Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 828: : Falling into the water

But at the beginning, my daughter was forced to leave her hometown, and she couldn't get back home if she had a family, and she couldn't escape Su Yuexin!

Therefore, she really hated Su Yuexin to her bones.

I hate Su Yuexin, and naturally I have no affection for Su Yuexin's mother!

Ye Mu didn't ask angrily, "Why are you here?"

Mother Su's eyes were red, and she said emotionally: "You get out of the way, I'm here to find Ye Anxin to settle the accounts. Don't be nosy here, otherwise I won't even let you go!"

"Mom, let's go!" Ruan Zhitong took Ye Mu's arm to take her away.

"Don't go! Ye Anxin, I don't allow you to go!" Su's mother hurriedly opened her hands and blocked their way.

Ruan Zhitong said with a cold face and expressionlessly: "What the **** do you want to do? I tell you, you'd better get out, otherwise I'm not polite to you!"

"Release Yuexin, let Mu Beiting release Yuexin! Even if I beg you! Yuexin is really fortunate to be in prison, she is so pitiful! Please have mercy on her, let her go!" With that said, Mother Su actually knelt down in front of Ye Anxin with a'plop'.

"Impossible! She killed my first child and hurt me again and again! She deserves it now! Why should I have known it today!" She said, took Ye mother's hand and spared it. Mother Su walked outside.

Seeing that Ye Anxin and Ye Mu left like this, Su Mu jumped up from the ground, ran to them, and once again blocked their way, "Ye Anxin, stop for me, if you don't let Mu Beiting let go. Yuexin, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Su Yuexin hurts more than me. Even if I let the uncle let her go, the uncle himself would not want to! As a mother, if you were able to discipline her well, she wouldn't be where she is now!" Ruan Zhitong The attitude is still very cold, there is no room for maneuver.

Seeing her decisive and decisive look, Ye Mu, who was standing by her side, couldn't help but be a little surprised!

When did her daughter become so sympathetic? Although Su Yuexin deserved the crime, but according to An Xin's character, she would hesitate more or less, even soft-hearted! Even if she didn't agree to help in the end, her expression shouldn't be so cold!

Although she feels An Xin's current attitude is right, after so many things, she feels that she should be like this!

However, my daughter suddenly became like this, she was really uncomfortable!

"You...! I just asked you to let Yuexin go, not to teach me!" Su Mu was anxious and rushed to catch Ruan Zhitong.

"Mom, take the first day with you, don't let her hurt her to the first day!" Ruan Zhitong hurriedly pushed Ye Mu aside gently to prevent Su's mother from hurting Ye Mu and the first year in Ye Mu's arms.

Fearing that the out-of-control Su Mu would hurt the little milk baby in her arms, Ye Mu hugged Xiao Chuyi and hid aside. However, when he saw Su's mother with red eyes and a grim expression, he urged uneasy: "An Xin, be careful! This woman seems a little abnormal in spirit, be careful not to be hurt by her!"

"Mom, leave me alone, hurry up and take the first day, then call the uncle or the driver and ask them to come here soon!" Ruan Zhitong entangled with Su's mother while shouting anxiously to Ye Mu next to her.

"Okay...!" Ye Mu suddenly realized that she was busy holding Xiaochuyi to get off the boat.

At this time, Su Mu didn't know how to get a fruit knife from there and directly attacked Ye Mu who was about to leave.

"Mom, be careful!" Ruan Zhitong was startled, and hurriedly ran to grab the fruit knife in Su Mu's hand.

After going back and forth, Ruan Zhitong and Su Mu were entangled tightly.

Ye mother stood there at a loss. Although she was worried about her daughter's safety, she thought of the little nanny in her arms, gritted her teeth secretly, and hurriedly hugged Xiao Chuyi and ran under the boat.

As soon as I got off the boat, before I had time to walk two, I only heard a ‘plop’. It was the sound of heavy objects falling into the water.

Ye Mu was startled and hurriedly looked back at the boat! However, Ruan Zhitong, who had been entangled with Su's mother just now, had disappeared.

"Haha... I finally avenge my daughter, I finally avenge Yuexin! All this is what she deserves, and she deserves it. It was her who robbed my daughter of the man that caused my daughter to become now This way! Now, she has finally received the punishment she deserves!" Mother Su stood by the boat, looking at the place where Ruan Zhitong had just fallen into the water, raising her head, proudly, smiling brazenly up to the sky!

That looks like a mad woman who has completely lost her mind.

The movement outside the ship alarmed the people dining inside the ship. Everyone walked out. When they saw the mad woman standing outside, they were all taken aback. They didn't dare to approach, for fear of accidentally being injured by her.

"An Xin... An Xin...!" Realizing that her baby girl had fallen into the water, Ye Mu hurriedly hugged Xiao Chuyi and ran to the boat.

Ruan Zhitong fell into the water, and Su Mu's revenge was avenged. He turned a blind eye to Ye Mu who rushed up, holding his head, laughing wildly, and staggering away.

Seeing Mother Su who left, although Ye Mu was angry, she didn't have the intention to care about her. Instead, she ran to the place where Ruan Zhitong fell into the water, and looked at the calm river surface and shouted out of control, "An Xin, An Xin... An Xin...!" However, no matter how she shouted, there was no movement on the river surface.

In desperation, Mother Ye had to ask for help from the crowd standing nearby, "What to do? What to do? My daughter can't swim, save my daughter, please, save my daughter!"

Looking at the poor mother Ye who was holding her baby and crying, although everyone was sympathetic, none of them was willing to stand up and help.

Seeing that they were indifferent, Ye mother knelt in front of them with a'plop', "Please, save her! I'm the only daughter, and she can't have an accident! Her child is so young that she can't live without a mother!"

Seeing Ye mother crying really pitifully, one of the men couldn’t bear to say, “It’s not that we don’t want to leave her alone, but that the river is so urgent now, I’m afraid she would have been washed away by the river long ago! If we go down, only I'm afraid that she will end up like her! So... I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do!"

They watched a lot of news about sacrificing themselves in order to save people who fell into the water! They are still young, so they don't want to jump into the river to save a stranger. If they don't come together, what should the family do? People are selfish, and they are no exception.

"Woo... Reassured... Mother is not good, mother is not right, mother shouldn't agree to come here! Huo...!" Just as Ye mother was crying heartbreakingly, suddenly there was a few consecutive falling into the water. sound.

Ye Mu turned her head hurriedly, and saw a few people wearing life jackets jumping down one after another.

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