Cyber Daming

Chapter 132 Liberation

"Cut with him!"

As soon as Yu Kou finished speaking, there was a hum of mechanical operation behind the yellow scarf warrior's head, and at the same time, there were sounds of sharp weapons breaking flesh from his body.

A foot-long sharp blade emerged from the joints of his limbs and slammed into Li Jun!

Control chips, implanted mechanical bodies, these are the things that have stained the pure flesh and blood of the Yellow Turban Warriors!

This change was too sudden. Li Jun was about to pull back, but in the end he was still half a beat too late.

The sharp blade slashed his chest, tore his uniform, and opened two shallow wounds.

"The control core of this 'Life and Death Talisman' series, I bought it from Longhushan at a great price, Master Dao. It can not only control the life and death of this warrior, but also stimulate his potential."

Yu Kou crossed his shoulders with both hands and said with a smile on his face, "Li Jun, if you don't have any other trump cards, the road ahead will be cut off."

The yellow scarf warrior, who landed again, was as wild as a wild beast. He pressed forward with his toes, giving Li Jun no chance to distance himself!

The moment he was almost close to his body, the yellow scarf warrior turned to the left, his left foot twisted into a deep hole in the muddy water, and his right leg was cut out like a knife, and it collided hard with the ink knife!


There was a huge surge of power from the blade that was far greater than before, and even Li Jun had to choose to retreat to relieve the force.

The broken talisman seal on the face of the yellow scarf warrior also leached more blood at the same time, but the offensive on his hand did not stop for a moment.


Just as the leg knife left, the Xiuchun knife came through the air again.

The long knife slashed out horizontally, and the dazzling edge of the cold light was aimed at his neck. The momentum was fierce, as if he was vowing to kill Li Jun!

"I know you are unwilling!"

In the flash of lightning, Li Jun's figure suddenly dwarfed, and he let the blade of Xiuchundao pass by the tip of his hair.

He made a mistake in his steps and, as agile as a swimming dragon, he rushed behind the yellow scarf warrior.

He raised the black sword in his hand, aimed it at the back of the warrior's head and stabbed it out along the elbow. The sword was fierce, like a soldier facing the enemy in battle, bravely handing over his gun!

Polu knife, charge gun!


The sound of metal clashing was high-pitched and cold, which was even more chilling than this miserable cold rain!

Just when the ink knife was about to pierce the 'life and death talisman', the yellow scarf warrior raised his arm directly to rest on the back of his head, and the sharp blade spit out from the tip of his elbow just blocked the ink knife!

The yellow turban warrior's potential was stimulated by the chip, and his fighting style suddenly became more agile.

In other words, he seems to be showing signs of being 'alive'!


The muscles of the yellow scarf warrior's right arm behind his head tensed up. He turned around and swung his elbow. While lifting the ink knife, he turned around to kill.

The carved talisman hovering not far away also took the opportunity to make trouble at this time. All kinds of negative emotions swarmed in with the ripples, constantly trying to weaken and erode Li Jun's spirit and will.

Knives, elbows, knees, everything.

At this moment, the Yellow Turban Warrior was clearly a ferocious and terrifying killing machine, clinging to Li Jun like a corroded bone.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

The knife shadows are crisscrossed and airtight. Even the heavy rain that is raging between the sky and the earth cannot find a single gap that can penetrate!

"I know you are full of anger!"

The light of the sword was like a turbulent wave, but Li Jun was like a tenacious rock.

Let the wind and waves hit you, but you remain unmoved.

Not only that, there is a burning flame in his eyes, which is getting brighter and hotter!

"Put away these little abacuses."

Yu Kou seemed to have seen through Li Jun's thoughts, and sneered disdainfully: "If you can break through the conscious defense of the Yellow Turban Warriors with just your words, the people in Longhu Mountain will stop messing around!"

But the moment he finished speaking, the Yellow Turban Warrior's originally extremely violent attack suddenly and inexplicably slowed down a bit.


At this moment, a knife roar that penetrated the stone and split the air suddenly exploded!

“I didn’t resist back then, and I still don’t resist now?!”

Li Jun's eyes were about to burst, and his whole body was full of rage.

The black sword was as ferocious as a dragon, directly tearing apart the yellow scarf warrior's sword, and the sharp roar it caused even overshadowed the noisy wind and rain at this moment.

The Xiuchundao was suddenly released, and even the sharp blade at the tip of his elbow was chopped into pieces.

There was a 'click' sound on the door of the yellow scarf warrior's face, and the cracks on the talisman's seal expanded a bit more!

"Huh? I really have a trump card."

Yu Kou's heart sank and his brows suddenly furrowed.


The yellow scarf warrior was kicked away.

While the man was still in the air, Li Jun's figure had already appeared beside him, and the strong wind was so fierce that it actually blew away all the raindrops that had hit him.

The powerful physique of Wu Ba at his peak is clearly revealed at this moment!

The sword light fell, approaching the door!

While flying, the yellow scarf warrior raised his knees in an extremely twisted posture, trying to protect his head with the remaining knee knife.


The warrior's eyes widened in anger and his voice was like thunder!

The sharp blade shattered and broken limbs flew everywhere.

The warrior's mutilated body fell to the ground in the mud, accompanied by a burning smell, and wisps of green smoke came out of his seven orifices!

The evil spirit of the battle formation contained in the Polu knife burned the 'life and death talisman' in his skull into coke.


Li Jun leaned over and punched the carved talisman embedded in the facial features.


The cracks continued to expand and spread under the fist, and finally exploded into dust with a crisp sound.

Li Jun lowered his eyes, and what caught his eye was a pair of pupils so dark that there was no trace of white.

There is also a shriveled face covered only by a thin layer of dough.


"I am Chu Wumen, kill me"

The yellow scarf warrior's lips moved, and his voice was hoarse like gravel.

That skeleton-like face showed a mix of relief and sadness, but more importantly, joy and relief.

It was clear that the ink knife was inserted into the side of the yellow scarf warrior's neck, but Li Jun's body remained motionless.

Seeing the extremely complicated look in the opponent's eyes, the yellow scarf warrior suddenly raised his hand and tore off his face!

The exposed facial bones are impressively engraved with Taoist scriptures as small as flies and mosquitoes, intertwined with various mechanical bones and wires deeper down.

"Look, am I still a fucking human?"

The yellow scarf warrior roared sharply, his whole body trembling, and he moved his neck towards the blade inch by inch!

"Give me pleasure and kill me!"


At this moment, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air in the distance!

Li Jun held the handle of the knife and nodded gently, "I'll send you away!"

The long knife is like a guillotine, and the blood gushes out.


The flying sword that came through the air was caught directly by a hand!

"It seems that you have hidden a lot of things for the Lord Devourer."

Although Yu Kou still had a smile on his face, there was no trace of contempt in his eyes.

With a flick of the Mo knife, he directly cut off the nerve wire connected behind the hilt of the flying sword.


The flying sword fell to the ground and was stepped into the muddy water by one foot.


Li Jun slowly raised his head, his eyes full of fierceness.

"We've come to this point, don't bring these rubbish out to test, and get serious about it."


Another flying sword slowly flew out from Yu Kou's sleeve. The green tail flame danced gently and let out a bloodthirsty sword roar.

The smile on Yu Kou's lips faded, and the eyes hidden in the gap burst out with cold murderous intent.

"Just what I wanted!"

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