Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 515: :blood relation

"Mom, uncle has uncle's plan, don't worry! We will definitely be able to return to Jincheng safe and sound! The top priority is to fill your stomach first. You haven't eaten for so many days My grandson is going to make a fuss!" As he said, he couldn't help but stroke his flat belly.

"Grandson?" Ye Mu looked at Ye Anxin's hand! The eyes enlarge unconsciously.

"Yeah! During this period of time, let him suffer with me! Go and feed him first, and wait until you are full!" He said, holding Ye Mu's hand and leading Ye Mu into the Chinese restaurant.

Because it is afternoon and it is not meal time, no one can be seen in the entire Chinese restaurant!

After Ye Anxin ordered a few dishes that he loved and his mother loved, the dishes came in a short while!

Ye Anxin didn't say anything, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ate it gorgingly.

Seeing Mu Beiting sitting next to them watching them eat, Ye Anxin said hurriedly: "Uncle, you eat too! The dishes here are very light, which suits your appetite! I know, in the days when I was missing, you I must have never eaten a good meal! Look at you, the whole person has gone around!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, picked up the tableware and ate it gracefully!

In the past few days, Ye's mother has no taste of food and eats very little. She has long been hungry. Looking at a table of dishes that she likes to eat, she is no longer polite, picking up the dishes and eating with Ye Anxin!

Ye Mu, who has never had a big appetite, ate two bowls this time, and after eating, she also drank a bowl of soup!

Ye Anxin did the same. Not only did he ate two bowls of rice, he also drank a bowl of soup, and then he put down his dishes and chopsticks contentedly!

Ye Anxin hiccuped, touched his bulging belly contentedly, and said with a smile, "It's delicious! It's delicious! I never thought these dishes could be so delicious!"

Mu Beiting glanced at her, his eyes softened, and he took out the tissue on the table and gently wiped the oil stains on her mouth.

Ye Anxin had long been accustomed to Mu Beiting's thoughtfulness, smiled at him, and did not push him away.

After wiping the corners of her mouth, Mu Beiting asked gently, "Should you take a break?"

"Uh...!" Ye An moved his arms and legs, twisted his neck, and nodded, "Or, let's find a place to rest today. I'm really tired. Although I'm not sleepy anymore, my whole body The bones seem to fall apart!" After speaking, he glanced at Mother Ye and continued, "My mother's complexion is not good, and I've been tired these few days!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, stretched out his hand to invite the waiter to pay the bill, and then led Ye Anxin to stand up and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant.

Ye Anxin turned her head and saw her mother silently following behind, busy holding her mother's hand with another free hand, and the three walked out of the dining room side by side.

After leaving the restaurant, as before, Ye Mu got into the car behind, and Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting got into the commercial car they had previously taken.

After getting in the car, Mu Beiting said lightly, "Go to the hotel!"

"Yes!" The driver nodded, and took Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin to the best five-star hotel in the capital!

Along the way, Ye Anxin was lying on the window watching the street scene outside!

This is where she was born! She has been here for the first time since her mother hugged her and left here!

The capital is very prosperous, with a lot of people on the street, high-rise buildings, and the level of prosperity is not inferior to Jincheng!

Nan Jia can gain a foothold here, and have a place, must be far more wealthy and powerful than she thought?

Along the way, Ye Anxin didn't say anything, just silently thinking about his own affairs!

When they arrived at the hotel, the driver was busy with the procedures. When Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin and Ye Mu walked in, the driver had already booked a room!

As before, it is still the presidential suite on the top floor! A total of two rooms were opened, Ye Mu, a separate room, and Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting.

The first thing Ye Anxin did when he entered the room was to take a shower. He went to the bathroom to wash himself clean, and kept washing from beginning to end!

In these days of being imprisoned, she never took a shower for a day, and she could even smell the unpleasant smell on her body! Simply, it's autumn now, if it's summer, she guesses she will be driven crazy by the smell of her body!

Ye Anxin had been standing under the bathroom bath heater for a full forty minutes before she walked out contentedly around her bath towel.

When she walked out of the bathroom, Mu Beiting happened to be making a call. Hearing the movement behind him, he turned his head and glanced at her. Seeing her walking out, he whispered to the person on the other end and hung up the phone.

Fearing that he would delay his business, Ye Anxin said hurriedly: "Uncle, if you are busy, leave me alone! I can do it myself!"

Mu Beiting hooked his mouth, walked to the bed and sat down, and waved to Ye Anxin, "Come here!"

Ye Anxin nodded, and walked towards Mu Beiting while wiping his hair with a dry towel.

When he walked to and behind Mu Beiting, Mu Beiting pulled her into his arms, pressed her to sit down in front of him, took the towel in her hand, and gently wiped the water stains on her hair.

Ye Anxin closed his eyes, enjoying Mu Beiting's tenderness.

Mu Beiting kept moving, but he said, "I will go to the Nanjia later, and you will have a good rest in the hotel!"

Ye Anxin was taken aback when she heard the words, and hurriedly said, "Uncle, are you planning to leave me alone in the hotel and go to the Nanjia to settle the account?"

Mu Beiting was silent, and Ye Anxin took him as an acquiescence, and said in a hurry: "No! Uncle, I want to go with you! This matter started because of me, and I believe that uncle will not let go and hurt me. People! But... Uncle, please promise me that even if you don't let me deal with this matter, let me watch it next to you, okay?"

Although Nanmu did too much this time, but... how to say it all started because of her, she really wanted to see what the uncle would do!

For Nanmu, even killing her is not an exaggeration!

But, what about her biological father?

After all, she still cannot be indifferent to this father! After all, she is kind, and the blood of the Nan family is bleeding from her body.

No matter how much she denies this relationship, she can't tell them apart!

Mu Beiting was silent for a while, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you really going to go? Have you decided?"

"Yeah! I'm going! So, uncle, you wait for me to rest tonight, and take me with you tomorrow, okay? We just met again, don't leave me alone in the hotel! I am afraid!" Nestled in Mu Beiting's arms, he hugged his sturdy waist tightly.

After being attacked by her soft words, Mu Beiting nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

"Uncle is the best! Thank you!" Ye Anxin smiled happily and bent her eyes.

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