Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 516: : Husband

Mu Bei Tingjun's face turned red, and he pulled Ye Anxin out of his arms, and continued to wipe the drops of water from her hair!

It wasn't until she wiped her hair seven or eight to dry before she got up and went into the bathroom!

After Mu Beiting entered the bathroom, Ye Anxin lay bored on the bed, blinking and staring at the bathroom with Shui Yingying's big eyes!

What makes her strange is that the uncle went into the bathroom for a long time this time!

In the past, every time he took a bath, unless he was particularly dirty, he would wash it quickly!

But this time, the bath time almost caught up with her bath time!

When Ye Anxin stared at the bathroom door and almost fell asleep, the bathroom door finally opened!

Ye Anxin immediately got a little bit of energy and sat up from the bed!

It was not until Mu Beiting walked out with a few dripping clothes in his hand that Ye Anxin finally understood why he took a bath for so long today!

It turns out that in the bathroom just now, he not only took a shower, but also washed her clothes!

"Uncle, how did you wash the clothes for me! I can do it myself!" Ye Anxin got out of bed and reached out to pick up the clothes in Mu Beiting's hands.

"You take a break, I'll come!" Mu Beiting took the clothes and drew aside, avoiding Ye Anxin's hand, then walked to the front of the closet, opened the closet, took out the hanger from the inside, put the clothes on, and dried them to the window outside!

Mu Beiting's move made Ye An's heart warm, and he lay on the bed again, propped his head with his hands, and said with a smile, "Uncle, let your ten-finger slender finger wash my clothes. I would be embarrassed! You must have never done this kind of rough work since childhood!" Ye Anxin wanted to bite off his tongue as soon as he said it!

What and what is she talking about!

How could she forget that the uncle had even picked up the tatters since he was a child, how could she have never washed clothes!

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Anxin's words were uttered, Mu Beiting said indifferently: "I have been on my own since I was a kid! The laundry room, cleaning for a living, the only thing I'm not good at is cooking! Readers used to be hungry and scrambled eggs Eat fried rice, or eat instant noodles! After being sent to the United States, I am all alone!"

Listening to what Mu Beiting said, Ye Anxin suddenly felt sour in her heart, and she said in a complicated mood: "Uncle, when will you tell me about your past! I want to know your past!"

"It's already over, what can I say!" Mu Beiting said as he swung the last piece of clothing outside.

Seeing that Mu Beiting didn't want to mention it, Ye An's heart slumped and said dullly: "Uncle, why do you think of washing me?"

Mu Beiting closed the window, without any emotional fluctuations on his face, said, "The clothes are dirty, don't wash them, what will you wear tomorrow! Even if you buy new ones, you have to wash them before you can wear them!"

Ye Anxin heard the words, only feeling that happiness was overwhelming, and stretched out his hand to beckon Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting walked to the bed obediently, Ye Anxin stretched out his hand and pulled his arm forcefully! Mu Beiting fell next to her right away! Ye Anxin immediately picked it up like an octopus.

Mu Beiting just lay down obediently, letting her hands and feet embrace her sturdy body.

Ye Anxin smiled slyly, put her mouth close to his ear, breathed a sigh at him, deliberately bit his earlobe, and said softly and softly, "My husband, I love you!"

When the voice fell, Ye Anxin clearly felt Mu Beiting's tall body shake, and his breathing became a little quicker.

Mu Beiting's subtle changes made Ye An proudly curled up the corners of his mouth, his red lips slipped all the way from his earlobe, and then stayed on Mu Beiting's apple, sticking out the small tip of his tongue, and licking it on his apple!

She remembered that Yueyue told her a long time ago that the most sensitive parts of a man are the earlobes and apple apples!

If you want to seduce a man, you must start from these two places!

The first time I act now, it seems that what Yueyue said is right! The most sensitive places for men really are these two places.

Mu Beiting swallowed heavily, and his body became a little stiff.

"Husband...!" With the soft and intimate call, Ye Anxin's legs on Mu Beiting's legs were also gently rubbing against him!

However, Ye Anxin could clearly feel Mu Beiting's body reaction, but he did not act at all!

Ye Anxin frowned in wonder, raised his head and looked at Mu Beiting! Only then did he discover that two lines of bright red blood were flowing out of his nostrils!

"Ah...Uncle, you have a nosebleed!" Ye An was startled, and quickly let go of Mu Beiting, thinking of getting up and getting paper!

It is a pity that just as soon as he got up, he was pulled by Mu Beiting forcefully, and he lay back on the bed, and Mu Beiting was pressed up!

Ye Anxin looked at the two lines of nosebleeds, frowned, and asked worriedly, "Uncle, you are bleeding, are you okay!"

Mu Beiting was silent, his beautiful thin lips pressed into a line! The nosebleeds flowed down his lips and dripped onto Ye Anxin's face!

"Uncle...!" Feeling the warm liquid dripping onto his face, Ye Anxin wanted to push Mu Beiting away to find the paper! However, Mu Beiting stubbornly pressed her on the bed, making her unable to move.

Mu Beiting came down, with beautiful thin lips close to her ears, and said in a low and hoarse voice, "I like to hear you call me that way!"

Ye Anxin was taken aback, and then remembered, he couldn't help but laughed out loudly, and teased: "Uncle, you wouldn't be because I called you that way, so your blood rushed to your forehead, and then you got a nosebleed. ?"

Mu Bei Ting said nothing, but the red tide on Jun's face revealed his thoughts!

Ye Anxin pursed his lips and smiled. Seeing that he couldn't get the paper, he simply wiped off his nosebleeds with the bath towel surrounding him.

Mu Beiting dissatisfied: "Call me again!"

"Husband...!" Ye Anxin yelled softly and obediently.

Listening to Ye Anxin's soft voice, Mu Beiting couldn't help it anymore, and directly took possession of her and kissed her red lips!

Ye Anxin hugged Mu Beiting's neck and worked hard to cater to her!

Before Mu Beiting was about to get lost, his red lips were close to his ear, and he whispered: "Husband, be gentle, don't hurt the child!"

Mu Beiting nodded dullly, completely sinking into it...!


After a night of fatigue, Ye Anxin slept until three rods in the sun!

After getting up at noon, Mu Beiting has ordered the hotel restaurant to deliver food to the room!

As soon as Ye Anxin opened his eyes, he smelled the smell of food in a room, and hurriedly got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and sat directly in front of the dining table to start eating.

While eating, I didn't forget to ask: "Uncle, where is my mother? Did she give her food?"

Mu Bei Tingjun's face sank, who was still soft just now, and stared at Ye Anxin coldly without saying a word.

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