Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 514: : Afterwards

Mu Beiting gently and tenderly stroked Ye Anxin's back, softly soothing: "Don't be afraid, everything is mine!"

"Yeah! I believe in uncle, I know that uncle will come to rescue me!" Ye Anxin nodded, and at the same time rejoicing. Fortunately, she managed to survive these days and did not think about running away, but believed Uncle, quietly waiting for him to save himself!

If she had any trouble in these two days, she would not have the opportunity to wait until the uncle came back!

"Don't cry, everything has me!" Mu Beiting, who has always been bad words, didn't know what to say to comfort her except for constantly stroking Ye Anxin's back to show her comfort!

I don't know why, Ye Anxin, who was not afraid just now when he was about to disembark, cried more and more because of Mu Beiting's words!

She felt that all the grievances and fears in the past few days seemed to have all exploded at this time!

The more she cried, the more at a loss Mu Beiting became! In the end, she didn't say anything, just let her cry in her arms!

Ye Mu was already weak, but after Ye Anxin cried so much, she started crying next to her.

Hearing his mother crying, Ye Anxin suddenly realized that she hurriedly got out of Mu Beiting's arms, picked up Mu Beiting's clothes, wiped away the tears, and twisted his nose.

Looking at the crumpled clothes, Mu Beiting's face showed no expression, but he stretched out his slender fingers and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

After the tears on his face were almost wiped off, Ye Anxin walked to her mother, hugged her mother, and choked up: "Mom, we are all right, we are all right! Don't worry! Uncle is here to save us! Don't worry, I won't make you suffer anymore! Let's go! Go back!"

Ye Anxin and Ye Mu's mother and daughter hugged tightly. Although they are now saved, they want to cry more!

This time, it really made her feel like she was left behind!

"Let's go! Let's go back! After we go back, I will buy you a house. Let's live a good life in the future and stop thinking about the past!" Ye Anxin let go of Ye Mu and led her to Mu Beiting. In front of him, he asked gently, "Uncle, let's go back!"

Mu Beiting nodded, took Ye Anxin's other hand, took her to press, and walked to a place not far ahead!

Ye Anxin glanced in front of him, and asked unclearly, "Uncle, where are we going? Aren't we going home?"

Mu Beiting didn't say anything, but just walked forward with Ye Anxin! Not long after, I brought Ye Anxin to a huge lawn! And there are many helicopters parked on the lawn!

At this time, Ye Anxin realized that all the helicopters that had parked above them had landed here!

Mu Beiting ordered one of them to take Ye Mu into the helicopter, and he and Ye Anxin boarded another helicopter.

When boarding the helicopter, Ye Mu looked at Ye Anxin uncomfortably!

Ye Anxin hurriedly smiled and calmed down: "Mom, don't worry! Uncle will protect us and won't hurt us again!"

Hearing this, Ye Mu glanced at Mu Beiting, then nodded, and followed the person in front of him into the helicopter.

After the helicopter settled down, Mu Beiting held Ye Anxin tightly in his arms, and said lightly to the pilot: "Go to the capital!"

After hearing Mu Beiting's words, Ye Anxin looked at him and said blankly: "Uncle, what are you going to do in the capital? Don't you go back to Jincheng?"

"After all!" Mu Beiting's thin lips lightly opened, and he said two words faintly before saying anything!

Although what Mu Beiting said was very brief, Ye Anxin understood it too!

Uncle, is this going to help her find revenge for Nanmu?

Nan's mother has done so excessively. With her uncle's character, she will definitely not let her go!

And this time the harm to her and her mother was too great, and she wouldn't have Mary Su come to intercede for her!

If you let her go this time, she will definitely do something more excessive next time!

Therefore, after listening to Mu Beiting's words, Ye Anxin didn't say anything, but obediently nestled in Mu Beiting's arms.

The helicopter took off slowly.

Listening to the noise, Ye Anxin only felt that his eyelids were heavy.

The tense nerves these days finally relax at this moment, and she feels the call of sleep when she has not slept for several nights!

Mu Beiting gently pressed her head into his arms, and said softly: "There is still a little way, you can sleep in my arms for a while!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep in Mu Beiting's arms.

This time, Ye Anxin slept very heavily, and she slept for a long time. After a long time, she didn’t know when she changed from a helicopter to Mu Beiting’s private jet, when did the private jet arrive in the capital, and how did she Out of the airport!

It wasn't until after thinking about it that Ye Anxin woke up faintly.

When Ye Anxin opened her eyes in a daze, she thought she was still in the helicopter. It wasn't until she saw the surrounding environment and the situation outside the car window that she suddenly woke up and realized that she was in the same environment as she is now. He was held tightly in his arms by Mu Beiting.

Ye Anxin withdrew from Mu Beiting's arms, yawned lazily, and slowly said with a deep sleepy voice: "Uncle, I slept for a long time, right?"

Mu Beiting replied lightly, "It's okay!"

Ye Anxin looked out the car window while yawning, wondering: "Where are we now? Are we in the capital?"

"Yeah! You can sleep for a while, and I will call you when I reach the destination!" He said, and pressed Ye Anxin's head into his arms again!

Ye Anxin withdrew his head from Mu Beiting's arms, pouting his mouth, and said, "I've got enough sleep, I'm not sleepy anymore!"

Mu Beiting asked again, "Are you hungry?"

When asked by Ye Anxin, Ye Anxin, who didn't feel hungry, suddenly felt hungry, and his stomach groaned appropriately.

Mu Beiting glanced at her belly and said to the driver: "Find a restaurant and stop!"

The driver nodded, and skillfully led Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting to the entrance of a high-end Chinese restaurant in the capital.

Not long after they got out of the car, a high-end sedan trailing behind also stopped, and Ye Mu walked out of it.

After getting out of the car, Ye Mother saw Ye Anxin at first sight and hurriedly walked over, timidly said: "Anxin, where are we going?"

Just now she was sitting on the car alone, no matter what she asked, the driver did not answer, she always looked cold!

In the end, she didn't dare to ask!

Now that she saw her daughter, she finally had the courage to speak.

Ye Anxin smiled and replied, "This is the capital! I'm hungry. Uncle will take us to eat first!"

Hearing the words Ducheng, Ye Mu almost didn't jump up, and hurriedly said: "Ducheng! What are we doing here? Didn't we return to Jincheng?"

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