Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 559: : Considerate

"That's not it!" Mu Beiting raised his eyebrows, and ignored Xiao Bai's answers and thoughts, and entered his room alone.

Xiaobai stood outside the main bedroom door, and did not follow up, but tilted his head and thought seriously for a while!

Although he is five years old now, he is more mature and sensible than many children of the same year! However, the concept of family affection is exactly the same as Mu Beiting at the beginning! Except for Mom and Dad, I don't care about anyone, and I don't understand why I care about them.

However, after the analysis by Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting just now, although Xiaobai still does not want his mother to kiss anyone other than himself and his wife, he understands one thing. If he is asked not to kiss his mother, he It must be very sad!

Grandma is his mother's mother, and he can't be so selfish that his mother will not kiss his mother.

Therefore, although my heart was still uncomfortable and sour, I didn't worry about it anymore! Going back to the room, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then went downstairs for breakfast with Mu Beiting.


In the past few days, Ye Anxin has always been with his mother! I was afraid that my mother's hard-working determination would collapse because of his father's rhetoric.

However, what makes Ye Anxin strange is that Nan Mingchuan has not come to look for his mother these days, not only has he not called his mother, and even the people guarding Ye's mother below have not seen Nan Mingchuan's trace. .

Ye Anxin thought that this was another trick played by his father, and still insisted on guarding Ye Mu for a month.

In this month, the weather was calm, and the previous event was just a dream for them.

In this month, under Ye Mu's enlightenment from Ye Anxin, her mood improved a lot. Compared with the initial frown and melancholy, it was much better.

Basically, Ye Anxin didn't dare to leave her mother immediately, so she asked Mu Beiting to send someone to inquire about it, and she was relieved after making sure that Nan Mingchuan had been in the capital and there was nothing unusual.

Sitting on the two-bedroom sofa, Ye Anxin held Ye's mother's hand and said warmly, "Mom, I won't be coming tomorrow! My dad has not come to see you for more than a month, so I should have given up! So, I too No need to stay by your side anymore!"

Ye Mu heard the words, a trace of sadness flashed under her eyes, and she hung her head in silence.

Seeing Ye Mother's expression, Ye Anxin couldn't help but ask: "Mom, Dad didn't come to you, are you disappointed in your heart?"

Mother Ye was taken aback for a moment, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, "I know I shouldn't think this way! I hope he will not come to me, and want to completely cut off relations with him! But, on the other hand, I see He really gave up and really didn't come to me. I was still very sad and lost in my heart!"

Ye Anxin sighed and said helplessly: "Oh...Mom, I understand your mood. You are still not used to it, so you can adjust to it slowly! It is really hard to forget a person! But, I believe, this world There is no one who can't live without it! What's more, I have been here for twenty-six years, and there will be no problem in the future! If Dad really cares about you and likes you, he will not wrong you and will naturally handle everything. Looking for you! On the contrary, if he harass you when he can't give you a position, then it can only show that he is very selfish and doesn't really love you at all! Because if a man truly loves that woman, he cannot bear her. Anyone who is wronged or hurt!"

How could Ye Anxin not understand her mother's complicated mood now!

Women are like this, contradictory! Many things can be seen clearly and in vain, but they refuse to accept reality! Sometimes, accepting reality on the surface, but still holding small hope in my heart!

Her mother said the best example! Knowing that they are impossible, even if Nan Mingchuan comes to her, he can't be with him! However, even if I knew it was impossible, I still looked forward to the performance of my beloved man! Even if he can't respond, I hope to see his heart for himself from the man's performance! After all, it is the woman's vanity that is at fault, hoping that the man she loves can also love her passionately.

"I understand, I understand what you are talking about! It's just... it's just that... I always can't get past this hurdle!" As she said, she was afraid that Ye Anxin would talk about herself, so she hurriedly raised her head and held Ye Anxin instead. Hand, said anxiously: "However, don't worry, I can hold it back. I believe that time can dilute everything! I will come here for twenty-six years and don’t care if another twenty-six years pass! Don’t worry about me, go back well. An fetus! During this period of time, you ran on both sides of me, and your whole body lost a lap, and my mom felt distressed too!"

In fact, watching her daughter run on both sides every day, she really feels distressed for the appearance of losing her whole body! I once persuaded her to take care of herself and stop running on both sides, but she refused to listen and stayed with her for more than a month!

Seeing her belly getting bigger day by day, she really said it hurts!

In the future, whether it is for her daughter or for herself, she will control herself so that she will no longer be bewitched by Nan Mingchuan.

Ye Anxin nodded and smiled and said, "Okay! Remember to turn off your phone when you go to bed at night, and call me as soon as possible under any circumstances. Although I am pregnant with a child, I have an uncle. Help us!"

"I know, okay, it's getting dark, although I really want to keep you here for dinner before leaving, but I know that you haven't accompany Mu Beiting and Xiaobai to dinner for a long time. They must miss you very much. Go back and accompany them! Mom is here with A Qing!" As he said, he deliberately pushed Ye Anxin toward the door.

"Okay, I get it! Then I'll go back first!" As he said, he found his backpack and put it on his back. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell A Qing, "Aunt Qing, my mom will trouble you to take care of you. If you have any problems, please call me, I will definitely come over right away!"

"How can there be any trouble or trouble! Madam, please rest assured, I will take good care of my wife!" A Qing sent Ye Anxin to the door, Ye Anxin smiled and waved at Ye Mu before turning to leave.

After leaving Ye's mother's house, Ye Anxin got into the commercial car and went home!

Simply, finally rushed back home before dinner.

Mu Beiting and Xiaobai just got down from the upper floor and were about to eat in the dining room! Seeing Ye Anxin walk in, Xiaobai puffed his cheeks and turned his head to ignore her.

Compared with Xiao Bai's bulging appearance, Mu Beiting looked much calmer!

He walked slowly to Ye Anxin's side, touched her thin face, and said warmly, "Go wash your hands and eat!"

[Ps: There is one more chapter to be updated later. The computer is broken. I can only repair it tomorrow and return it to me. All the manuscripts are in the computer. Sadly, I can only recode it again, using a completely unfamiliar computer, so the speed is very slow. , I hope everyone has a lot of weight! I am also miserable! Ugh...! ]

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