Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 500: : Sleep together

Distracted by her crying, Xiao Bai finally shouted intolerably: "Okay, it's noisy, and let people not sleep!"

Yan Chuxia really stopped crying when he yelled at him like this, her little head twitched, tears hung in the corners of her eyes, and Chu Chu looked at him pitifully!

Looking at her like this, Xiaobai felt soft in his heart and couldn't help but blurt out, "Okay, I will let you sleep, but don't cry!" When the words were spoken, the whole person was stunned.

"I know that Brother Bai is the best, and loves me the most!" Yan Chuxia laughed all of a sudden when he finally agreed to let him sleep together, and then took him by the arm and pulled him to bed together!

Where did Xiaobai sleep stiffly, smelling the faint fragrance of shower gel from Yan Chuxia, a flush of red tide appeared on his handsome face inexplicably!

Nestled in Xiao Bai's arms, Yan Chuxia said happily: "It's been a long time since I slept with Brother Bai! It feels so good!"

Xiaobai frowned and said impatiently: "Sleep if you want, don't be long-winded!"

"Okay!" Yan Chuxia answered obediently, closed his eyes, and soon there was a sound of even breathing!

Feeling the soft fleshy little body in his arms, Xiao Bai's handsome face is even redder! Although he closed his eyes and tried very hard to go to sleep, he couldn't fall asleep anyway!

This evening, Yan Chuxia was sleeping well, but when she woke up the next morning, there were thick dark circles under Xiao Bai's eyes!

When Yan Chuxia opened his eyes after sleeping enough, and then got up from the bed, the first time he found his brother Bai beside him!

When he saw the red blood in Xiao Bai's eyes sitting by the bed, he curiously said: "Hey, Brother Bai, why are your eyes as red as a rabbit?"

"It's not you, the crying ghost!" Xiaobai's mouth was flat, and he didn't want to look at her. Wu stood up from the bed and went to the side to freshen up.

"Brother Bai, I slept so soundly last night! I have never slept so well! I will sleep with Brother Bai every day!" Yan Chuxia sat on the edge of the small white bed and looked at him with a smile. Full of happiness.

After listening to Yan Chuxia's words, Xiaobai's teeth brushing motion stopped, and the toothbrush fell from his hand.

Because he turned his back to Yan Chuxia, Yan Chuxia didn't notice his strangeness at all, and continued excitedly, "Brother Bai, after going home tomorrow, I will move to your house! I want to stay with Brother Bai every day. together!"

Xiaobai lowered his head and washed his face with cold water when he heard the words. Without paying attention to her, he went out of the RV in silence!

Yan Chuxia blinked her big round eyes and didn't understand what was going on! As soon as his buttocks moved, he slid off the bed, and chased Xiao Bai with his short legs!

Xiaobai got out of the RV and found Ye Anxin who was walking with Mu Beiting on the beach for the first time, and asked faintly, "Mom, when shall we go back?"

Ye Anxin turned around, and when he saw Xiaobai's red eyes covered with dark circles, he couldn't help covering his lips and chuckles!

It seems that this little guy must have insomnia all night because he hugged the beauty to sleep last night!

Ye Anxin smiled, squatted down, and touched Xiaobai's hair, "In the afternoon, I have lunch, and then I will go back after playing for a while!"

The little white board grinned and said unhappy: "No, I have to go back now!"

Ye Anxin frowned slightly, wondering: "Why?"

As soon as Ye Anxin's voice fell, Xiao Bai had not had time to speak, Yan Chuxia had already chased him with her short legs, and shouted loudly, "Brother Bai, Brother Bai!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Bai's face changed, and he hid behind Ye Anxin in a panic!

When Xiaobai hid behind him, Ye Anxin seemed to understand all of a sudden!

Yan Chuxia was wearing cute pink pajamas, blinking big round eyes, and excitedly said to Ye Anxin, "Aunt Ye, I just told Brother Bai that I want to live in Aunt Ye’s house, and I want to be with Brother Bai every day. together!"

"Mom, let's go back soon!" As soon as Yan Chuxia's voice fell, Xiao Bai took Ye Anxin's hand and walked towards the caravan!

"I'm with you!" Yan Chuxia hurriedly followed up when they heard they were leaving!

Seeing Yan Chuxia followed, Xiaobai stopped and made a stop gesture to her, coldly saying: "Stop, don't follow me! Otherwise I will throw you into the river!"

Yan Chuxia narrowed her mouth and said aggrieved: "Why don't I follow you?"

"There is no reason!" As he said, Xiaobai took Ye Anxin's hand and continued to walk towards the RV!

Yan Chuxia just stood there for a while, and then followed Xiaobai step by step!

Ye Anxin turned her head and saw that Yan Chuxia was still behind. She couldn't help shaking her head, sighing, and said helplessly: "Xiao Bai, as a gentleman, can't you know girls like this?"

Xiao Bai pursed her lips, did not answer, just continued to walk to the RV!

Seeing that Xiaobai did not answer, Ye Anxin simply stopped leaving. He pulled Xiaobai and squatted down to be level with him, patiently and softly said: "Xiaobai, we can't go now! The driver hasn't come yet! And, They said that after breakfast, we went to fly a kite on the beach. It’s rare for us to come here. Why don’t we go back like this! You must have fun! Besides, I think early summer is quite cute, she is not a scourge, what are you doing? So scared?"

"She is more terrifying than a scourge!" Xiaobai answered directly without thinking about it!

I don't know why, he just thinks that Yan Chuxia is scarier than anything! He is not afraid of anything, he is not afraid of going to the amusement park to play such exciting games, he is not afraid of such horrible ghost stories last night! However, he is truly afraid of Yan Chuxia now! Just want to hide away, the farther the better, and never see her!

Hearing this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but chuckled, and teased: "How could she be such a cute little girl more terrible than a scourge? Xiaobai, you are a brave man, aren't you afraid of fearlessly? ?"

Xiao Bai thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, "I don't know, she is terrible anyway!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said, "Then let's wait! Yesterday, I told the driver to come here to pick us up at three o'clock in the afternoon! Even if you want to go back, you can't go back!"

"But...but...!" Xiaobai blushed, lowered his head, stammering speechless for a long time!

Looking at his expression, Ye Anxin pursed his lips and smiled, "But what? Are you afraid that you will follow us home later in early summer?"

Xiaobai hesitated for a while, and finally nodded!

Upon seeing this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but laugh out loud! Reaching out and touching Xiao Bai's head, he said helplessly: "Xiao Bai, you are usually very smart, how come you can't figure out what happened in Early Summer!"

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