Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 517: : I like this title

<!--The beginning of the chapter content--> He stared at him inexplicably, Ye Anxin touched his face, and asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Where did I make you angry?"

She remembered that they were fine last night, why did they suddenly change their faces today! She didn't even know where she provoke him!

Mu Beiting still had a stern face and glanced at her coldly. He stopped eating and stood up and went back to the bedroom!

Ye Anxin was holding chopsticks in her hand and vegetables in her mouth. Her eyes followed Mu Beiting to the bedroom until Mu Beiting's figure disappeared at the bedroom door. She swallowed the food in her mouth, stood up and followed back. To the room.

After Mu Beiting returned to the room, he just sat on the bed with no expression on his face. From the expression on his face, he knew that he was in a bad mood.

Ye Anxin walked over, sat next to him, took his arm, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said warmly: "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Why did you get angry again? Didn't we be fine yesterday?"

After listening to her, Mu Beiting's face became more gloomy, and he turned his head without looking at her.

Ye Anxin continued to coax patiently: "Uncle, goodbye, let's go out for dinner, okay! After tired all night, we should be hungry! When we have dinner, we have to go to the Nanjia!"

It is a pity that Mu Beiting is still indifferent and does not look at her with a gloomy face.

Ye Anxin's flexible eyeballs rolled, suddenly seemed to think of something, knelt on the bed, moved his mouth to Mu Beiting's ear, and yelled softly, "My husband...!"

Sure enough, when she shouted like this, Mu Beiting's gloomy expression instantly disappeared, and her tightly pressed thin lips slowly evoked a beautiful arc!

Just an expression, Ye Anxin knew it, she guessed it right!

This uncle is sulking at her previous title!

After all, it is a child's xinxing. He doesn't like to say anything, only knows to protest with anger!

Ye Anxin smiled to please: "Husband, shall we go out to eat? I am hungry! The children in my belly are also hungry!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded and stood up. The princess hugged Ye Anxin up from the bed, strode to the dining table, and placed her gently on the chair.

After the name was changed, Ye Anxin could clearly feel Mu Beiting's change!

Not only the expression on his face softened, but even the appetite for eating seemed to be much better.

"Big...!" Ye Anxin said, and just said a word, when he received Mu Beiting's sharp eyes, he smiled and changed his words: "Husband, does my mother have anything to eat?"

Mu Beiting didn't look up, and said lightly, "I ordered two lunches!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Mu Beiting said that she also ordered a lunch for Ye mother. After eating halfway through, she suddenly seemed to remember something and asked nervously." Uncle, where's Yueyue? You rescued me, and Yueyue must be rescued too!"

Mu Beiting nodded and said as usual: "She's all right!"

Ye Anxin heard this, and the whole person was relieved instantly, "This is good, this is good! I am afraid that she will be implicated by me and hurt by Nanma!"

"Eat!" Mu Beiting glanced at the food in Ye Anxin's hands!

Ye Anxin nodded, lowered his head and started to gobble up!

After the two had lunch, Ye Anxin walked to the window to collect the clothes!

Fortunately, although I have scored now, there is still the sun during the day, it is very hot, and the weather is dry! The clothes are outside. After one night and one morning, they are all dry now!

Ye Anxin took the clothes in and looked at it carefully!

I have to say that Mu Beiting's clothes are really clean, and a white compassionate shirt was washed for him as if he was newly bought!

After these days of running around, the white clothes have long turned into gray! And the uncle can bring it back to life, which is enough to prove that the uncle is really powerful!

After Ye Anxin put on clean clothes, she went to the next door to knock on Ye Mu's door!

The door opened, looking at Ye Mu standing at the door, Ye Anxin smiled and asked, "Mom, my uncle and I are going to Nan's house now, do you want to go with us? If you don't want to go, just rest here and wait for Nan. The family affairs are handled, I will pick you up again and take you back to Jincheng!"

When Ye Anxin said that he was going to the South House, Ye's mother didn't even think about it, and hurriedly said, "Go go! I want to go with you!"

She was afraid, afraid that once her baby girl went to the Nan family, she would be snatched away by the Nan family! Anxin is her life, she can't let anyone take Anxin away from her!

"That's all right, let's go!" Seeing her mother's emotions, Ye Anxin couldn't understand her mother's worries. In order to prevent her from worrying, Ye Anxin nodded and agreed, and then took Nan's hand and carried Nanmu returned to her room!

After returning to the room, Ye Anxin said to Mu Beiting who was standing by the window, "Uncle, can we go now?"

Hearing this name, Mu Beiting frowned, and immediately after seeing Ye Mu standing next to Ye Anxin, his face eased slightly, and he nodded gently, walked to her, and took her other hand. Leave the room with them and take the elevator directly to the underground parking lot at the bottom of the hotel.

The driver and the car had already been waiting there. After arriving in the parking lot, the three of them got in the car and headed south!

Sitting in the car, Ye Anxin could clearly feel that her mother sitting next to her was very nervous, her hands kept twisting her clothes and her lips trembling slightly.

Ye Anxin sighed in her heart, stretched out her hand, and held Ye Mother's hand!

After feeling the temperature in Ye mother's palm, Ye An asked anxiously, "Mom, why are your hands so cold? Is it something uncomfortable?"

Mother Ye shook her head hurriedly, "It's okay, it's okay! It's just a little nervous!"

"Mom, don't be afraid, don't be nervous, it's okay!" How could Ye Anxin not understand her mother's mood at the moment!

After a lapse of twenty-six years, my mother hid for twenty-six years and twenty-six years, but she didn’t like to meet the Nan family again during her lifetime!

However, it is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided! What should come is always coming!

People can't hide for a lifetime, always face what should be faced!

If the mother will never take this step bravely, then she will never be able to get out of this inner shadow!

She didn't want her mother to hide in the dark forever, to be a blind person!

"I know, I understand! I will adjust my mentality!" Ye Mu nodded. While comforting Ye Anxin, she kept comforting herself and cheering herself up.

Ye Anxin patted Ye Mother's hand gently, and comforted: "Hmm! Don't worry, there is me for everything! What's more, there is also an uncle! Uncle will not harm us!"

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