<!--The beginning of the chapter content-->At this time, it is also when they are full of affection and affection! I will definitely get tired of being together every day!

And her mother, for the sake of her father, lied to her for the first time!

Think about it, Ye An's unspeakable feeling in his heart!

Ye Anxin put her phone away, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After finishing her emotions, she took out a set of clothes from the closet and put on her backpack and went out!

Since the place where Ye Mu lives is in the city, it is much closer to where Ye Anxin lives than before, at least half the distance! Therefore, in less than an hour, Ye Anxin appeared in the farm restaurant where Ye Mu met!

The first time Ye Anxin stepped into the restaurant, Ye Mu saw it and waved to her hurriedly.

Ye Anxin smiled, took off his backpack and hung it on the back of the chair, and then sat down on the opposite side of Ye mother!

"Mom ordered a few dishes that you like to eat. Since you are here, let them serve them!" As he said, he waved to the waiter and asked the waiter to prepare the dishes.

Ye Anxin sat opposite Ye mother, watching her smiling face ever since she came in, like the spring breeze Ye mother, Ye An can't express the feeling in her heart!

Yemu in front of her was both familiar and unfamiliar to her!

That face is something she is familiar with and can no longer be familiar! She is completely unfamiliar with the whole person's charm!

Ye Anxin looked at Mother Ye and said, "Mom, I haven't seen you for a few days, it feels like you have completely changed!"

After hearing Ye Anxin's words, a trace of panic clearly flashed across Ye Mother's face, and immediately lowered her head with a guilty conscience, fearing that Ye Anxin would discover something.

Ye Anxin looked at Ye Mother's simple but still brand new clothes, and said meaningfully: "That's right! You used to buy more good clothes. You should dress up more while you are still young. You always didn't listen. Say it's saving money! What's wrong now? Why are you suddenly willing to buy new clothes?"

Mother Ye curled up her mouth and smiled to hide her guilty conscience, "Hey...! I haven't been told too much by you yet, and it's right to think. I'm only less than 50 years old now. Why don't you treat yourself better? Buy more clothes! You give me so much living expenses every month, I don't know how to use it, so I can only buy clothes!"

Seeing his mother lying to herself again and again, Ye Anxin couldn't help but feel a little sad: "Mom, I am your biological daughter! We have lived together for 26 years! Although I haven't been in the past six years By your side, but mother and daughter are connected! In this world, you are the person who knows me best, and I am the person who knows you best!"

"...!" Ye mother was stunned, watching Ye Anxin blinked, "Of course! Our mother and daughter are the closest people in the world! For you, I can do nothing! You are the most to me. important!"

Ye Anxin said sadly: "Since I am your most important person, why are you lying to me?"

Ye Mu hurriedly denied, "...? I lied to you? No! How could I lie to you! Ever since I was a child, I have never lied to you except for Ye Shan's affairs!"

Ye Anxin frowned and said sadly: "Did you just lie to me? Mom... I am your daughter, don't I know what kind of person you are? Even if I give you more every month Living expenses, you will not be willing to use them, you will save them frugally, and then give them to me! But... you just said that I gave you too much living expenses, you don’t know how to use it, just dress up Own! I'm very happy when you dress yourself up, and I don't like your money! But I don't want you to lie to me!"

"You...what do you mean by this?" Seeing Ye Anxin's serious expression that she had never had before, an unknown premonition surged in Ye Mu's heart.

Ye Anxin sighed and showed off directly, "Mom, where's my dad! Call her and ask him out together!"

From the moment she knew that Nan Mingchuan was her biological father, she had admitted this fact, so she changed her name!

Father is father. This is a fact that can never be changed. She will not be pretentious like other women, refuse to recognize each other, resent or something!

She felt that it didn't make any sense at all! Even if you don't admit it, you can't change the fact that his blood is bleeding on you.

What's more, what happened back then was also a misunderstanding. Nan Mingchuan didn't want their mother and daughter, she didn't need to blame him!

Therefore, after knowing that Nan Mingchuan was her father, she quickly admitted the fact that she could call him what she should call him. She could not call him uncle, nor could she call him Mr. Nan, so she could only call him father! This is also a fact that cannot be changed.

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Ye Mu was stunned and accidentally knocked over the teacup in front of her, and the water in it suddenly poured out!

"Oh...!" Ye Mu hurriedly held up the teacup, took out the paper towel on the table and wiped the water flowing on the pants and the water on the table.

Ye Anxin also pulled out a tissue to help Ye Mu.

It wasn't until the situation on the desktop was dealt with that Ye Mu blushed and said embarrassedly, "You...you all know?"

She was not good at lying at first, and she lied to her daughter again. She was guilty and was directly exposed by Ye Anxin. She confessed no matter where she concealed it.

Ye Anxin couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said helplessly: "What do you mean? You are my mother. You have changed so much these days. If I don't know yet, then my daughter is too incompetent! Give Dad Let’s call it! Let’s make it clear to the three of us if we have anything to say!"

Ye Mother looked at Ye Anxin defensively, "You...what do you want to say to him?"

Seeing her mother’s nervous look, Ye Anxin suddenly felt disappointed, “Mom, I am your daughter and he is my father. What do you think I will say to him? Would I still hurt him and beat him, Scold him? Don't you know what kind of person I am? Don't you be afraid of hurting my heart if you defend him so much?"

Mother Ye hurriedly waved her hand and explained nervously, "No, no! Peace of mind, don't get me wrong! I'm just afraid you will blame him! Because, in the final analysis, I am also wrong in this matter, and it is because of my poor control! Blame me! Don't blame him!"

Ye Anxin couldn't help but said with sorrow: "Mom, are you so worried about me? It's only a few days, and you just defend him like this. I'm your biological daughter who has been with you for more than 20 years!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's my fault, I will call him now!" Fearing that Ye Anxin would be angry, Ye mother hurriedly took out her mobile phone, found out Nan Mingchuan's phone number and dialed it.

The call was quickly connected. After Ye Mu said the reason, Nan Mingchuan on the other end of the phone readily agreed.

When she hung up the phone, Ye Mother put her hands on her legs anxiously and mixed them tightly, her palms were full of cold sweat because of tension.

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