Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 552: : Survey results

Pete's work speed is very fast, only a day's work, the next morning, he will clearly investigate what Ye Anxin needs to know!

Ye Anxin took the folder that Pete handed to her hand, looked at the intimate photos inside, and looked at the smiles on her mother's face that she had never seen before, and suddenly felt sad and sad!

Twenty-six years! She had never seen such a heartfelt smile on her mother's face!

It looks like she is now the happiest woman in the world, and beside her is the only man who can give her happiness!

In her memory, her mother has always been melancholy and vicissitudes of life! However, in these photos, she never saw the melancholy and vicissitudes of life on her mother's face! The mother's whole body looks especially radiant under the nourishment of love, and her face is always full of glamour, so dazzling that makes people unable to look away.

Looking at this photo, Ye Anxin's eyes flushed unknowingly.

Mu Beiting held her hand, frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ye Anxin let Mu Beiting's hand touch her face, and put her little hand on the back of Mu Beiting's hand, and said sadly: "Uncle, it's been twenty-six years! I have lived with my mother for twenty-six years. I have never I've seen my mother smile like this, and I've never seen her so happy and happy! I...I...I suddenly felt so cruel, my mother finally found my own happiness, but I was cruel to dismantle they!"

Mu Beiting seemed to understand, "Didn't you say that happiness should not be based on the suffering of others?"

Ye Anxin nodded, and said complicatedly: "Yeah! They are so happy now, Xue Rong may be hiding in a corner alone and licking her wounds! But...but... I suddenly became so hesitant, what am I going to do? Don’t make it clear to my mother! I’m afraid... I don’t want my mother to become the woman who lived in the dark world again! My mother has been too hard in her life! In order to have a complete family for me, she sacrificed her most Important years and youth!"

Mu Beiting took it for granted: "Let Nan Mingchuan and Xue Rong get a divorce!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin immediately retorted with excitement, "No! If they get divorced, then my mother is really the third person who actually broke up their family, and my father is also a man who is worthy of the name, unjust and unrighteous! Xue Rong! Nan Jiansi is gone, if my father does anything, her world will collapse!"

After hearing what Ye Anxin said, Mu Beiting said coldly, "People are selfish! Selfish people will live happier lives!"

"...!" Ye Anxin raised his head and looked at him puzzled.

Mu Beiting pursed his thin lips, and said as usual, "If a person wants to consider all the people around, then she will live very contradictory and painful! Xue Rong has nothing to do with you, she has even hurt You! Why do you want to take into account her feelings? If father-in-law and mother-in-law can be together, I have a way to make Xue Rong get out of trouble!"

When he said this, Ye Anxin immediately understood what he meant by what he said just now.

People are selfish. Uncle means that if she can be a little selfish, as long as her mother can be happy, why bother to care about the feelings of others and the happiness of others!

However, she was not a selfish person! Although Xue Rong did a lot of hurtful things, in the end, she was desperate.

My daughter is gone, I don’t want my husband to be taken away by other women, and I don’t want my life-long hard work with my husband to fall into the hands of wild species like her. This idea is understandable!

So, she doesn't blame her, but she is a poor man!

Her mother may have been unhappy and unhappy in this life, but apart from the glamorous appearance, Xue Rong must not be better than her mother deep down!

"Although Xue Rong hurt me, she is forgiven! Moreover, this is a moral issue! Forget it, let me think about it! This matter will always be resolved! If you don’t take advantage of Xue Rong’s discovery of this I've dealt with the matter before, I'm afraid Xue Rong will do something extreme to hurt my mother!" Ye Anxin sighed. Although his mood is complicated, his will is very firm.

Father and mother can be together, but only if the father is single!

The father can divorce, but it is definitely not the first to reconcile with the mother and then divorce! If he could come to his mother after the divorce, the meaning would be completely different!

Mu Beiting nodded, and said warmly: "You think carefully, and if you need it, come to me anytime!"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin nodded and smiled barely, "Uncle, go to work! I'll stay alone for a while, let me think about it, it won't take a long time to figure it out!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting stood up, rubbed Ye Anxin's head, then turned and left.

After Mu Beiting left, Ye Anxin lowered his head and continued to look at the photos in his hands! Seeing her mother's smiling face, she really couldn't bear to look away.

This morning, Ye Anxin locked herself in her room for a long time!

As lunch approached, Ye Anxin took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone, found out his mother's phone number and dialed it.

The phone was connected after ringing for a long time.

This time, it was not A Qing who spoke, but Ye Mu, "Hey... Peace of mind...!"

Ye Anxin asked, "Mom, where are you now?"

Ye mother stammered: "I...I...I'm at home...what are you doing? What can I do if you call me suddenly?"

Having been with Ye Mu for twenty-six years, how could Ye Anxin's abnormal behavior fail to notice!

Although there was a phone call, she could clearly hear the guilty conscience in Ye Mu's voice!

Ye Anxin deliberately pretended not to hear the guilty conscience in Ye Mu's words, and smiled and said, "You are at home! I have something to do with you. I want to ask you out for a meal. Do you have time?"

Ye Mu said in shock: "Now... now?"

Ye Anxin still said in a very ordinary tone, "Yes! Is it inconvenient for you now?"

"Um...!" Ye Mu on the other end of the phone hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

Ye Anxin took advantage of the victory and pursued, "What can you do? If it is not convenient, it will do at night!"

Mother Ye hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and agreed, "...! It's convenient and convenient! I have time! Come here! Where shall we eat?"

Ye Anxin said, "That's fine! It's the farmhouse restaurant downstairs! I'm out now, you can wait for me there first, I'll be there soon!"

"Ok...well...! I'll wait for you!" Ye Mu nodded and hung up the phone.

Ye Anxin smiled bitterly at the busy tone on the other end of the phone.

It seems that the mother is now with the father again!

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