Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 528: : Ways to Conquer Women

He can't just rush in! What if I see images that are not suitable for children?

However, when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say!

He always felt that although the young master was smarter, he was smarter than many of the same year! But, is this matter between husband and wife really suitable to tell him? What if you teach him badly?

So, when the words came to the lips, the butler said that he didn't know how to say it, but his old face turned red!

Seeing that the butler was hesitant to speak, Xiao Bai said impatiently: "If you have something to say, why do you hesitate!"

The housekeeper touched his nose and had to bite the bullet and say, "That...little master, in fact, you don’t have to worry, the lady is nice and good-tempered. She deliberately ended up fighting with the little master, she won’t really give birth. Young Master is angry! You don't need to run up to apologize to Madam!"

"Let you open the door, why are there so many words!" Xiaobai was not at all good at the meaning of the housekeeper's words, and the whole person seemed particularly irritable.

Looking at his expression, the housekeeper knew it!

The young master of his family is afraid and regrets it! Is he afraid that his wife is really angry with him, and then ignore him?

It has been so long, but the young master still has no sense of security for his mother!

Thinking of this, the butler couldn't help sighing in his heart, and said helplessly: "Little master, since you are afraid of your wife being angry, why do you want to make her angry?"

Xiaobai twisted his clothes uncomfortably, blushing and awkwardly said: "I...I'm just kidding! She is my mother, how can I dislike her!"

The butler smiled and said, "That's it! You're just joking, Madam will not fail to hear it! I believe that the young master will take a shower now, and then take a good night's sleep, and get up tomorrow morning. More happy!"

Xiao Bai's mouth squashed, and said contemptuously: "I don't believe you, she is not your mother!"

After being choked by Xiao Bai's words, the butler didn't catch his breath and almost passed straight away.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said patiently, "I have been serving Madam for a long time! I know Madam better! I can guarantee that if you break in with the spare key now, your husband will definitely throw you out. He is coaxing his wife now, maybe he is coaxed, and he can make you another sister!"

The housekeeper felt that he had already said this very clearly!

I just didn't tell him directly that the young couple was making out in the room! He broke in now, it is a dead end!

It’s a pity that even though IQ exceeds the standard, he is extremely smart, but after all, Xiao Bai is still a five-year-old child, how can he understand the hidden meaning in the housekeeper’s words, and said indifferently: "Isn’t there a sister? What else? Want so many sisters? What are you doing?"

"...!" The butler was speechless for a long time when asked by Xiao Tiantian's innocent words! After a while, he said helplessly: "Little master, are you sure you really want to go in! I'll tell you first, Madam must not be angry now, if you break in, maybe you will be really angry! Madam is very angry. Very serious consequences!"

After being threatened by the butler, Xiaobai, who had sworn in just now, hesitated instead!

The butler smiled and said, "Little master, it's late. I will ask the servant to fill you with water, take a bath and go to sleep! I assure you, Madam is not angry, I will know tomorrow morning! If Madam is angry with you, I promise to coax you madam!"

Xiaobai lowered his head and thought very seriously for a while, and after some mental struggles, he nodded, "Okay! I'll go up to take a bath and sleep!" Then, he lowered his head and went upstairs unhappy.

Seeing Xiaobai's back upstairs, the butler smiled and sighed helplessly, then turned around and started to work on his own affairs.

On the other side, in the room!

Ye Anxin sat on the edge of the bed, holding the pillow in both hands, pouting, and sulking!

Mu Beiting walked into the room, locked the door with his backhand, walked slowly to Ye Anxin's side, sat down beside her, and said warmly, "Are you really angry?"

"Humph!" Ye Anxin snorted coldly, tilting his head and ignoring him.

Mu Beiting whispered: "Xiaobai is joking! Are you serious?"

Ye Anxin pouted, and said angrily: "I am not angry Xiaobai, I am angry with you! Dogs are not too poor, children are not ugly! I know, no matter what I look like, Xiao Bai will not dislike it. Me! It's you, you hate me!"

Mu Beiting stretched out his hand, squeezed her small chin, turned her crooked head to face him, gently pressed a kiss on her thin lips, and said softly, "Are you still angry?"

"Don't think that a kiss can make me not angry, no way!" As he said, he had to tilt his head and ignore him!

How could Mu Beiting make her wish! Without waiting for her to tilt her head, she directly sealed her red lips, and while she was in a daze, the flexible tip of the tongue struck her mouth, curled up her ****, and sucked it forcefully.

"Mmm...!" Ye Anxin blinked his eyes and looked at Mu Beiting incredulously.

She couldn't believe that the rogue man in front of her was her uncle!

Hasn't her uncle been taking the cold route? How did you become so rascal now?

Mu Beiting kept kissing for a long time, until the two of them were almost out of breath, then slowly let go of her, and asked with her beautiful thin lips, "Are you still angry?"

"You not only dislike me, but also bully me! I...!" Before Ye Anxin's words could be finished, Mu Beiting's fiery kiss fell once!

This time was different from just now, it was no longer a simple kiss, and the thick big hands began to pull Ye Anxin's clothes!

Realizing his intentions, Ye Anxin suddenly widened his eyes, and rushed to stop him.

"Experts say that the best way to coax a woman is to be in bed!" Mu Beiting left a word, directly pressed her onto the bed, and skillfully took off her clothes.

Ye Anxin yelled, "Which expert said, I'll ask her to confront him!"

"Isn't it? You will know after a trial?" She said, taking off her pants again!

", no, it's not working at all...!" Ye Anxin was unwilling to be taken down by Mu Beiting in twos or twos. He knew that his consciousness had begun to blur, but he still wanted to do the last thing. resistance!

Finally...the last...under Mu Beiting's offensive round after round! Ye Anxin, who was tenaciously conscious, finally fell slowly and gradually, until she finally fell completely!

Not long after, there was a blushing heartbeat and a man's low roar from the room!

Tonight, Mu Beiting fully proved to Ye Anxin that when a woman is angry, the best way to coax her is to conquer her in bed!

As long as you are in bed, no matter how great the qi is, it will disappear without a trace!

The sweetness this time also allowed Mu Beiting to prove the true meaning of this sentence! Many times, many times, he also practiced this sentence again and again!

[PS: Today’s update is complete! Titu held a Ching Ming Festival event, so many gifts! Don't miss it when you pass by! For specific matters, please refer to the top post in the message area! Or add a group to ask the administrator, the group number is: 232837388]

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