Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 498: : I want to sleep with Brother Bai

<!--The beginning of the chapter content--> "I saw, the four students who came in later, all of them changed their appearances, their facial features were crooked, and some of their heads had holes as big as the mouth of a bowl, and some The eyeballs all fell out, and there was a half of the arm missing, and one, the entire scalp was gone! It turned out that they died a while ago! In the storm, they rushed to find shelter from the rain The place was dark and the road was slippery. They accidentally slipped to the bottom of the hillside, and the four of them rolled off like this! The injuries on their bodies were left when they rolled down the hillside! Later...! "Speaking of which, Guan Nuan Nuan paused again before continuing, "Later, the six classmates never left the house! In fact, if they had one more person behind, they wouldn’t die if they didn’t look back. As long as we run outside with our heads down, we will survive! Sometimes, when you are alone, you will always feel that there are eyes around you looking at you! And this story tells us, when you When you feel that you have a pair of eyes looking at you behind your back, you must never turn your head, otherwise...otherwise you will become its substitute! It's like someone calling your name behind your back in the middle of the night, don't look back! Otherwise... You have become a dead ghost!"

Hearing this, all the women and children suddenly felt that they had a pair of eyes looking at them behind them, and their backs were cold!

Suddenly, Guan Nuannuan seemed to think of something, and thoughtfully: "We were originally a few people here! A total of 17 people!"

Everyone blinked and nodded at the same time.

Guan Nuannuan stretched out her fingers, and started counting one by one, "One, two, three...fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... eighteen...!" When he counted to the eighteenth, his eyes widened suddenly, and he counted again in disbelief. The result was still eighteen!

When she reached the number eighteenth for the second time, the women and children present stiffened their backs and screamed in fear. Instinctively wanted to look back, Guan Nuannuan hurriedly reminded, “Don’t look back. Look! Whoever looks back, whoever will become a dead ghost!"

Being so intimidated by her, everyone stiffened their necks and froze, how dare they look back.

The women and children were horrified to death, but the men showed a look of disdain!

When everyone was afraid to turn their heads, Xiao Bai turned around and looked behind him, her mouth squashed, and said with disdain: "All idiots! Where are the 18 people! How many people are there? understood!"

"...!" A red tide appeared on the faces of women who were ridiculed by a five-year-old child.

"Haha...!" It's only about Nuannuan. He couldn't help but laughed out loudly. While laughing, he said proudly: "You are all scared by me! Hahaha! It's really fun, your courage It's too young!"

Women, look at me, I look at you, secretly gave each other a look, and then looked at Guan Nuannuan's back in horror, with a panic expression on her face.

Seeing that he was smiling so proudly, everyone didn't react at all. Guan Nuannuan lowered his head, stopped laughing, and looked at them in wonder!

I saw that they were shaking, looking behind them in horror!

Upon seeing this, Guan Nuannuan only felt a chill running down the soles of his feet to his body, and all the hairs on his body were erected.

Tiantian hid in Huo Yunmo's arms, went out half of her head, and said cooperatively, "Auntie Guan, you... why is there one more person behind you?"

Guan Nuannuan’s smile froze, and she was scared to death, but she still insisted: "You don't have to scare me, I'm not afraid! There are no ghosts in this world!"

"Ah...!" Seeing that she didn't believe it, all the women jumped up from the ground very cooperatively and hid in their own man's arms.

No matter how daring, and don’t believe it, Guan Nuannuan couldn’t sit still anymore, shaking, grabbing Yan Qinghan’s arm, and stammering: "I...Is there really someone behind me?"

Yan Qinghan grabbed her upper arm, put her in his arms, gently touched her head, and said softly: "My dear, don't be afraid, they scare you! Nothing! Be scared! Even if there is. Things, with me, you don’t have to be afraid!"

After being comforted by Yan Qinghan, the fear in Guan Nuannuan's heart disappeared miraculously, she turned her head full, and looked behind her!

"Ha...!" As a result, as soon as I turned my head, I saw a grimace with no eyeballs and two blood hanging under the eyes appearing on me reluctantly!

"Ah...!" Guan Nuan screamed, and buried his head in Yan Qinghan's arms!

Seeing her trembling in horror, Ling Yueyue, who was making faces, couldn't help laughing anymore, "Haha...! See if you still scare us! This time I am scared!"

Listening to this figure, Guan Nuanwen, who was hiding in Yan Qinghan's arms, stiffened and turned his head again, only to realize that the ghost who had scared herself just now was actually Ling Yueyue posing!

At this moment, she was clutching her belly, leaning forward and backward with a smile!

"Smelly Yueyue! Let you scare me!" Turning off the heating, he jumped up and hit Ling Yueyue!

Ling Yueyue flew away like a rush, avoiding her fist!

By the fire, on the beach, everyone was talking and laughing, having fun!

Seeing the laughter they were playing, Xiao Bai couldn't help but curl his mouth!

Only then did Xiao Bai realize that Yan Chuxia had been nestled in his arms, and he was still holding her!

Xiao Baijun blushed and pushed Yan Chuxia away from his arms, standing up embarrassed!

Yan Chuxia was so pushed by Xiaobai that she was caught off guard and fell to the ground!

Yan Chuxia touched the painful little ass, her eyes were red, and she grieved: "Brother Bai, what are you doing? You hurt others!"

"Who let you stay with me, deserve it!" Xiao Bai's mouth was flat, and in order to prevent everyone from discovering her own strangeness, she turned around and found a place where the light was almost impossible to sit down.

Although Xiaobai was hurting just now, it was a pity that Yan Chuxia was still not discouraged. She got up from the ground, patted the dust on her body, and followed him again!

Seeing her coming again, Xiao Bai didn't leave, turned his back to her.

At night, everyone had enough trouble, enough crazy, enough fun! They went back to their respective tents to rest!

Xiaobai followed Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting to the RV. Just two steps away, he heard Yan Qinghan shouting not far behind him: "Small, why are you going! Where is our tent?"

Then there was Yan Chuxia's firm voice, "I want to sleep with Brother Bai!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Bai couldn't help but stop, and turned around, and saw Yan Chuxia holding the little rabbit, running desperately towards him with her short legs!

Seeing that petite fleshy figure drew closer, Xiao Bai couldn't help but twitched his mouth!

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