Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 519: : Misunderstanding of the year

Ye Mu made it clear that he didn't believe what he said, and asked: "In that case, why don't you call me?"

Nan Mingchuan explained: "The things in the U.S. are very tricky. It took me a full two weeks to get things done there! However, before I left, I told Xue Rong to take care of your mother and daughter. During the period, I called back and Xue Rong said that your mother and daughter were sleeping, and I didn’t let her wake you up! I always thought that your mother and daughter were doing well, until I came back from the United States, did I know your mother and daughter? Already left! When I send someone to look for it again, you have already left the capital!"

"...!" After hearing Nan Mingchuan's words, Ye Mu couldn't say a word for a while!

Although she is not very smart, she is not stupid!

In this case, someone is obviously making a ghost! And this person knew without guessing, it must be Xue Rong!

Nan Mingchuan could naturally figure out what Ye Mu could figure out. He took a step forward, took Ye Mu’s hand, and said guiltily: “I thought you were to blame me for leaving without saying goodbye and leaving your mother and daughter at home alone! So this For twenty-six years, I have lived with guilt and self-blame!"

Nan Mingchuan's intimate behavior made Ye mother flushed embarrassedly, lowered her head, and whispered as finely as: "I...I thought you disliked me and gave birth to a daughter, so you didn't want me, so I let my sister drive me out. !"

Twenty-six years ago, she had always called Xue Rong that way! At that time, they were really worthy of sisters! Feelings are also very good! But I didn't expect...!

Thinking about the whole thing carefully, she has never seen Nan Mingchuan since she gave birth to her daughter!

At that time, she thought he disliked her and gave birth to a daughter, so she turned her face ruthlessly!

Unexpectedly, the whole thing was the ghost of Xue Rong! At that time, Nan Mingchuan was not in the capital at all, and Xue Rong deliberately wanted to drive her out of here!

Why was she so stupid back then, didn't she want to confront Nan Mingchuan in the past?

Fearing that Mother Ye would not forgive herself, Nan Mingchuan hurriedly explained, "No, I definitely did not let her drive you out!"

"I understand, I believe in you!" Ye Mu nodded, believing the man in front of him without reservation!

After all, this is the only man she has loved deeply in her life! She could feel the kindness he treated her before!

Seeing the dramatic scene before him, Ye Anxin suddenly didn't know what to say!

It turns out that this is just a misunderstanding, and the instigator is Nanmu!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin hurriedly asked, "Where is Mrs. Nan?"

As soon as he said this, Nan Mingchuan directly moved his gaze to Mu Beiting!

Mu Beiting glanced at him faintly, and took Ye Anxin's hand to sit on the sofa in the living room.

Nan Mingchuan let go of Ye mother's hand, followed over, and pleaded: "Mr. Mu, although the whole thing is the fault of Jiani, but please see that I am Anxin's biological father, let her go. She is also forced!"

Mu Beiting remained silent, clapped his hands gently! Not long after, two burly men took a shaggy head and spread out, and the embarrassed woman walked in!

Ye Anxin looked at this woman and didn't recognize who she was at first glance!

After a closer look, I discovered that this woman is a southern mother!

I have met Nan Mu several times, this is the first time Ye Anxin has seen her in such a panic! She usually likes to dress up with jewels, she looks like a lady! But this time, there was still a little bit of the image of a lady, who looked worse than a beggar on the street.

Nan's mother was pressed in by two men. When she saw Nan Mingchuan, she immediately said emotionally: "Master, hurry up and save me, let Mu Beiting release me. I don't want to go to jail or be bought to Africa!"

When Nan Mu's voice fell, Nan Mingchuan, Ye Mu and Ye Anxin's eyes fell into Mu Beiting's hands together!

Mu Beiting turned a deaf ear, his face remained unchanged, his thin lips lightly opened, and he said coldly: "If you dare to move my daughter, you should think of the consequences!"

The always arrogant southern mother was shocked by Mu Beiting's momentum, and she dared to admit it, shaking her head constantly, "It's not me, it's not me, you can't wrong me! It's really not me!"

"Really?" Mu Beiting snorted and clapped his hands again! Two more men came in, and the two men came in with one man each!

These two men are not others, they are exactly the two men who pressed Ye Anxin and Ye Mu to Africa at that time!

One of them was seriously injured by Mu Beiting, and the other jumped into the sea, but was captured by Mu Beiting's people!

When she saw these two people, the mother's face was as gray as death, she suddenly felt black in front of her eyes, she shook her body, and almost fell to the ground.

The two men who pressed Ye Anxin and Ye Mu had already been tortured to extract a confession long ago. As soon as they entered the door, they pointed at Nan Mu and said, “It’s her, she instructed us to sell these two women to Africa! He paid us a huge sum of money and promised us that as long as things are done, we will give us the rest!"

"!" Although she was pointed out in person, Nanmu kept shook her head and denied, wanting to gain Nan Mingchuan's trust!

Mu Beiting said without looking back, "I don't need any evidence for Mu Beiting to do things! As long as I believe it is you, it is you!"

After hearing Mu Beiting's words, the southern mother's face was as gray as death, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Mu Beiting, I have fallen into your hands now. What do you want? I tell you, I am the head of the Nan clan, and you are the best. Good brother Huo Yunmo’s mother-in-law, if you dare to do anything to hurt me, the Nan Family and Huo Family will not let you go!"

Mu Beiting sneered when he heard the words, his thin lips pressed tightly, and he said nothing!

Nan Mingchuan stood aside and couldn't listen anymore. He couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Enough, until now, you still don't know how to repent. When will you be upset? Today, Mr. Mu did not sell you directly to Africa. He is already at ease. In the face of you! Just be soft, is it so difficult to apologize?"

Seeing that her husband didn't help herself, but said something like this, Xue Rong was sober and excited: "I don't know how to repent! Where did I do it? I just want to protect what should belong to my daughter. Is this also wrong?"

Nan Mingchuan’s eyebrows jumped, "But our daughter Jian Si is dead! What is the use of you to keep her family business for her? Can she come back? Can she take over the Nan family? Can she give the Nan family a queen? Lu? An Xin is now my only daughter. She has the same right to take over the Nan family like Jian Si! Even if Jian Si is not dead, this Nan family belongs to their two sisters!"

Xue Rong said unwillingly: "Sisi is dead! But we still have Jianning. I have raised Jianning by my side since I was a child. She is just like my biological daughter! Sisi's things should be inherited by Jianning! "

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