brother Bai, I'm afraid...!" Hearing this, Yan Chuxia almost completely nestled in Xiao Bai's arms!

Xiaobai listened very seriously, and forgot to push her away, instead he hugged her tightly.

And Lin Shengxia was also scared and nestled in Gu Xingchen's arms, and buried her head in it!

Tiantian was also afraid, holding onto Tiantian's hand tightly!

I don't know when, Dian Dian has fallen asleep in Xiang Qingshi's arms.

"It turns out that the four classmates who came in with them were the four classmates who went camping with them! It's just that they camped in a different place! Seeing that they were their classmates, the previous six classmates breathed a sigh of relief! The so-called courage They also felt that it would be better to have a companion! So they hurried to greet the students to sit down! At this moment, a terrible thing happened! Four students came in and looked at the previous six students and asked in confusion," Are you not six people during the day? When did another one come! "Six classmates heard the words, touched their heads blankly, and replied, "We have always been six people!" Did you count wrong? ""how come? "So the four classmates counted them again, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... seven! When I heard those four students count to the number seven At the time, the previous six classmates shuddered coldly. You look at me, I look at you, and then turn back together and look behind them!... Guess what they saw?" At this point, Guan Nuan Nuan deliberately sold it again.

Hearing this, everyone was already in a cold sweat! The few women present couldn't help holding the hand of the man next to them.

"Dad, be afraid!" Tiantian hid in Huo Yunmo's arms in fear, and couldn't help but ask, "What did they see? Is there another person behind him?"

Guan Nuannuan sneered. In order to match the atmosphere, she deliberately darkened her face and said in one word after another, "They saw the woman on the oil painting! The woman had a pale face and hollow eyes, and she was wearing a white dress and long hair. On the shoulders, the corners of the mouth were smiling, looking at them coldly. Seeing this woman, the six classmates yelled and ran towards the door together! As a result, before they reached the door, the door was caught by the four who came in later The classmate shut it down! A terrifying scene happened at this time...!"

Having said that, Guan Nuannuan did not continue to talk about it!

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Ling Yueyue was impatient at first. Seeing her always lose her appetite, she couldn't help but urge.

[PS: Today’s update is complete! Tomb-sweeping Festival, Tu Tu is preparing to host activities, so many gifts! Don't miss it when you pass by! For specific matters, please refer to the top post in the message area! Or add a group to ask the administrator, the group number is: 232837388]

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