Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 539: : Her name

Ye Anxin's eyes widened, she looked at this woman incredibly, and then looked at Mu Beiting next to her.

The reason why she had such an expression was entirely because this woman and Mu Beiting's face were six to seven points alike.

This woman is very beautiful, very beautiful, more beautiful than any woman she has ever seen, but her face is very pale, that kind of sickly pale, without any blood! The body is also very thin, as if the wind blows down.

If her face is less feminine and more masculine, it is simply a copy of Mu Beiting.

Who is this woman? Why is it so similar to Uncle?

Obviously, in addition to Ye Anxin, the woman who fell on the ground also noticed this problem. She stared at Mu Beiting intently while touching her face with her hand, and seemed to be thinking about this issue very seriously.

Ye An couldn't help but said to Mu Beiting next to him, "Uncle, this woman is like you!"

Mu Beiting glanced across the woman's face quickly, his thin lips lightly opened, until he uttered three words, "I don't think!"

"...!" Ye Anxin looked at him silently.

Why don't you think it? So like! Mu Rufeng told him about the relationship between his uncle and nephew, but they didn't look alike at all! If she hadn't known that the uncle had no brothers or sisters, she would have thought that the two of them were brothers and sisters.

Because apart from her brothers and sisters, she really can't think of why two people in the world are so alike.

Just when Ye Anxin and the woman froze at the same time, a childish voice rang anxiously, and then a petite figure hurried over, "Simao, where did you go? It was so hard for me to find it!"

Ye Anxin looked towards the petite voice, and saw a little girl about six or seven years old hurried up from the stairs. When she squatted down, she hugged the white fox in her arms.

Even if she held the fox in her arms, the fox still kept yelling at the woman who had fallen on the ground, wishing to eat her alive!

The little girl found that something was wrong with her loss. She hurriedly lowered her head and apologized: "Big sister, I'm sorry, Shimao didn't mean it. She is usually very good. She has never bitten anyone or attacked anyone! I don’t know why it is chasing you today! Big sister, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, are you hurt?”

The woman got up from the ground, patted the dust on her body, smiled and said, "It's okay, I didn't get hurt, I just fell over carelessly!"

Seeing the woman so gentle and easy to talk, the little girl was even more embarrassed, "Big sister, I'm really sorry! After I go back, I will definitely discipline him and never let him attack people indiscriminately!"

"It's okay, I'm really okay, you don't need to feel guilty!" As he said, he tried to touch the fox in the arms of the little girl. As a result, before the hand touched, the fox dog, who was finally comforted by the little girl, yelled at her desperately.

The loud cry was particularly harsh in the really quiet corridor.

The woman laughed at the barking of the fox, and she smiled, shyly withdrawing her hand.

"That big sister, I'll go now! Thank you for not blaming her today!" Then, the little girl nodded to the woman and walked downstairs with the fox in her arms.

Strangely enough, when the little girl turned around, the fox dog immediately became quiet after not seeing the woman.

Ye Anxin looked at the scene behind her strangely, as if thinking about something in her head.

"Let's go!" Mu Beiting completely looked like an outsider, holding Ye Anxin's hand and preparing to continue climbing.

As a result, just two steps away, the girl who got up from the ground ran after him, stretched out her hand to block their way, her big round eyes looked at Mu Beiting recklessly, squinted, and asked with a smile, "This Big brother, Qin Muyao, what is your name? Do you know why we look like this?"

"Mu...!" Ye Anxin chewed the word repeatedly!

Why does this woman not only look like the uncle, but also the uncle's surname in her face name? Is it really just a coincidence?

Compared with the curiosity of the two women next to him, Mu Beiting frowned and said indifferently, "Go away!"

It was the first time someone yelled like this when he grew up. Qin Muyao's eyes reddened instantly and looked at Mu Beiting aggrievedly.

"Girl, I'm sorry, my uncle is like this, he is not malicious, please don't be offended!" With this look alone, Ye Anxin can't hate the girl in front of him, and see Mu Beiting crying her. I am busy explaining.

Qin Muyao asked again, "Uncle? Sister, is this big brother your uncle?"

"...!" Mu Beiting's originally not ugly face sank completely, and he took Ye Anxin's hand and walked upstairs without saying a word.

Qin Muyao wanted to follow again, but when she saw Mu Beiting said without looking back, "Get away, don't follow me anymore, otherwise you're welcome!"

As soon as Mu Beiting threatened, Qin Muyao did not dare to follow them anymore, so she could only stand on the stairway, and watched them disappear before her eyes.

After going up the stairs, Ye Anxin looked up at the man next to him and found that he still had a stinking face, knowing that he still said that he was angry when Qin Muyao said he said about her uncle! He hurriedly pulled out the hand he was holding tightly to hold his arm, shrugged lightly, squinted, and said with a smile, "Are you still angry? That Miss Qin was also unintentional, so don't be angry! "

Mu Beiting snorted coldly, turning his head and still angrily refused to look at her.

"Oh! Uncle, what are you doing so seriously? We don't know that Miss Qin, and we won't communicate again in the future, even if she misunderstands it, it's okay! Anyway, I know, you can just say my dearest husband!" , Ignoring the crowds around him, stood on tiptoe, and quickly kissed Mu Beiting's face.

For her, this trick is unsatisfactory!

Sure enough, Mu Beiting's complexion finally slowly eased, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, raising a nice arc.

Knowing that he is no longer angry, Ye Anxin smiled in relief, and said softly: "Are you not angry?"

Mu Beiting immediately made a straight face again, pretending to be serious and said, "It depends on your performance!"

"Okay, okay! I will behave well, you are my husband, not my uncle!" Ye Anxin knew that the uncle liked her to call him husband.

But she has become accustomed to the name Uncle, and she can't change it!

Moreover, the name of husband is too popular, occasionally yelling can increase the mood between husband and wife, but if you always yell like that, it feels like there is nothing special!

[PS: There is one more chapter to be updated later! 】

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