Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 525: : The skin is thinner than a girl

Ye Mu understands Ye Shan, and Ye Anxin naturally understands her own father!

For Ye Mu's words, he just smiled helplessly, nodded and said, "Yes! With my knowledge of Ye Shan, he will definitely come back! Uncle, don't bother to find him! Wait for him to come back and find us by himself!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting reluctantly nodded and agreed!

After a long while, Mu Beiting suddenly said, "Longting Villa has been kept! You can move there to live!"

Ye Anxin and Ye Mu looked at Mu Beiting at the same time!

But Mu Beiting didn't speak anymore, just sat there solemnly.

Ye Mu shook her head and refused, "No! I'm not suitable for living in such a good place! Besides, I live alone, and I don't need to live in such a big place! I only need a small suite with two bedrooms and one living room! I packed my luggage and went out to find a house tomorrow! When I find a suitable house, I will move right away!"

Ye Anxin also said: "Mom is right. Let her live in such a big house alone, but it makes her feel lonely. The big house, there is no one to talk to! Let mom live in a two-bedroom house! Feel at ease. !"

Mu Beiting spoke again, "You can find a servant!" As the name suggests, if only a servant is needed, then it is not Ye Mu alone, someone will speak with her!

"Uncle, we take your kindness, we really don’t need it! I know my mother, and compared to Fuhua’s life, she prefers a simple and free life! I will accompany my mother to find a two-bedroom apartment in the city tomorrow. It's convenient for me to find her at the time, and I feel more at ease!" Ye Anxin knew that Mu Beiting has always been accustomed to it. Apart from her and Xiaobai, he doesn't like having other people around at all!

Therefore, she will not propose unreasonable conditions for her mother to live in her own home!

When the mother moved in, not only the uncle, but also the mother must be uncomfortable!

Instead of everyone being uncomfortable, let the mother live alone so that everyone will be happy! The mother is not restrained.

Now that Ye Anxin said so, Mu Beiting didn't speak any more!

The carriage fell into silence again!

Ye Mu was still looking out the car window in a daze, Ye Anxin took Mu Beiting's arm and leaned on his shoulder, as if thinking about something!

After driving for nearly two hours, the car stopped at the airport gate!

The three of them walked into the VIP passageway and directly boarded Mu Beiting's private jet parked in the airport.

Ye Mu has lived for more than 40 years. This is the first time to fly by plane, and it is also the first time to see the plane truly!

In the past, when she left the capital 26 years ago, wherever she was willing to spend money to fly, she was doing a long-distance passenger bus or taking a train! Let alone making a plane, I never thought about it.

Even if I have seen airplanes before, I always stand on the ground and look up unintentionally. I see airplanes taking off in the clouds! At that time, the plane she saw was smaller than a bird! This time I took a closer look and found that the plane was so big and spectacular!

Ye Mu's heart quality has never been very good, and a little bit of things can get nervous and messy!

Taking such a big plane this time, I was even more nervous and started to tremble.

Ye Anxin took Ye mother's hand and comforted softly: "Mom, don't be nervous, this is the uncle's private jet, no one in it!"

"His private jet?" Ye Mu couldn't help but stare at her!

In the eyes of someone like her who lives at the bottom, airplanes have always been something that she cannot reach! And this thing is actually her son-in-law's private property!

She has always known that Mu Beiting is rich, but she really doesn't know how far she used to be!

"Yeah! There are only three of us in the plane, plus a few flight attendants! So, you don't need to be nervous!" He said, holding Ye Mu's hand and kept her on the plane.

Although Ye Mu was still very nervous, she didn't dare to touch anything in the plane because she was afraid of breaking it! However, under Ye Anxin's comfort, the tension in her heart slowly eased a lot!

Ye Anxin arranged for her mother the most comfortable place to sit! When she was about to sit down next to her mother, she saw Mu Beiting’s iron and ugly face, hurriedly smiled, and said to Ye Mu, “Mom, we still need a few hours to go back to Jincheng. If we’re tired, we can sleep on it. After a while, I will call you when I reach the destination!"

"Okay!" Ye Mu nodded, closing her eyes slowly, and soon fell asleep.

She is indeed tired. She was in the hotel last night, thinking about seeing Nan Mingchuan soon. She didn't sleep all night of stress! In addition, she had barely closed her eyes before on the boat. Only when she was too sleepy, would she close her eyes and rest for a while, and she would wake up immediately if there was any disturbance!

So, after solving everything, her tight nerves finally relaxed, and the sleepiness also hit at this moment, and she fell asleep without leaning her head on the back of the chair for a while.

Compared with Ye Mu, Ye Anxin, who slept until noon, had a lot more energy!

She took Mu Beiting's arm, leaned her head on Mu Beiting's shoulder, and said warmly, "Uncle, you must be very anxious during the days when I was missing?"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting just nodded gently, without saying anything.

Ye Anxin asked worriedly, "What about Xiaobai? Did Xiaobai blame me for the past few days when I was away? Would he think I left him again and don't want him?"

Mu Beiting shook his head and calmly said: "No! He knows your situation!"

Ye Anxin said guiltily: "He must be very worried! I was too careless! I didn't suspect Ye Shan's behavior during this period of time. I thought he was a conscience discovery and finally wanted to treat our mother and daughter! I was too stupid. Now, if I told you about this earlier, or kept an eye on it, it wouldn’t have happened so much! I would have been tired of all the damage that happened!"

"I like your stupidity!" As he said, Mu Bei Tingjun's face turned red unknowingly, and she held her head with her empty big hand, in case she suddenly raised her head and saw her embarrassment.

After getting along for this period of time, Ye Anxin has some understanding of Mu Beiting's words and deeds. With a happy smile on the corners of his mouth, he said triumphantly: "Uncle, are you admitting to like me?"

Mu Beiting remained silent, his thin lips pressed tighter, and Jun's face became redder.

Mu Beiting's indulgence made Ye Anxin bolder, the smile on the corners of his mouth continued to expand, and a sly flashed under his eyes, gloating, "Uncle, in fact, if you like me, let me just say it! Between us husband and wife, what is so embarrassing! You see, I like you, so I'll tell you directly! You said you are a big man, what's so shy about you, your face is thinner than a girl of mine!"

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