Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 520: : Past grievances

"Nan Jianning?" Nan Mingchuan sneered, disdainfully said: "Don't say Jianning didn't take over Nanjia's thoughts at all, even if there is, I will not give it to her! She is not at all A management material! In the past few years to study in the United States, all of them have been read for nothing!"

After hearing Nan Mingchuan’s words, Xue Rong, no matter how stupid he was, understood the meaning of his words, and suddenly said with great pain: "After all, you just want to give Ye Anxin all the things we have worked so hard to build, right?"

Nan Mingchuan did not hesitate, and replied decisively, "Yes!"

Xue Rong looked at Nan Mingchuan disappointedly, and said angrily, "Why? What kind of ecstasy soup did this mother and daughter give you? They haven't seen each other in twenty-six years. Why did your heart turn to them as soon as they met? Where is it good? Isn't it better than the love of our husband and wife for more than 30 years?"

Nan Mingchuan rubbed the splitting temples, and patiently explained, "This is not a question of eccentricity or eccentricity, it is a matter of principle! Jian Ning is not my biological daughter, she is just the daughter of my dead brother! It's a layer apart! I don't understand why you can accept Jian Ning, but you can't accept An Xin! How to say, all my blood shed on her!"

"In the final analysis, you are so kind to her because Ye Anxin is a child of Fangzheng, so you are so good to her! Don't forget that you were only a money transaction at the beginning. When the task is completed, you can spend money and money! Now this What's the matter? Played with real feelings? Nan Mingchuan, let me tell you, this Nan family belongs not only to you, but also to me! I worked hard with you in the first place! If it wasn't because of the hardships and sufferings that caused the body to suffer with you, I Will have a miscarriage? Will I never give birth to a child after a miscarriage? Fangzhen is just the one I picked out of thousands of women to pass on to you! Don’t forget what you promised me! You say Yes, you just need a son, you need an heir! Once she gives birth to a son for you, you leave the child behind, and she can get out with the money! If it weren’t for you, you wouldn’t do anything sorry for me. Things, will I promise you this absurd idea! But, but you tell me, have you fulfilled your promise? Since you have this bitch, you have been staying at night and staying with her every day! At first, I can still comfort myself and say that you care about the child! But... after the pregnancy in October, she obviously gave birth to a daughter, but you still remember her, and you don’t forget to let me take good care of her on business trips! Nan Mingchuan, let me take care of her! What to take care of her, why should I take care of her! What is she? It's just a fertility tool that you spend money to find! She is a country girl, why should I steal my man! Why am I not as good as her?" Because it is too sad , Xue Rong vented all the emotions that had been in her heart for decades!

Tolerating this matter for decades is really enough! If she doesn't say it again, she will be driven crazy!

Nan Mingchuan raised his eyebrows and asked in an unclear mood, "That's why you would secretly drive away their mother and daughter, and force them on the road to nowhere?"

Xue Rong nodded without evasiveness, and said with red eyes, "Yes! I just want their mother and daughter to be uneasy! In order not to arouse Fang's suspicion, I deliberately gave her a sum of money in your name and let her carry Ye Anxin, a wild species, left! In order to force her to disappear completely, I even made this incident to her father! I did this to drive them to a dead end. It would be best if their mother and daughter jumped into the river to die together! I thought that her life was so hard, not only did she not die, but she was also a filial mother and daughter! My daughter died, but they lived well! They must have taken the life of my baby daughter! I lived so miserably, ****I live in the sadness of losing my daughter every night, how can I make her happy if I'm not happy! I can't let Ye Anxin take away everything from the Nan family who worked hard with me and you! So... …I want to destroy their happiness, I want to save the Nan family from falling into their hands!"

"Sister, I never thought about robbing you! The reason why I live with peace of mind is to stay away from the Nanjia and hide from you! If I want to rob the Nanjia with you, I would have died early in Jian Si In that year, I came back with peace of mind to recognize my ancestors! The reason why I didn’t come back was because I just wanted to live a plain life with my daughter!” For some reason, after hearing what Xue Rong said, Ye Mu’s fear of her The hatred disappeared suddenly, and all that was left was sympathy and self-blame.

After all, she is also a third party, it is she who destroyed the relationship between the husband and wife!

As Nan Mingchuan's real wife, she felt uncomfortable, and she began to have these extreme thoughts as a matter of sorting out!

For Ye mother’s kindness, Xue Rong not only didn’t appreciate Ye’s kindness, but rather viciously said: “Don’t be hypocritical! I knew that. A few days ago, I should have someone kill your mother and daughter and throw you into the sea! This, too! It won't let you come back here!"

"Sister...!" Ye Mu looked at Xue Rong sympathetically, her eyes were red, she wanted to say a thousand words in her heart, but she couldn't say anything at all!

Xue Rong reluctantly said: "Fang Sun, let me tell you, the reason why I lost today is all to blame for my soft-heartedness 26 years ago and a few days ago, and you have Mu Beiting as a son-in-law! You! Don't think you won, let me tell you, in my Xue Rong's heart, your son-in-law will never be as good as me, and he won't even be qualified to lift my shoes! What if your mother and daughter return to the Nan family? You will always be Unseen wild species!"

Faced with her verbal harm, Ye Mu did not take her heart seriously, but walked to Ye Anxin's side, weak and weak: "Anxin...!"

It was just an expression, Ye Anxin immediately understood what her mother meant, and her eyes widened, inconceivable: "Mom, you are not going to let her go? Don't forget, she is going to sell us to Africa! If this Let her go this time, she will definitely have another next time! This time an uncle can rescue us in time, but next time we won’t be so lucky!"

She knows the kindness of her mother!

However, in today's situation, Nanmu has never repented. If she let her go like this, wouldn't it be a trouble for herself?

She is in this situation, and she dare not take any risks!

Ye Anxin's words were speechless, Ye Mu lowered her head! Although she wanted to plead with Xue Rong, she really didn't know what to say!

Anxin is right! Let her go today, if she does something to hurt them again, what will they do?

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