Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 856: : Have children?

The color of the scar is already very light. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it with the naked eye! However, you can still feel it clearly when you touch it!

It's just that this scar is just at the bottom of the lower abdomen. It looks like a scar left by a Caesarean birth!

If it is really a scar from a Caesarean birth, why hasn't she seen her baby? Moreover, I have never heard Mu Rufeng talk about them having children!

What exactly is going on?

With a full belly of doubt, Ye Anxin walked out of the bathroom wearing the changed clothes, and asked Mu Rufeng blankly, " can there be a scar on my stomach? It looks like it was left by the caesarean. ! If it is really a Caesarean, what about our children?"

After hearing Ye Anxin's words, Mu Rufeng's face turned dark, and she lowered her head, pretending to be sad: "Xiaoman, I thought you would forget the unhappy things in the past when you fell your head this time, but I didn't expect you to see This scar is! That's right, this scar is indeed a caesarean birth!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin had not had time to be happy, so he heard Mu Rufeng continue to say, "It's just...but the child failed to keep it!"

Hearing this, Ye An excitedly grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm, "The child couldn't keep it? How come? Why is it finally? How can the child not keep it?"

"More than two years ago, you were indeed pregnant with our baby! However, when you were seven months pregnant, you suddenly had a car accident and you were bleeding heavily! The doctor said that the baby was 28 weeks old and could survive after taking out the baby. If you don’t take out the child, neither the adult nor the child will be able to keep it! So, I signed the doctor to take the child out! I thought, the doctor said that the child would survive, and it would be fine! Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect The child was taken out, but the child was out of breath and died as soon as he cried! It was me, I am sorry for you, and I failed to protect you and the child, that made you accidentally hit by a car ! Otherwise, the child will be two and a half years old this year!" At this point, Mu Rufeng actually started crying, tears being dropped on the cold tile floor.

Listening to the whole story, Ye Anxin only felt black in front of him, staggered, and took two steps backwards abruptly. His eyes widened, and he couldn't talk about it: "How could this be? Why?"

"Xiaoman, I know you are very sad. For the child, you have been depressed for two and a half years! However, the child is gone. I really don't want you to be immersed in the pain of losing a child! We! Still young, one day the child will come back! I originally thought that after you were injured this time, you would forget this unpleasant past. I didn't expect...Unexpectedly...! "Speaking of this, Mu Rufeng suddenly felt tight Holding Ye Anxin's hands tightly, her face was stern, and said distressed: "Xiaoman, let this matter pass! Let's not think about it anymore! We are still young, and there are opportunities. One day we will belong to Own children!"

Seeing Mu Rufeng's sincere expression, Ye Anxin didn't doubt his words at all, but instead asked in confusion, "But, it's been two and a half years, why haven't I been pregnant?"

She doesn't even know why, as if in the deepest memory, she always feels that she should be a mother! She seems to be one or two lovely children! But it seems not! Even she herself can't figure out if there is any!

Perhaps, as Mu Rufeng said, she had such an illusion because she lost her child and was overly sad!

Mu Rufeng explained with a smile, "The doctor said, if you want to get pregnant, you must relax and not stress yourself! Over the past two and a half years, you have put too much pressure on yourself, so we have never been able to get pregnant. This time, after you are completely healed, I will take you out to play, relax, let you forget the unpleasantness of the past, and relax. I believe we will have our own children soon!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded obediently, without any doubt about Mu Rufeng's words from beginning to end!

Seeing that Ye Anxin completely believed what she was saying, Mu Rufeng secretly relieved, but calmly said on her face: "The clothes are changed, let's go! I'll take you out for dinner!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, turned and walked towards the door.

Mu Rufeng hurried to catch up, holding her hand.

At the moment when Mu Rufeng's hands came up, Ye Anxin was taken aback for a while, stopped, and turned to look at the hands of the two clenched together.

Obviously this man holding his hand is his husband, but she is very resistant to his touch! Even disgusted!

For a moment, she almost shook his hand off impulsively! However, it was best to hold back!

Seeing Ye Anxin staring at the hands of the two holding hands tightly, Mu Rufeng grinned and asked in wonder, "What's the matter? Why aren't you leaving?"

"Nothing!" Ye Anxin smiled reluctantly and twisted the door open with his other free hand.

When they walked out hand in hand, Mu Mu was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing them coming out, I couldn't help rolling my eyes, and said with no good air: "I finally woke up and finally came out! I'm going to starve to death in order to wait for you! I knew it would take so long, I should first Go out to eat, don’t wait for you!"

The meaning in Mu Mu's words is obvious, it is to blame Ye Anxin for being lazy, and slept the whole afternoon as soon as she slept, leaving her and Mu Rufeng to wait for her alone!

Listening to Mu's mother, Ye Anxin blushed with embarrassment, "Mom, I'm sorry, I kept you waiting!"

Seeing Ye Anxin being blamed, Mu Rufeng hurriedly said distressed: "Mom, how can you say that! You know, Xiaoman's medicine contains sleepiness! Besides, her head has just been injured and she has to sleep a lot. normal!"

Seeing that his son, whom he had raised for 30 years, repeatedly bumped against him for Ye Anxin, Mu's mother's face instantly turned ugly.

Seeing that Mu's face had changed, Ye Anxin hurriedly gently pulled Mu Rufeng and held his hand.

Knowing what Ye Anxin meant, Mu Rufeng sighed helplessly and hurriedly raised a smiley face, "Okay, Mom, don't be angry, let's hurry down and eat! Don't starve you!"

Mu's mother stood up, walked to Mu Rufeng's side, and said coldly: "Sure enough, she married a daughter-in-law and forgot her mother! Now the **** is all on the daughter-in-law! My old thing is in your eyes A superfluous!" After saying, he gave Ye Anxin the culprit a fierce look, and left without turning back.

Fearing that Ye Anxin would be thinking wildly, Mu Rufeng hurriedly comforted: "Xiaoman, mom is finally, her mouth is a bit unreasonable, but her mind is not bad! Don't worry about her words!"

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