Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 513: : Saved

Ye Mu quietly stared at Ye Anxin for a while, then nodded gently!

Ye Anxin sighed in her heart, pushed Ye Mu's rice bowl toward her, and whispered softly: "Let's eat first, don't be hungry!"

Ye Mu nodded, lowered her head and started eating quietly!

Seeing Ye Mother who was eating silently, Ye Anxin shook his head helplessly, and lowered his head to eat slowly.

She knew that her mother's inferiority complex was brought out from her bones, so if she wanted her to immediately get rid of her inferiority complex, her enemy-first character, she could only do it slowly!

She just wanted her mother to be strong, stop being so forbearing and live a lifetime of luck!

If my mother could get rid of this problem early, she might have divorced Ye Shan long ago! Things will not fall to where they are today!

After Ye Anxin and Ye Mu finished their meal, they put the empty bowl on the ground!

Not long after, the door of the small room was opened again, and one of the two men who had just left walked in.

At the moment he opened the door, Ye Anxin stretched her neck to look outside, but she could not see anything except the endless blue sky!

The man glanced at Ye Anxin faintly, and warned: "Better give me peace! Here is the endless sea. Don't even think about getting out. Escape is dead. No one here can save you. !"

Ye Anxin smiled and asked, "Big brother, where are we now?"

"I don't know!" The man coldly dropped the three words, and left without looking back, holding the empty bowls and chopsticks.

Until the last moment when the man closed the door, Ye Anxin still stretched her neck to look outside! Unfortunately, as before, I didn't see anything!

In this way, Ye Anxin's mother and daughter cuddled together and didn't know how long it had passed. They could clearly feel that the ship seemed to have stopped!

Ye Anxin and Ye Mu looked at each other, and when they were wondering, the door of the small room was opened!

The two men who had been guarding them came in. This time they did not tie them or cover their heads with a black cloth bag, and directly pulled them up from the ground and walked outside.

Ye Anxin asked nervously, "Big brother, where are we going?"

"At the destination, disembark!" The man left without looking back! Then directly brought Ye Mu and Ye Anxin to the deck.

Since being locked up for so many days, this is the first time Ye Anxin has seen sunshine and smelled fresh air!

After arriving on the deck, Ye Anxin was the first to observe the surrounding environment!

It turned out that they were not on a steamer, but a medium-sized fishing boat, and they were kept in a small room in the innermost part of the fishing boat!

Opposite the fishing boat is a pier made of cement! On the other side of the pier is a sparsely populated concrete road.

Ye Anxin asked vigilantly, "Where is this?"

"Africa!" The man coldly dropped the two words, and then, together with another man, restrained one by one, and pulled them to the dock.

Because of fear, Mother Ye's body was trembling slightly, except for she bowed her head and wept, she did not even dare to breathe!

Compared with Ye Mu, Ye Anxin is much calmer, and while following to the dock, he observes the surrounding environment calmly!

As a result, before they had time to set foot on the dock, numerous helicopters suddenly appeared above the sky!

The roar of the helicopter attracted the attention of everyone on board, and everyone raised their heads and looked up!

The helicopter stopped directly above the dock and above the fishing boat.

Immediately afterwards, a ladder was placed on each helicopter, and several tall figures slowly descended from above, and successfully landed on the ground.

Seeing these people coming down from the helicopter, the corners of Ye Anxin's eyes became wet!

Because she saw a figure she couldn't be more familiar with--

Uncle, her uncle.

The uncle is here, she waited so many days, the uncle did not disappoint her, he really came! Still appeared in front of her in this way!

Every time she is in danger, the uncle can always show up for the first time!

Seeing Mu Beiting's tall and familiar figure, Ye Anxin couldn't help it anymore, tears streaming down her eyes.

Seeing Ye Anxin's tears, Mu Beiting walked over in three and two steps!

Seeing Mu Beiting approaching, the two men who restrained Ye Anxin and Ye Mu hurriedly pulled them behind and blocked them in front of them, preventing Mu Beiting from approaching.

"Looking for death!" Mu Beiting's thin lips pressed tightly, and he spit out two words coldly, and then kicked hard with his long legs, directly kicking the man who clamped Ye Anxin's belly!

Wearing black leather shoes, Mu Beiting exerted great strength again, kicked up, and the man was kicked and flew out. Because of inertia, Ye Anxin was also taken out!

When Ye Anxin was almost taken flying out, Mu Beiting stretched out his long arm, took Ye Anxin's other arm, and carried her into his arms. In the next second, Ye Anxin's petite figure fell into Mu Beiting's arms.

At the moment when he fell into a familiar embrace, Ye Anxin's tears could no longer be controlled, like broken pearls, desperately falling down, "Uncle, you are finally here! I know you will come! You won't Regardless of mine!"

Seeing Ye Anxin crying, Mu Beiting's expression became even more ugly. His strong arms held the person in his arms tightly, and his sharp and cold eyes looked coldly at the other person holding Ye Mother.

When his sharp eyes swept over, the man who clamped Ye Mu instinctively let go of Ye Mu and stepped back.

After being kicked by his companion, he didn't dare to look down upon the man in front of him! This man is too cruel, he doesn't look burly, but with a kick, he is more powerful than several burly men!

He just took money to do things, but didn't want to be kicked to death by him.

"Grab them!" Following Mu Beiting's order, the people who had just come out of the helicopter with Mu Beiting rushed up.

The man who let go of Ye's mother saw them approaching, stepping back, his body trembling slightly because of fear, "Don't come here, we just take money to do things, this matter has nothing to do with us! We don't know that these two women are What identity!"

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, he couldn't change the situation.

Seeing that they did not waver, the man was forced to the edge of the boat step by step, looking at the azure blue water below the boat, the man gritted his teeth, jumped off the boat without hesitation, and was submerged in the sea.

"I want to see people in life, and corpses in death!" With Mu Beiting's order, only three people remained on the shore, and all the others jumped into the sea.

The other three people who remained on the shore walked over and **** the man who was knocked out by Mu Beiting.

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