Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 560: :I miss you!

Seeing that Mu Beiting was not only not as angry as Xiao Bai, but rather let himself eat with consideration, Ye An's eyes were red and moved: "Uncle, don't you blame me?"

Mu Beiting raised his eyebrows, and naturally said, "Why do you blame you? If you don't care about your mother, then it is not Ye Anxin, who I liked at the beginning!"

Ye Anxin pursed her lips and smiled, "Uncle, thank you for your understanding!"

"Wash your hands and eat!" Mu Beiting didn't say anything, took Ye Anxin's hand, led her to the bathroom, unscrewed the faucet, put her soft hands under the faucet and carefully cleaned it, then took it out and hung it. The dry towel next to her wiped off the water stains on her hand, and then she took her hand out of the bathroom.

When Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin walked out of the bathroom, Xiao Bai had already sat in his place obediently.

Ye Anxin sat down beside him, rubbed his head, smiled and said, "Xiaobai, mother has not been with you for more than a month, are you angry with your mother?"

She won't forget how Xiaobai looked bulging when she entered the door just now.

This little guy must have resented her now.

"Huh...!" Xiaobai snorted coldly, turning her head away from her.

Ye An's slumped mouth, pretending to be wronged, said: "Xiaobai, are you really going to ignore your mother in the future? If you are like this, mother will be very sad!"

Xiaobai said sourly, "Huh! Are you still sad? I thought you had only grandma in your heart, and no me at all!"

Feeling the jealousy in his words, Ye Anxin hurriedly coaxed: "How could it be! Xiaobai is very important in mother's heart! Look, mother will rush back to dine with you immediately after handling grandma's affairs today!"

"Huh...!" No matter how Ye Anxin coaxed, Xiao Bai kept snorting coldly!

Ye Anxin pretended to be sad and asked, "Xiaobai, do you really blame your mother? Are you really planning to ignore me in the future?"

"Huh...!" Xiaobai still snorted coldly, turning his head and not looking at her.

This time, Ye Anxin was completely gone!

In the past, no matter how angry Xiao Bai was, he would say how dissatisfied he was. This was the first time in history that he would not speak no matter what she asked!

Mu Beiting, who had been sitting next to him, couldn't stand it, and comforted him: "Leave him alone! He is not angry with you, he misses you!"

"Huh...!" When facing Mu Beiting, Xiao Bai still snorted coldly, tilting his head not to look at them.

After Mu Beiting said so, Ye Anxin suddenly realized it!

How did she forget, her son is a proud and thin-skinned son! Because I miss her, but I am shy and don't know how to express it, so I can only vent my thoughts and attract her attention.

This Meng Sao's character is exactly the same as his father Mu Beiting.

After figuring this out, Ye Anxin immediately laughed, rubbing Xiaobai’s little head, and said softly: "Xiaobai, don’t worry, grandma’s affairs have been taken care of, mother will not go to grandma’s house tomorrow, just concentrate. How about staying with you?"

Hearing what Ye Anxin said, Xiao Bai turned his head and asked expectantly, "Are you true? Don't you lie to me?"

Ye Anxin nodded and promised: "Of course! My mother has not been with Xiaobai for more than a month because of my grandmother's affairs, and my mother is very guilty! During this time, you miss your mother, and your mother misses you too! So , Mom will not go anywhere these days, and stay with you at home every day!"

Xiaobai heard the words, his eyes brightened, and he said excitedly: "A word is for sure! You are not allowed to go anywhere these days, you can only accompany me alone!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said, "Let's make it clear! Now that I promised you, are you not angry anymore? Have a good meal! Before going to bed tonight, how about my mother telling you a story?"

"Yeah!" With Ye Anxin's assurance, Xiaobai was in a good mood, holding the bowl and chopsticks to eat desperately.

Seeing Xiaobai's elegant eating, Ye Anxin shook his head helplessly.

A child is a child, always so coaxing, just a few words to coax joy!

However, during the recent period, she has really had too much business, ignoring Xiaobai and Uncle! She should make up a lot and accompany them more.

After Ye mother's incident, Ye Anxin completely forgot what happened in the hospital, and the appetite affected by the fox finally recovered.

After dinner, Ye Anxin accompanied Xiaobai and Mu Beiting for a walk in the garden.

Since the incident with Ye mother, Ye Anxin almost went out early and returned late. Every day Xiaobai and Mu Beiting were still running and talking, she went out, and she came back at night to speak at eight or nine. Mu Beiting was working in the study. , And Xiaobai is already taking a bath and sleeping.

Therefore, for a long time, she did not accompany them to breakfast or dinner, let alone a family of three walking in the garden as usual.

Not to mention Ye Anxin, even Xiaobai feels this way!

Walking in the garden holding Ye Anxin's hand, he suddenly said, "Mom, I feel like you haven't been with me for a long time!"

Ye Anxin said helplessly: "Yes! Although it's only more than a month, it feels like it's a long time!"

"Mom, I haven't seen you for more than a month, and your belly is getting bigger!" As he said, he reached out to touch Ye Anxin's belly, but didn't dare to touch it.

Ye Anxin pursed her lips and smiled, pinching Xiao Bai's wrist, and placing his slender hand on his bulging belly.

The little guy in his stomach seemed to have a sense of induction. Just as Xiaobai's hand touched Ye Anxin's belly, the little guy in his stomach kicked twice! And these two kicks just hit Xiaobai's palm, and Xiaobai was taken aback for a while, it should be a long time to react.

Seeing Xiaobai's silly look, Ye Anxin smiled and said, "Xiaobai, do you feel it? My sister is kicking you!"

Xiaobai lit his little head desperately, and said excitedly: "I feel it! She's so naughty, so strong!"

Ye Anxin turned her head to look at Mu Beiting, squinted her eyes, and asked with a smile, "Uncle, do you want to touch your daughter? The little guy has been active recently!"

Mu Beiting was silent for a while, and moved his hand manually, trying to touch it, but did not reach out.

Knowing that he was embarrassed, Ye Anxin took his hand and put his big hand on his belly.

The effect is the same. The moment Mu Beiting's hand just put it up, the little guy inside immediately kicked it twice!

Ye Anxin smiled and asked, "Uncle, isn't it naughty?"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded stiffly, placing his hand gently on Ye Anxin's belly, reluctant to remove it.

Xiao Bai raised his head, looked at Ye Anxin innocently and blinked, and asked curiously, "Mom, how do you know that it must be the younger sister? What if it is the younger brother?"

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