Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 829: : There are many things

At this time, the restaurant manager came over, helped Ye Mu from the ground, and comforted: "Madam, please rest assured, our restaurant has always been equipped with lifeguards, our lifeguards just now It's already in the water, wait patiently for a while, Miss Ye should be fine!"

"Thank you, thank you...!" After hearing the manager's words, Ye Mu kept busy thanking him.

In order to know the situation of her baby daughter for the first time, Ye Mu has been standing beside the boat holding Xiao Chuyi.

However, the people who went into the water to salvage have been here for a long time and there is still no news at all! Ye Mu was pacing back and forth on the boat horribly.

Thinking of the daughter who had fallen into the water, and then looked at the first day of the junior high school in her arms, Ye Mu remembered that Mu Beiting had come, hurriedly took out the mobile phone in her trouser pocket, and called Mu's Villa.

The phone was quickly connected, and the housekeeper's voice came over there, "Hello, Mu's Villa!"

Mother Ye said anxiously, "Is the housekeeper? I am your wife's mother, can you tell me your husband's mobile phone number?"

The butler wondered: "Isn't Madam with you now? Madam wants your husband's cell phone number!"

Listening to the butler mentioning it, I felt relieved. Ye mother's nose was sour, and the tears she finally stopped shed again, "Anxin...Anxin is now in trouble...So, I want to call your husband and ask him to come over! Otherwise...otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late!"

The housekeeper hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Madam? What's wrong with Madam?"

Ye Mu glanced anxiously at the lifeguard who was still in the river, and said in an impatient tone for the first time: "It's a long story, hurry up and tell me your husband's mobile phone number!"

"Okay!" The housekeeper nodded and hurriedly reported Mu Beiting's mobile phone number to Ye Mu.

Strangely enough, Ye Mu, who has always had a bad memory, remembered Mu Beiting's mobile phone number all at once this time! After hanging up with the housekeeper, he immediately called Mu Beiting.

Unfortunately, after the phone rang, Mu Beiting didn't hesitate to cut it off!

Seeing Mu Beiting not answering the phone, Ye Mu became more anxious, and made several calls to Mu Beiting.

It's a pity that the result was the same, and it was directly cut off by Mu Beiting!

Ye Mu is so anxious! She knew that this was Mu Beiting's habit and never answered unfamiliar calls! But... thinking of the daughter who fell in Xiajiang, Ye mother gritted her teeth and found a place to sit down. She held Xiaochuyi in her left hand, and put her right hand on the table, rusty typing a line on the phone, "Bei Ting, I am An Xin mother, something happened to An Xin! Hurry up and answer the phone! Because Ye Mu never sends text messages, typing a few simple words wastes a lot of time.

When the text message editing was successfully sent, almost at the same time the text message was sent, the mobile phone placed on the desktop rang.

Ye Mu looked at Mu Beiting's phone number, and put it to her ears, "Hey...!"

Mu Beiting asked straightforwardly, "What happened to Anxin?"

Mother Ye said with tears in her eyes, "An Xin fell off the Yangtze River just now! Several people have jumped down to save, but there is no news at all! I'm afraid...!"

Before Ye's mother had finished speaking, Mu Beiting asked impatiently, "Where are you now?"

"We are in the restaurant on board in Jiangbei! An Xin said, you brought her here before!" Before Ye Mu finished speaking, Mu Beiting hung up the phone from there.

Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Ye Mu knew that Mu Beiting would definitely come over soon! Her daughter will be fine, she will be fine!

The lifeguards had been salvaging the river for several hours, not to mention the vicinity of the ship, even the lower reaches of the river far away from the ship, they had searched it all over, but they didn't even see Ruan Zhitong's shadow.

After several hours of searching, everyone was exhausted, but no one was found and they did not catch up. It is worth continuing to search!

The people who ate on the boat just now had no intention of eating because of what happened suddenly, and they all gathered around the boat to watch the latest developments.

At this moment, several military off-road vehicles drove directly across the beach and stopped by the river! Then, a group of people wearing life jackets got out of the car and jumped directly into the river without hesitation.

Not to mention the restaurant near here, even the lower reaches of the river are full of military off-road vehicles, and the entire river is full of lifeguards!

Seeing that someone was finally asked to take over, the lifeguard in the restaurant sighed in relief and climbed ashore.

When the people in the military off-road vehicle jumped down the river, Mu Beiting and Pete also got out of one of the off-road vehicles! Mu Beiting got on the boat with wind at his feet, found Ye Mu, and asked calmly, "What the **** is the situation, how can you fall into the river with peace of mind?"

"We...we just ate Chinese food and were about to leave! Unexpectedly, a mad woman ran up suddenly. Hearing An Xin said, that mad woman seems to be Su Yuexin's mother! She was going to hurt us with a fruit knife! Because of me Holding Xiaochuyi in my hand, I was relieved that Xiaochuyi would be hurt, so let me leave with Xiaochuyi first and call you! I didn’t expect to hear the sound of falling into the water as soon as I got off the boat, and when I looked back , An Xin has fallen!" Ye Mujiang's lost experience, the ins and outs carefully explained! Since Ruan Zhitong fell into the water, she has been crying until now, her eyes have been swollen from crying.

"Pete, tell them, no matter what method they use, they must find people back for me! I want to see people...!" At this point, Mu Beiting had unspeakable pain in his eyes and gritted his teeth for a long time. He gritted his teeth and said the last two words, "I want to see the corpse!"

"I know!" As he said, Pete got off the boat.

"Bei Ting, I'm sorry, we don't know how this happened! It's my fault, I failed to protect my daughter!" Ye Mu tightly held Xiaochuyi in her arms, with a whole face Buried in the belly of the first grade.

Mu Beiting irritated and comforted, "This is not the time for guilt and self-blame, let's find someone before talking!"

"An Xin has fallen for several hours. She doesn't know how to swim. Maybe... Maybe...!" Although she was reluctant to admit it, she had to admit that no normal person fell into the water for several hours. It's okay to be safe and sound.

Mu Beiting glanced at Ye Mu irritably! A face is extremely gloomy!

As if he couldn't feel the strange atmosphere around him at all, Xiao Chuyi, who had been in the arms of Ye Mubao, saw Mu Beiting's arrival and excitedly waved his hands to hug him.

Looking at the innocent, lively and lovely daughter who laughed, Mu Beiting was clearly irritable to death in his heart, but he had to laugh, report her into his arms, and kiss her little cheek forcefully!

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