Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 526: : Uncle, I love you!

"Sleep!" Mu Bei Tingjun's face turned red, and he pressed Ye Anxin's head firmly into his arms, pressing her entire face to her chest, but still Paying attention to the strength, I am afraid of forcing her.

It didn't take long for Ye Anxin's voice to come through his arms dullly, "boring, boring...I can't breathe!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting hurriedly let go of her, raised her head, and asked anxiously, "How is it? Where is it?"

Ye Anxin squinted his eyes, grinned, and stuck out his tongue, "I lied to you! I knew that uncle likes it in his heart and cares about me!"

Looking at the gorgeous smile on her face, Mu Beiting shook his mind for a moment, and gently scratched the bridge of her small nose with his fingers, and said helplessly: "You...!"

Ye Anxin blushed, worried, and said sincerely, "Uncle, I love you!"

Staring at her serious little face, Mu Beiting's eyes flashed a light, thin lips pursed, and a moment later, he said hoarsely: "Me too!" As he said, he lowered his head and placed it on her delicate red lips. Give a kiss.

At the moment when Mu Beiting's thin lips printed on his red lips, Ye Anxin only felt sweet in his heart. When his thin lips left his red lips, he immediately kissed his handsome face!

Mu Beiting looked at her with a gentle smile, pressed her head into his arms, and gently stroked her small face.

Ye Anxin listened to Mu Beiting's regular heartbeat and closed his eyes happily; At this moment, she just felt that she was the happiest woman in the world!

Four hours later, the plane landed at Jincheng Tianhe Airport on time.

After the plane landed, Ye Mu was still sleeping soundly! Although she didn't want to disturb her, Ye Anxin still had to gently push her mother up and whispered: "Mom, we are at the airport, we should go down!"

Ye mother originally had a poor sleep quality. When Ye Anxin shouted so, she immediately woke up and looked forward with horror. When she saw Ye Anxin, she immediately let out a sigh of relief!

Seeing Ye Mu's horrified look, Ye An felt very distressed!

She knew that the reason why her mother was like this was all forced by the environment of her childhood.

From childhood to adulthood, they have to wake up their spirits, fearing that those loan sharks who collect debts will suddenly lock the door and set fire to force the debt! He broke through the door while he was alive, punching and kicking them!

Before meeting the uncle, she was like this too! I was restless all night, always afraid that something would happen suddenly!

After meeting the uncle, her heart seemed to settle down, not only the quality of sleep improved, but all nightmares were gone!

She was lucky enough to meet the uncle, but her mother was not as lucky as her!

Ye Anxin sighed in her heart and said softly: "Mom, we are at the airport, let's go down! After going home, take a shower and then lie down on the bed and have a good rest!"

"Okay!" Ye Mu nodded and shook her head vigorously to keep herself awake, then stood up and got off the plane with Ye Anxin.

Because the place where Ye Mu lives and Ye Anxin live in different directions, all Mu Beiting called two cars over! After they left the airport, they boarded their cars separately and drove slowly towards the way home.

When Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting returned to the villa on the mountainside, it was already dark!

As soon as I entered the door, I felt a petite figure running out of the house! Before Ye Anxin could see clearly, she was hugged tightly by the figure, "You are finally back? I thought I would never see you again! Where did you go? Didn't you want me again?"

Ye Anxin lowered his head, touched Xiaobai's soft hair, and looked at Mu Beiting beside him in wonder!

Mu Beiting faintly explained: "I didn't tell him your situation!"

Ye Anxin nodded suddenly, and slowly pulled away Xiao Bai who was holding her tightly, squatted down to be flush with him, touched his white and soft face, and said softly: "Xiao Bai, mother likes you so much. , How could I not want you! Mom has something to do during this time, so I went to work!"

Xiaobai bulged her cheeks and said angrily: "You lied! You were obviously kidnapped by the bad woman Xue Rong! Don't think that Dad doesn't say anything, I can't know!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but twitched his mouth, "How did you know?"

Xiaobai hugged his chest with his hands, raised his chin proudly, and said proudly: "You think I'm really a kid, so it's easy to deceive? In this world, there is nothing I can hide from Mu Shaobai!"

"Cough...!" Ye Anxin covered her mouth and coughed slightly, and said unnaturally: "Since you know, why do you think your mother doesn't want you?"

"You have been away from me for five years, how do I know if you will take this opportunity to leave me again!" As he said, Xiaobai lowered his head with a face of unconfidence.

Seeing him like this, Ye Anxin couldn't help holding him in his arms, gently stroking his back, and said ashamed: "Xiaobai, it's my mother that I'm sorry! Mom shouldn't have left you five years ago. It will make you so insecure! Don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, Mom will never leave you!"

Xiaobai said uncertainly: "Really?"

Ye Anxin nodded and vowed: "Of course it's true! I remember I promised you when I just came back, have you forgotten? Don't worry, you are my mother's favorite baby. Even if my mother doesn't want the world, I won't want you!"

"Okay! Seeing that you are so sincere, I will believe you for the time being! But...!" At this point, Xiaobai paused on purpose, then narrowed his mouth, and continued with contempt, "But , Don’t be so stupid next time! Otherwise, it will lower my IQ!"

After listening to him, Ye Anxin twitched at the same time, "Am I that stupid? Even if I am stupid, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Xiaobai didn't care about Ye Anxin's feelings, and said with a look of disgust; "How can it be okay! You are my mother, and your blood is bleeding on me! You are so stupid, how can they believe that you can give birth to such a smart son? When others see you so stupid, they will think that I am as stupid as you!"

"...!" Ye Anxin couldn't say a word after hearing this!

Is she stupid? Is she stupid?

Ok! She is really stupid! Otherwise, how can you be exploited and harmed by others over and over again!

But when I heard this from my own son, he still looked very disgusting, so why did it make her feel so heartbroken?

A second ago, her husband, that is, her son's father, said he liked her stupid!

At this moment, does her son think she is stupid?

Just when Ye Anxin was extremely depressed, Mu Beiting, who had been standing beside him without a word, suddenly stretched out his hand and tapped **** Xiaobai's forehead!

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