Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 857: : Wedding video

"I know! Let's go!" Ye Anxin nodded, without taking Mu's words to heart, and left with Mu Rufeng hand in hand.

After leaving the house and taking the elevator downstairs, Ye Anxin had no time to see the environment he currently lives in!

The real estate they live in is very large, and the greening is also very good! And they live on the tenth floor of the fifth unit in the middle! The residents of this community seem to know them. When Mu Rufeng takes Ye Anxin downstairs, the residents who have met will be happy to greet them!

Sweetly calling them "Mr. Mu, Mrs. Mu"!

Almost everyone who saw here knew them, and Ye Anxin was even more convinced of his current identity.

After leaving the community, Mu Rufeng took Mu Mu and Ye Anxin to a small restaurant across the road! Mu Rufeng expertly ordered a few dishes for Ye Anxin that she liked!

Mother Mu was in front of them, watching her precious son treat another woman so nicely, as if she had completely forgotten the existence of her mother, and she felt really bad in her heart.

What's even more annoying is that after the dishes were on the table, Mu Rufeng kept putting the dishes into Ye Anxin's bowl, constantly letting her eat more! From start to finish, let alone picking up vegetables for her, don't even look at her!

The hungry chest was stuck to the back, but when she looked at the oblivious young couple in front of her, Mu's mother was full of anger. She put her chopsticks on the table hard, picked up a cup of tea and gushed it into her mouth. Irrigation.

At this time, Mu Rufeng finally turned his attention away from Ye Anxin and turned to look at Mu's mother, "Mom, drink less water while eating, it's not good for the stomach!"

Mother Mu put her hands around her chest, and said sourly, "So you still know your mother I'm sitting opposite you! I thought I was transparent, you can't even see me!"

Mu Rufeng didn't understand the other meaning in Mu Mu's words, and said inexplicably, "Mom, what are you talking about? Why can't I see you when you sit across from me by a person as big as you! Besides, we are Come out together, how could I forget you!"

Mu maternal breath can't take it anymore, and he almost didn't breathe, "I haven't forgotten! Then you only order what your wife likes when you order, and you will give her the food alone when you eat! I am not transparent. what?"

When Mu Mu said this, Ye Anxin and Mu Rufeng suddenly understood that she was jealous!

Ye Anxin hurriedly winked at him, and Mu Rufeng knew her heart, and she hurriedly picked up Mu Mu's favorite dishes and put them in her bowl!

Upon seeing this, Mu's mother hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold her bowl and drew away, and said angrily: "You don't need to clip it. If you want to clip it, you should give it to your daughter-in-law! I will do what I want to eat!

"Mom, don't be childish! I didn't see Xiaoman just woke up. I was so happy for a while, so I forgot! Come on, hurry up and eat! lest you say that my son is not filial and has a wife Forget my mother!" As he said, he stood up from the table and chair, leaned over, and arbitrarily delivered the dishes on the chopsticks to Mu's bowl.

At this moment, Mu's mother stopped talking, lowered her head and started eating silently!

Mu Rufeng shook his head helplessly, and smiled at Ye Anxin.

After dinner, Mu Rufeng and Mu Mu took Ye Anxin to go shopping!

Walking on the street, Ye Anxin couldn't find the slightest familiar feeling! Those people on the street, those shops, everything is so strange to her!

Looking at her expression, Mu Rufeng held her shoulders and smiled and said, "The doctor said that you have lost some of your memories, so it is normal for you not to remember! After I go back, I can take us Find out the marriage video and show it to you! After watching that video, maybe you will remember something!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded and said nothing, silently following Mu Rufeng and Mu Mu on this strange street.

After shopping for a while, Mu Rufeng was afraid that Ye Anxin's body could not stand it, so he took her home!

After returning home, Ye Anxin found the pajamas from the closet, and first went to the bathroom to take a bath!

When she walked out of the bathroom, Mu Rufeng had found the video shot by the two people when they got married and talked about it, and just put it in the computer!

Seeing Ye Anxin finished taking a bath, Mu Rufeng walked over, took her hand to the computer and sat down, bent over and put his mouth to Ye Anxin’s ear, and said softly: "Xiaoman, you watch the video for a while. I'm going to take a bath!"

Feeling the warm breath blowing in Mu Rufeng's ears, Ye An's body unconsciously nodded, "Hmm!"

"I'll come out right away!" As she said, she kissed Ye Anxin's cheek before she found her pajamas in the closet and went into the bathroom.

After Mu Rufeng entered the bathroom, Ye Anxin looked at the screen on the computer screen seriously!

She clearly saw that she was wearing a white wedding dress and Mu Rufeng was wearing a dark blue suit. The two were in the church, standing in front of the solemn pastor and taking their wedding vows.

Lots of guests below! But she didn't know anyone! The only thing I knew was Mu's mother who was sitting on the family table.

Mu's mother seemed very upset about their union, she kept her face straight from beginning to end, even when others toasted and congratulated her, she did not have a smiling face.

In the video, she smiled very happily. At the banquet, she and Mu Rufeng were holding their arms next door, and toasting each other! In the noise of everyone, she will put her head on Mu Rufeng's shoulder, smiling very sweet and happy! Just like a little woman immersed in happiness!

Obviously these clips are so real, but she feels so strange that she can't remember them at all.

Looking at it, Ye Anxin's hand touched the mouse unconsciously! The shooting time of the video is displayed immediately below the video!

Time shows that this video was shot three and a half years ago! Time, the video and Mu Rufeng's words are all perfectly and seamlessly connected together!

Some fragments in my mind seemed to become clearer and clearer!

After watching the video for a while, Ye Anxin heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened! Thinking that Mu Rufeng had finished taking a bath, Ye Anxin couldn't help but twisted his pajamas with his hands nervously.

As Mu Rufeng's footsteps approached, Ye An suddenly stood up from the chair with horror.

Mu Rufeng came over and saw Ye Anxin standing there stiffly. He walked over to hug her slender waist from behind, put his chin on her shoulder, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Have you finished watching the video? Did you remember? What do you start?"

"No!" Ye Anxin shook his head!

Although she seemed to remember something, it was not very clear. She had to stroke it well.

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