Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 527: : Things between husband and wife

Mu Beiting’s knock is okay, a red mark is immediately printed on Xiaobai’s white forehead, which immediately makes Ye An feel distressed enough. He raised his head and blamed: "Uncle, you Why hit him?"

Xiaobai clutched his hurting forehead, and said aggrieved: "Um...Daddy, why are you hitting me?"

Mu Beiting pressed his thin lips tightly, and said displeased: "You bullied my wife, shouldn't I beat you?"

"...!" Xiaobai raised his head, blinked his big watery eyes, and looked at his father aggrievedly!

She is his wife, but he is also his son, okay?

For my wife, is it really good to be so to my son?

"Uncle...Xiaobai is also joking with me! You are too heavy!" Ye Anxin glared at Mu Beiting reproachfully, then pulled away Xiaobai's hand covering his forehead and gently rubbed him.

Xiaobai immediately cast a triumphant look at Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting's thin lips were tightly pressed into a line, and the eyes were cold.

Feeling the dangerous breath flowing from his father, Xiaobai shivered coldly, and hurriedly took Ye Anxin's hand to rub her forehead, and said with a smile, "Mom, I'm hungry, let's go in for dinner! The butler has already ordered the servants. People have cooked the food!"

Ye Anxin widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Have you not eaten yet?"

"Not yet! I don't know that you and Dad are coming back, so I want to wait for you to eat together!" After saying that, he stopped paying attention to Mu Beiting, and directly took Ye Anxin's hand and entered the house with her!

The housekeeper has been standing at the door watching the warm and harmonious picture of their family of three. Seeing Xiaobai leading Ye Anxin into the house, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to welcome him in!

After entering the house, Ye Anxin and Xiao Bai went to the bathroom to wash their hands before sitting on the dining table and started eating.

All the dishes she cooked today were her favorite meals! After the boat ride all afternoon, Ye Anxin only felt hungry and grumbled. As soon as he reached the dining table, he buried his head and began to devour it.

Seeing Ye Anxin's tastelessness, Xiao Bai and Mu Beiting sighed in a tacit understanding, then shook their heads at the same time, looking at her with contempt.

Being disgusted by her husband and son together, Ye Anxin not only didn't have the slightest "heart of shame", but opened her mouth full of rice and grinned at them!

That image will be destroyed as much as it is! Mu Beiting and Xiao Bai frowned at the same time, and the contempt in their eyes was even worse.

Ye Anxin didn't care at all, how to eat or how to eat!

I don't know if it was because of being too hungry or pregnant. Ye Anxin ate two bowls of rice and a bowl of soup in one go!

Because it is now in the autumn, it is time to warm up the body, so the housekeeper will change the stew in the kitchen every meal, and today's soup is her favorite angelica black chicken soup! Ye Anxin drank a whole bowl, then wiped the corners of his mouth contentedly, and felt his stomach for a full hiccup.

Seeing Ye Anxin's imageless appearance, Xiao Bai's mouth slumped, and said to Mu Beiting contemptuously: "Dad, can I discuss something with you?"

Mu Beiting said lightly, "Say!"

The small white board had a small face and said solemnly: "Can you give me a mom? It's stupid, disregarding the image, and not elegant at all! Look at her eating, she looks like a woman, it's more than the three big masters. Horror! I despise her and don't want her!"

Xiao Bai's voice fell, and the butler who had been standing by and waiting on her side couldn't help laughing.

Even Mu Beiting's face showed a strange expression!

After hearing what Xiaobai said, Ye Anxin yelled, "Hey...! Mu Shaobai, what are you talking about? Can mother change it at will?"

"Who made you so vulgar! Sitting without sitting, eating without eating! I really don't understand, how can a woman like you give birth to such an excellent son! Is it a genetic mutation...!" , I thought about it for a while, and suddenly said seriously, "No, it's not a genetic mutation, it's because I inherited my father's fine lineage!"

Ye Anxin stared at Xiaobai viciously, his teeth creaked, and three words were squeezed from between his teeth, "Mu Shaobai...!"

"Huh...!" As if not seeing Ye Anxin's anger at all, Xiao Bai turned his head on purpose, raised his chin proudly, and did not look at her.

Seeing that his son didn't eat his own set at all, Ye Anxin reddened his aggrieved eyes, blinked Chuchu's poor eyes and looked at Mu Beiting, choked up: "Uncle...Look, your son said that to me! ...It hurts my heart so much!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Beiting not only wouldn't help her, but quietly said, "He was right! He did inherit my blood!"

"You...!" Ye Anxin almost vomited blood, but after seeing them, he simply stood up and went upstairs angrily!

After Ye Anxin went upstairs, Mu Beiting took the chopsticks in his hand and knocked on Xiao Bai's forehead without hesitation.

"Ah...!" Xiaobai exclaimed in pain, covering his sore forehead, looking at Mu Beiting aggrievedly.

"Dare to bully your mother again and see how I can clean you up!" As he said, put down his chopsticks and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing Mu Beiting's back left, Xiao Bai narrowed his mouth in disdain.

Humph! He wasn't alone in bullying his mother just now, didn't he also participate!

Now that my mother is angry, she put the blame on him! It's really hateful, it's just a bully to see him as a kid!

Humph……! Wife control...!

Xiaobai stared at his father fiercely in his heart, then lowered his head and started to eat bored!

Without his parents by his side, he suddenly felt dull.

After eating two bites, I just left the chopsticks and went upstairs without eating!

Who made him angry with his mother, he still has to solve his own sins!

However, when he walked to the master bedroom, he pressed the doorknob to enter, only to find that the door was locked from the inside!

Seeing that he couldn't enter, Xiao Bai knocked on the door hard, "Open the door, I'm here to apologize!"

But there is still no strength inside!

In desperation, Xiao Bai had to hug again and find the butler, "Steward, give me the spare key!"

"What does the young master want a spare key for?" After that incident last time, he didn't dare to give the young master the spare key casually and let him open the door!

Otherwise, he will have to leave tomorrow!

Xiaobai said frankly, "I want to apologize to my mother! Dad locked the door from the inside, and no one answered the door, I can't get in!"

"Cough...! That... what...!" The housekeeper blushed, covered his mouth, coughed twice, stammering and didn't know how to explain to him!

Did he tell him that many things can be dealt with by closing the door between husband and wife, and the picture of this processing is not something that others like them can see!

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