Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 529: : Uncle's intimate

The next day...

Ye Anxin, who had been tossed by Mu Beiting all night, naturally slept late and only got up!

When she got up, Mu Beiting and Xiaobai had already had breakfast. Mu Beiting was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper with his legs elegantly folded, while Xiao Bai was about to go upstairs with Teacher Luo!

Seeing that Ye Anxin came down, he rushed over, blushing, and said embarrassingly, "Mom, I'm sorry last night, I didn't mean it, I just teased you!"

Ye Anxin touched his head, and said with a smile, "It's okay. Mom didn't blame you. Mom knows that you are playing with her!"

Xiaobai asked cautiously: "You really don't blame me?"

Knowing that Xiaobai is insecure, Ye Anxin coaxed gently: "Of course, you are mother's baby, why can mother blame you! It's too late for mother to love you!"

Xiaobai vowed to promise: "Mom, I will never say those things to you again!"

Ye Anxin said patiently, "It's okay, you go up to study with Teacher Luo! Mom go to have breakfast first, don't worry about what happened last night, no matter what Xiaobai did, mom will not blame you!"

"Okay! Then I'm going to study first!" As he said, he waved to Ye Anxin and went upstairs with Teacher Luo.

After bidding farewell to Xiaobai, Ye Anxin walked down the stairs!

The butler hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile, "Madam, breakfast has been prepared for you. Would you like to eat it now or wait a while?"

"I'm eating now!" Ye Anxin smiled, walked to the dining room, sat at the table and ate breakfast in one breath!

After he was full, he walked to the hall and sat down beside Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting calmly put the newspaper in his hand on the coffee table in front of him, his thin lips pressed tightly, and quietly waited for Mu Beiting to speak.

Ye Anxin took his arm and said with a smile, "Uncle, won't you go to the company? I'll go out later. I have an appointment with my mom. I will go with my mom to see the house today! I want to give it as soon as possible. Mom finds a house and asks her to move out there as soon as possible! It is too far away from me, it is inconvenient for me to go and take care of it!"

Mu Beiting pointed to a bunch of keys on the coffee table and said faintly, "The house has already been found. Two bedrooms. This is the key. You will ask the driver to take you to your mother-in-law's house later, and then ask a few people to help carry your luggage. , Move in today!"

Ye Anxin heard the words and looked at the bunch of keys on the coffee table blankly, unable to react for a long time.

After a while, he said unbelievably, "Uncle, where did you get this house? You didn't go out to find it this morning, did you?"

Mu Beiting said as usual, "After you fell asleep last night, I called Pete and asked him to buy it! From now on, it will be the mother-in-law's house, so she can live with peace of mind! I sent Pete to find a maid. The age is about the same age as the mother-in-law, his wife is dead, and the children are not with him! In the future, they will live together and have a companion!

After hearing Mu Beiting's words, Ye Anxin became more surprised, "Maid?"

Mu Beiting nodded, "Well! The driver knows the address, and he will send you there directly later!"

Ye Anxin took a bunch of keys placed on the coffee table and pulled them tightly on the palm of her hand, with red eyes, and said gratefully: "Uncle, you are really kind to me! No matter what I say or do, Although you didn't express it, you still remember it! Uncle, thank you!"

She knew that the uncle had always put her words at ease!

Yesterday she said that she wanted to rent a two-bedroom apartment for her mother. He bought her a two-bedroom apartment today!

She said she was afraid of her mother being alone! So he found a companion for his mother. He was talking about a maid, but in fact it was just a companion who could chat with his mother to relieve boredom!

Thinking of what the uncle had done to her, she was full of gratitude, and her feelings for him became stronger and stronger.

Listening to Ye Anxin's sensational words, Mu Beiting's eyes flickered unnaturally, then picked up the newspaper that was put down and looked at it again.

"Uncle, thank you!" Ye Anxin dashed and pressed a kiss on Mu Bei Tingjun's face, then stood up, lowered his head and blushed, and quickly left the hall.

Listening to Ye Anxin's footsteps leaving, Mu Beiting's thin lips slightly lifted, evoking a nice arc.

After leaving the lobby, Ye Anxin directly asked the driver to send her to her mother's rental house!

When she arrived at the rental house, Ye Mu had already cleaned everything up, and she was waiting for her to come and find a house, and then she could move immediately!

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Ye mother was also slightly moved in her heart, "How embarrassing is this? It cost Mr. Mu!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said, "Mom, what do you call Mr. Mu! Just call him Bei Ting! He is calling your mother-in-law now! Mr. Mu is too far-sighted, acting like a stranger!"

Ye Mu Nunu's mouth moved, and she reluctantly changed her words and said, "Beiting has already given us a lot of things. It is a car and a villa. How can I ask for his house again!"

Ye Anxin couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Oh! Mom, don't worry! I asked the driver in the car just now, and the driver said that this is a newly developed real estate, and the greening is good. The environment is better! The property is more in place! In the future, if you live there, I am not afraid that there will be some inconsistent or inexplicable people looking for you!"

Mother Ye teased: "Look at what you said, what do you mean by stupid people? Your mother, I don't know that kind of person!"

Ye Anxin said helplessly: "Mom, you know better than me. The inconsistent person I'm talking about is Ye Shan! You and I know him! He is gone now, but when the money in his hand is spent, I will definitely come back to us again and pester you! I'm not just afraid of your softheartedness, but I can't help but forgive him! People like him, not only have to forgive! He can betray our mother and daughter for the first time for money, also I can betray us twice! So...Mom, I don't want you to get hurt again, do you understand?"

Mother Ye sighed and said helplessly: "Mom understands what you mean! After this incident, Mom will never forgive him anymore! Since this house is Bei Ting's mind, then I will accept it! Come on! I have packed everything, let's just move over!" As he said, he and the driver carried the luggage downstairs.

Because of her pregnancy, Ye Anxin couldn't help carry heavy things, so she gave her some small bags, lighter things!

Ye Mu originally had less luggage, plus Ye Mu lost almost all of Ye Shan's things, so there was less luggage, plus cotton wool and something, there were only three big bags! The rear compartment of the commercial vehicle just fits down!

After putting away the luggage, Ye Mu put the key of the rental house on the table of the rental house, and finally took a look at the inside and out of the house before turning around and leaving without looking back.

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