Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 499: : Sneak up

Yan Chuxia desperately ran behind Xiao Bai, holding the rabbit in one hand, and Xiao Bai's arm in the other, and said with a smile: "Brother Bai, I want to sleep with you tonight!"

Xiao Bai's mouth was squashed, and without thinking, he refused, "I don't want it!"

Yan Chuxia blinked Shui Yingying's big eyes, looked at Xiao Bai with a flicker, wondering: "Why?"

Xiao Bai pulled his arm back from Yan Chuxia's hand, took a step away, and said blankly, "Don't just don't!" He said, walking towards the RV without looking back!

Seeing Xiaobai resolutely left, Yan Chu Xia Yuan's big eyes were filled with tears, Chuchu pitifully watched Xiaobai go further and further, with a'wow' cry, aggrieved. Woo, Brother Bai doesn't want me to sleep with him, he despises me! Woo...he despises me!"

Yan Chuxia's miserable voice alarmed everyone, and everyone walked out of their tents.

Seeing her baby girl crying sadly, Yan Qinghan hurriedly ran over, knelt down, hugged her, and comforted her distressedly: "Small, don't cry! Our hearts are broken when you cry! Xiaobai, that stinky kid If I don’t sleep with you, dad sleep with you, OK!"

Yan Chuxia forcefully broke free from Yan Qinghan's arms, shook off Yan Qinghan's hand, and resolutely said: "I don't want it, I will sleep with Brother Bai, I don't want to sleep with you!"

"You girl, my dad loves you, but you hurt my dad fiercely! It's really worth raising you for nothing!" Although Yan Qinghan was heartbroken by her daughter again and again, but even more It's still distressed! I hate iron but not steel!

To be honest, any dad will feel uncomfortable when he sees his daughter defending such a stinky boy and dislikes himself! Especially those who are controlled by his daughter!

But what is the solution! Who made his precious daughter ‘love Xiaobai’ from the first time he saw him!

He will always remember that for the first time he brought his three-month-old daughter to Mu's house to play with Mu Beiting! As a result, the daughter cried somehow! He and the baby can't coax it well!

Unexpectedly, when Xiaobai, who was just two years old at the time, walked over, her daughter stopped crying immediately, her big watery eyes looked at him unblinking, and the look in her eyes seemed to be loving!

Since then, her daughter has started a slow path of "chasing her husband"! Always find all kinds of reasons to go to Mu's house, pestering Xiaobai for all kinds of reasons!

It's strange to say that no matter how indifferent Xiaobai is to her, she is persevering, and the more frustrated she gets!

It wasn't until I went to kindergarten at the age of three that this situation got better!

"I don't want you, I want Brother Bai!" Yan Chuxia said as she continued to cry, crying louder and louder!

This cry overshadowed the cry, and struck Yan Qinghan's heart again and again, making him feel distressed!

Shocked by her horrified crying, Xiaobai's long legs halted and stood stiff for a while.

Yan Chuxia thought he had changed his attention, wiped away his tears, and was about to run over with a smile, but saw that he moved his long legs again and entered the RV without hesitation!

Xiaobai left, and Yan Chuxia was really stunned!

She thought that her brother Bai felt very sorry for her, so she promised to sleep with her!

As a result, he actually left so mercilessly!

She cried so sad, he left mercilessly!

This fact once again dealt a major blow to her young mind!

"Small, let's go! Dad will take you home and go to sleep!" Yan Qinghan couldn't bear the appearance of her daughter being completely abandoned by his beloved man. Taking advantage of her daze, he hugged her back to his tent.

Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin held hands and watched Yan Qinghan take Yan Chuxia back to the tent before returning to his RV!

When they returned to the RV, Xiao Bai had already put hot water behind the curtain, ready to take a bath! Seeing them come in, I close the curtain!

Ye Anxin shook his head helplessly, and found himself and Mu Beiting to put on pajamas!

After the three took turns taking a shower, they went to bed each!

In the middle of the night, when Xiao Bai was sleeping well, she actually felt strange movement around her!

Sleeping Xiaobai was suddenly startled, and hurriedly opened his eyes and looked around! But I saw that Yan Chuxia had changed into a cute pink pajamas, nestled next to his single bed, blinking and looking at him with a big smile in Shui Yingying's eyes.

Seeing Yan Chuxia who appeared inexplicably, Xiao Bai frowned and said displeased: "Why are you here? Who allowed you to come in?"

"Brother Bai, they said I want to sleep with you! Look, I took a bath, and my body is fragrant and not dirty!" As he said, I didn't forget to stand up and stretch my arm under Xiao Bai's nose to give him smell.

When Yan Chuxia stretched his arm over, Xiaobai frowned and turned his head in disgust! Although avoiding her touch, he can still feel the faint fragrance of the shower gel, stimulating his senses!

"Brother Bai, can you smell it and see if my body smells good?" Seeing him avoiding, Yan Chuxia continued to stretch his arms under his nose unwillingly.

"No, go away!" Xiao Baijun blushed and waved her hand away!

As soon as he waved his hand, Xiao Bai knew that he regretted it, but the gesture could not be taken back, so he hit Yan Chuxia's arm abruptly!

After being waved so hard by Xiao Bai, Yan Chuxia's white arms were abruptly punched with a red five-fingerprint!

Feeling the fiery pain on his arm, Yan Chuxia's eyes suddenly turned red!

Xiaobai turned her head and looked at her. When she saw her eyes flushed, looking at herself with a grievance, Xiaobai's eyes flashed with a trace of complexity and distress!

"Brother Bai, did you hurt me?" Yan Chuxia reached out to Xiaobai with choking, and showed him the place that Xiaobai had just been hurt!

Xiaobai looked down at her arm, and when she saw her red swollen arm, the guilt in her eyes was even worse!

He was obviously guilty, but still insisted on his lips: "Who let you in, deserve it!"

"Woo...!" When he said that, Yan Chuxia couldn't control the grievances in his heart, so he burst into tears!

Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting, who slept next to Xiaobai by a curtain, woke up as soon as Yan Chuxia came in! Just in order not to hinder them, they have always pretended to be asleep deliberately, even if Yan Chuxia cried, they still didn't hear it!

They know Xiao Bai's character better than anyone else. Xiao Bai has a thin face and indifferent appearance. In fact, he still likes Yan Chuxia in his heart!

If they pretend to sleep, maybe Xiaobai will coax Yan Chuxia out loud!

If they come forward now, with Xiaobai's character, they will definitely turn around and ignore Yan Chuxia!

Therefore, they can only pretend to sleep and wait for Xiaobai to deal with it by himself!

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