Cyber Daming

Chapter 131 Move forward!

The moon hangs on the branches, the wind is cold and the rain is cold.

Such weather should have been a time when Jiaofangsi's business was booming.

But Jiaofangsi's most popular small courtyard now suddenly announced that it would close its doors and thank guests.

The nameplate hanging in front of the courtyard door at this moment is not the charming and ambiguous "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night" or the high-spirited "Today's Admission".

Instead, the writing is like an iron painting with a silver hook, showing the murderous "Pawn Crossing the River".

In the courtyard where the neon lights were dimmed, Du Shisanniang, the leader of the teaching department, changed from her usual charming dress, wearing a white dress and leaning on a pipa in her arms.


With bare hands strumming the strings, the high-pitched pipa sound is like a sharp sword being drawn out of its sheath, or like a warrior shaking his armor.

The sonorous music sounds like House of Flying Daggers, which has never been played since Jiaofangsi opened in Chengdu!

Du Shisanniang's long hair was tied up on top of her head, and there was no trace of the old mature woman's charm in her eyebrows. Instead, she had a dashing and heroic appearance that was not inferior to that of a man.

"Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of Xia, Shang and Zhou, the unparalleled heroes have not come to an end. What is destined to come must be fulfilled, but if it is not destined to come, don't force it!"

The willow eyebrows stand upright, and they sing loudly.

The singing of Thirteen Niangs conveys the tragic meaning of soldiers crossing the river and fighting bloody battles without retreating.

Zheng! Zheng!

The sound of the pipa is like the rumble of iron hoofs.

"There is a sword hidden in the fish, and it will kill King Liao. God, help me leave my name, and walk up with the fresh fish in my hand!"

The woman closed her eyes and pondered, her face turned red, as if she had swallowed a bowl of strong wine.

After a moment, she suddenly put aside her pipa and walked into the pouring rain.

The jade hairpin slipped off her head, and her long hair swayed in the wind like a waterfall.

Du Shisanniang's eyes widened, and she didn't know whether it was rain or tears, but they were flowing freely on her face!

"Master Li, just move forward boldly!"

"Li Jun, you have no way out!"

"Knife in hand, I will drive this road myself!"

Li Jun pushed away the wind and rain, and slashed out the full-moon-like awe-inspiring sword light with the ink sword in his hand, and slashed at Yu Kou's greedy face!

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears!"

The sharp wind of the knife hit his face, but the two gaps embedded in the waves of flesh showed an indifferent smile.

Yu Kou's body remained motionless, but his right hand pointed forward a little.

Three carved talismans gradually flew out from the sleeves of the flying fish suit and hovered behind his head.

"I entrust you with the blessings of Huangliang Tianzun, and wish you the law of hypnotizing the immortal, the dragon pan on the left, the tiger text on the right, the engraving talisman, and the door to the happy aperture!"

"Take the body! Suppress the evil! Drive away the evil!"

The mechanical patterns on the talisman, like dragons and snakes coiled around, suddenly lit up, swaying like scarlet will-o'-the-wisps in the dark night.

Dark red ripples visible to the naked eye spread in circles in the air, constantly hitting the approaching sword.

Fatigue, fear of war, laziness.

Countless negative emotions were growing in Li Jun's heart. Even if the angry dragon kept roaring in his heart, it could not stop his warm blood from gradually becoming cold.


The ruler in his arms trembled, but Li Jun forcibly held it down.

It's not time to use you yet!


Li Jun gritted his teeth and bit his tongue. The stinging pain in his heart suddenly cleared his dazed mind. The muscles in his right hand bulged, and he pulled the ink knife to cut through the rune magnetic field.

The sword light rose again, but it illuminated an even brighter smile on Yu Kou's face!

"With such mental willpower and physical strength, Wu Ba is indeed a great furnace that only comes once in a century!"


At the moment when the blade almost hit the 'Roshan', a section of the Yanling blade suddenly came out from the side, hitting the side ridge of the Mo Knife with incomparable precision!

Something unexpected happened!

However, Li Jun's face remained as smooth as a lake, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes.

He took advantage of the situation and changed his hands to grab the knife. At the same time, he turned around and twisted his body. The ink knife rotated around his waist and swept across in front of him.


The two knives collided in a cross shape, refusing to give in to each other.

Tit for tat, the blade cuts, and the temperature rises sharply wherever it passes, evaporating the raindrops that intrude into vapor.

The moment the two swords were thrown away, Li Jun's whip leg, which he had prepared for a long time, followed closely and struck the opponent's hastily crossed sword.


The opponent suddenly retreated, sinking his feet into the soft mud. Then he stopped retreating and staggered to his feet.

"Xiu Chun Dao? Yellow Turban Warrior?!"

Li Jun paused for a moment, squinting at the naked body standing in front of Yu Kou.

A bright yellow talisman is embedded on the opponent's door. There is no gender characteristics under the neck, and the streamlined body can be called perfect.

Metal lines as thin as hair are wrapped around the chest, intertwining to outline the word 'yellow scarf'.

This uninvited guest turned out to be the puppet warrior that Li Jun saw in the illusion of Mu Chi Buddha Kingdom!

An indescribable stench carried the moist air into his nose.

Suddenly, the martial arts gene in Li Jun's bones was as strong as boiling water, and an inexplicable anger coiled in his heart.

That's the smell of machinery corroding flesh and blood!

"The living ones are indeed more flexible than the 'dead ones', but it is really enjoyable to see you warriors fighting each other in this day and age."

Yu Kou's fat head on his shoulders shook from side to side, pointing at the three scarlet 'will-o'-wisps' behind him, with an extremely playful smile.

"To fight life with 'death', if I add three pieces of talismans, it shouldn't be considered bullying, right? You have been hiding your master-devouring thoughts for so long, so don't let the thunder be loud and the rain be small!"

The stubby fingers flicked towards the back of the yellow scarf warrior's head, "Don't chop him to death, Master Dao, I want to seize the body alive."

The yellow scarf warrior, whose mouth was replaced by talisman seals, was naturally unable to make a sound.


The bare foot that was stuck in the mud suddenly kicked off, and the mud and water exploded in an instant!

The yellow scarf warrior rushed out first, and there were clearly traces of martial arts steps in the figure as he flashed. The long and sharp blade of the Xiuchun Knife went straight to Li Jun's chest!

Although the sword was fierce, Li Jun saw deep helplessness and humiliation in it.

Warriors can die, but they shouldn't!

"I know your life would be worse than death."

Li Jun spoke in a cold tone, stepped heavily on his feet, and finally no longer concealed his leap into the Great Perfection. He moved like an arrow out of a bow, and started at top speed.

In front of the embroidered spring sword, the black-robed warrior, covered in bandit flames, was extremely domineering. He raised his elbow and swept across like a big gun, directly knocking away the thunderous sword.


Scarlet hypnotic ripples penetrated Li Jun's body along his eyes and ears, but were smashed into pieces one by one by the angry dragon making trouble.

When you are angry, it is time to draw your sword and see blood.

Hypnosis? I'll hypnotize your mother!

"A master of martial arts?! You're such a brainless guy, you really have something hidden."

The Yellow Turban Warrior seemed to be in danger, but Yu Kou was holding his hands and laughing.

"Li Jun, your genes can actually reach this level. It's really an unexpected surprise for Master Dao. Okay, that's great!"

Amidst the wild laughter, a fierce elbow hit the strong man on the chin, and the terrifying force dragged his heavy body upwards. In an instant, the soles of his feet were lifted off the ground and floated half an inch in the air.


Li Jun closed his fist and unfolded his sword.

While the back was stretched, the ink knife held in the yin hand was violently thrust out from bottom to top!

Polu knife, split horse style!


The long knife broke through the body and split the word "yellow scarf" into two halves.

The ferocious bloody mouth spread all the way up, creating a tiny crack on the runes covering the face door.

"You still want others to die decently at this time? You martial arts people are still as stupid as ever!"

Yu Kou looked disdainful, made a complicated gesture with his right hand, turned his wrist forward, "Cut with him!"

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