Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 858: : Husband and wife relationship

Mu Rufeng said softly: "Would you like me to watch it with you? I can explain it to you by the way!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, slowly freed from Mu Rufeng's arms, and sat on the chair again.

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to sit on a chair by herself, and then let Ye Anxin sit on her legs! As a result, when she saw that she had already sat down, she didn't say anything, and had to move a bench and sit next to her.

The video continued to be put down, Ye Anxin watched it seriously, and while looking down, Mu Rufeng smiled and explained it next to him!

Some talk, when they are happy, they will laugh out loud! It can be seen that he must be very happy to talk about marriage at that time!

Listening to Mu Rufeng's explanation, watching the video play down, gradually, Ye Anxin seemed to have some vague memory fragments in her mind!

Waiting for a video to finish watching, it is already more than an hour later!

Mu Rufeng held Ye Anxin's hand, put her hand on her thigh, and asked softly, "How is it? Did you remember some?"

Ye Anxin frowned and racked his brains for a while before reluctantly saying: "It's a little bit...but it's still vague, I don't remember it very clearly!"

Mu Rufeng hurriedly smiled and comforted, "It's okay! Two days later, I will take you to see the psychological factors! The doctor said, in your case, you can hypnotize you, maybe you can remember the past! If it is true It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember! Anyway, we’ll be here for a long time, as long as we can be together, it doesn’t matter if we remember the past!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "Really? Can hypnosis remember the past?"

Mu Rufeng nodded and explained: "Some are okay, some are not, it depends on the degree of memory loss! But we can try! No matter what, as long as there is a little bit of hope, we have to try. dont you agree?"

Ye Anxin hurriedly said, "Then you take me tomorrow! I want to remember the past immediately!"

Mu Rufeng smiled and patted her hand, and said helplessly: "No tomorrow! Other experts have to make an appointment in advance! I promise you, I will make an appointment for you tomorrow, and I will take you there when the time is confirmed! Don't worry, I will slowly tell you the bits and pieces we used to get together these days!"

Because the hypnotist once said when he hypnotized Ye Anxin! If some people have too strong willpower, they have too deep memories of the past! Then it would be very difficult to clear the memory in her mind and instill new memory! Some talk may not be successful at one time, so you must come several times!

After Ye Anxin woke up this time, she found that the false memories that the hypnotist had instilled into her mind seemed vague and unclear!

This is enough to prove that she is very stubborn in her subconscious mind and refuses to forget the past! Not willing to accept the new identity they arranged for her!

The hypnosis master said that for people with very tenacious willpower like this, it is not enough to hypnotize only once. Follow-ups must be hypnotized several times according to her situation, and the memory they want to instill in her is repeatedly instilled several times!

Therefore, according to the current situation, she must take Ye Anxin a few more times, and then repeatedly instill the previous memory into her mind!

Otherwise, it is not difficult to guarantee that she will remember the past one day.

Hearing this, Ye Anxin had to drop her eyelids in disappointment, "That's it! Okay!"

Mu Rufeng smiled and said harmlessly: "It's late, take the medicine and go to sleep! I'll get you medicine!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin didn't doubt he was there, and nodded obediently.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng poured water and medicine for Ye Anxin! Ye Anxin took the medicine and the water and swallowed all the medicine into his stomach in one breath.

"Go to bed!" After Ye Anxin swallowed the medicine, Mu Rufeng put the water glass in her hand on the desk and walked towards the double bed with her hand.

Following Mu Rufeng, watching him take himself to the bed, Ye Anxin's back stiffened, thinking about what he would do later, what should he do? obedience? Rebellion?

It was normal to do that between husband and wife! However, she was resisting and disgusting in her heart! She doesn't even know why!

Seeing the bed getting closer, Ye Anxin's palms sweated nervously.

Mu Rufeng took her to sit down by the bed, put the hand holding her on her lap, spread her palm, looked at the sweat bead on it, pursed her lips, and said softly, "You are What's wrong? Why is there sweat in my palms?"

Ye Anxin said nervously, "I...I...I don't know! Maybe it's sweating!"

Mu Rufeng raised her eyebrows indifferently, looked at Ye Anxin deeply with her eyes, licked her interfering lips, her apple was rolled down, and said hoarsely, "Xiaoman...I...I think...!"

After listening to Mu Rufeng's words, Ye Anxin only felt his heart "cock", and instantly sank to the bottom.

Although Mu Rufeng didn't say it bluntly, but Ye Anxin is an adult. If she can't even understand the meaning of these words, then she is too hypocritical.

Ye An was very resistant and disgusted, and wanted to say no!

However, after thinking about it, I don't seem to have any position! Moreover, Mu Rufeng is really good to her! Gentle! Such a man, she could not find a reason for rejection!

Seeing that Ye Anxin hadn't said a word, she thought she had acquiesced! Mu Rufeng was overjoyed, holding Ye Anxin's hand with one hand, and gently pinching her chin with the other, gently raising her head, and her beautiful thin lips slowly approached and approached.

As Mu Rufeng approached, Ye Anxin could almost smell the fragrance of the shower gel and the masculine breath that belonged to him.

Seeing Mu Rufeng's thin lips getting closer, Ye Anxin frowned, his hands clenched into fists tightly! Countless fine sweat oozes not only from the palm of the hand, on the forehead, and on the body.

If it were not for strong willpower support, she would have pushed him away for fear of losing control!

However, thinking about the relationship between the two, Ye Anxin finally held back! He closed his eyes and didn't look at him, letting Mu Rufeng's spinach kiss his red lips.

The moment his thin lips covered, Ye Anxin only felt that her back became stiff, and her whole body was motionless like a robot.

Over the years, this is the first time Mu Rufeng has kissed Ye Anxin's lips! The moment he kissed her soft lips, he just felt a surge of turbulence in his heart!

In the past, even if the two were lovers, the most intimate actions were limited to kissing the cheek and forehead! Not to mention making love, even the lips have never been kissed!

He did not expect that one day he would kiss this coveted lip, which could press this woman under his body and caress and love!

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