<!--Beginning of chapter content-->What does this mean, uncle?

Is she rejected by the uncle? Dislike her approach? Still dislike her IQ? Or dislike her for being smart?

Thinking of Mu Beiting's contemptuous glance just before taking off his clothes, Ye Anxin suddenly became angry, and reached out to open the bathroom door, but the door was not locked, so he opened and rushed in!

At this moment, Mu Beiting had just taken off his clothes, and he was standing naked under the faucet, and the hot water was pouring down.

In the smoke, I saw Mubei Tingwei's body standing under the hot water, and his bronzed skin glowed a seductive red because of the washing of the hot water! With his well-proportioned figure, long slender legs, and strong chicken, May Day does not show his perfection.

This is a picture of a beautiful male bathing!

Ye Anxin couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, and the pretty blushing could almost pinch the water out, "Big...uncle, yes...sorry...I...I...I...!"

Ye Anxin said several words in a row, but he couldn't say a complete sentence!

Do you let her say, I don't know you are taking a shower?

A person, taking off his clothes and going into the bathroom, what else can he do besides taking a bath?

She said that, isn't it because there is no silver three hundred taels here!

Just when Ye Anxin was about to bite off his tongue, Mu Beiting's tall figure forced him over.

Ye Anxin took a step back instinctively, cried out inwardly, turned around and wanted to escape!

However, before he had time to turn around, he suddenly felt his wrist tighten, and Mu Beiting's strong arm gently moved her into his arms, and the bathroom door closed at this moment, the next second , Her back pressed against the closed bathroom door, and then, his tall figure pressed over and lowered her between the door and his chest.

Ye Anxin swallowed harder again, only to feel a fever in his head and no ability to think at all.

Mu Beiting stretched out his right hand, his index finger and thumb gently pinched Ye Anxin's chin, raised her head, her thin lips slightly hooked, and the evil spirit said, "What do you want to say? I don't know if I take a bath? Up?"

"I...I...! I am...!" Ye Anxin tried his best to find an excuse.

However, at this moment, her head was muddy, and she couldn't think of anything at all.

"Since it's here, don't go out! We have been married for so long and have never done it standing up! Try it today!" As he said, lowered his head, thin lips directly blocked Ye Anxin's delicate red lips.

"Hmm...!" Ye Anxin blinked Shui Yingying's big eyes, looking at the hazy handsome face in the mist, and thinking of what he had just said, his head became hot.

What do you mean standing up! What does he mean?

Are you going to want her under the Yuba?

It didn't take long for Ye Anxin's guess to be verified!

Mu Beiting pulled her and stood under the bath master, using various postures, repeatedly asking her!

The hot water flowed down their bodies from top to bottom. Mu Beiting didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong at all, but was rather happy!

Gradually, Ye Anxin was also brought into it by him, gradually sinking into decline.

Ye Anxin didn't know when she came out of the bathroom, she only knew that she was very tired, so tired, and tired people would collapse!

When Mu Beiting hugged her out of the bathroom, put her on the bed, put her head on the edge of the bed, dripping long hair draped under the edge of the bed, gently rubbing the water stains on her hair, she was already asleep !

As for when the hair was dried, and when she was put to sleep, she couldn't remember at all.

The next day, Ye Anxin went to bed late again as usual! When she got up, Xiao Bai had already gone to class. She thought that Mu Beiting must have gone to the company, but when she went downstairs, she saw Mu Beiting sitting on the sofa with her legs folded and reading the newspaper.

Ye Anxin happily walked to Mu Beiting and sat down, put his arm around him and said, "Uncle, it's almost ten o'clock, why haven't you gone to the company?"

Mu Beiting did not answer, and said without raising his head, "Go for breakfast!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin replied obediently, and walked to the dining room obediently!

The servant hurriedly brought out her breakfast! Ye Anxin sat alone at the dining table and slowly ate breakfast.

After eating, he returned to Mu Beiting and sat down.

Mu Beiting put down his overlapping legs, put the newspaper on the reluctant coffee table, and said lightly: "Let's go!"

Ye Anxin asked, "Where are we going?"

Mu Beiting replied, "Hospital!"

Ye Anxin didn't understand Mu Beiting's meaning at once, and asked inexplicably, "Why are you going to the hospital?"

"Inspection!" Mu Beiting was still indifferent.

Ye Anxin suddenly realized that when he heard the words, he remembered that he said yesterday that he was going to go for a check-up today! After Yan Chuxia's troubles last night and the uncle's tossing about in the bathroom, she had forgotten the matter of going to the birth check-up.

Ye Anxin was moved and said, "Uncle doesn't go to the company, is it specifically to accompany me to the inspection?"

Mu Beiting didn't answer, but took Ye Anxin's hand and led her out.

Ye Anxin obediently followed him out, got in the commercial car that had been waiting at the door and headed towards the hospital!

Although she was pregnant with a child once, Ye Anxin never knew that there were so many people in the hospital who went to the hospital every day for check-ups! When she was about to queue up for registration, she realized that family members had come to queue up for registration in the early morning! If she is queuing now, she will have to wait until tomorrow to check in.

When I was pregnant with Xiaobai last time, it seemed that every time I went straight, the inspection time was short and everything went smoothly, so she didn't understand the current situation at all.

Looking at Ye Anxin who was standing in the outpatient department and staring at the long registered line, Mu Beiting squatted and directly took her hand to the stairs.

Because the obstetrics for gynecology was on the second floor and the elevator was crowded and crowded, Mu Beiting took Ye Anxin straight up the stairs.

Although there are people on the stairs, there are very few people, only a few people passing by occasionally.

When Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin walked to the corner, they were on the Three Threshold Stairs and they were going up here, when they suddenly heard a delicate sound, followed by a dog barking.

Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting stopped and looked behind them instinctively.

I saw a woman wearing a white shirt and black trousers sitting on the ground, and a white fox was standing beside her, constantly barking at her.

The woman sat on the ground horrified by the fox, her buttocks kept moving back, and her head looked around anxiously, fearing that the fox might bite her.

When the woman's head looked at Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting, let alone Ye Anxin, even the woman was stunned.

Ye Anxin's eyes widened, she looked at this woman incredibly, and then looked at Mu Beiting next to her.

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