Cyber Daming

Chapter 175 No one sleeps peacefully

Although the night is not long, no one can sleep peacefully tonight.

The news of the destruction of Luohan Temple is like a drop of sweet blood falling into the deep sea surrounded by sharks in Chongqing Prefecture.

Under the seemingly calm sea, in fact, undercurrents have begun to surge.

Cao Cang, who was covered in dust, stood outside Filiu Pavilion. After repeatedly confirming that there were no unusual noises in the pavilion, he pushed open the door.

The walls are silent and the curtains are raised beside the bed.

A young woman wearing scantily clad clothes sat beside the bed. She had a pointed jaw and a round forehead, and her black hair was tied into a bun.

Two slender thighs were exposed under the short skirt that only reached the top of the legs. Two pale golden threads were embedded in the snow-white skin, extending upward from the ankles and going straight into the secret place that made people imagine.

Just sitting there, she gave off a breathtaking beauty.

This stunning young woman is none other than Concubine Yuan Ming, one of the "Eight Generals" of Sichuan and Chongqing.

"Are you finally willing to show up?"

The woman's voice sounded like she was complaining or crying, and there was a seductive charm in her resentment.

Cao Cang's knife-like eyebrows wrinkled slightly and said in a calm tone: "I've been very busy recently."

"What a stupid person. If I hadn't known that you had prescribed meat, I would have thought that you were castrated with drugs like those eunuchs."

Concubine Yuan Ming murmured something in a low voice and glanced at her, revealing another charming sight.

"The traitor named Gong Qinghong can't be found. Why are you working so hard? He's just a small character and can't affect the overall situation."

Cao Cang shook his head and said: "I promised others that Gong Qinghong must die."

"Stubborn donkey!"

The woman snorted, changed the subject, and said with a sweet smile: "That benefactor of yours stole the show today, did you know that?"

Cao Cang nodded, "I saw it on the forum on the way here."

"Those are two Buddhas. According to Buddhist terms, these are all living Buddhas with attained status. Now they are beaten to death and one escapes. Even the Huangliang host machine has been destroyed. The whole family has been displaced. What a crime. .”

Concubine Yuan Ming's tone was joking, as if she was gloating about others' misfortune.

Cao Cang remained silent, but there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The woman had a bright smile on her face and clucked her tongue, "No wonder the Qingcheng Group is willing to offer a reward of 2,000 to 5,000,000 bonuses. If I were them and made enemies with such people, I would probably not be able to sleep well."

"We are not short of this money!"

Cao Cang's dull face finally showed a trace of nervousness, as if he was worried that the crazy woman in front of him would have some crazy ideas.

"Xiao Caocang, why are you so nervous?"

Yuan Mingfei looked at Cao Cang, who had an increasingly serious expression, and burst out laughing: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in money, I'm just interested in him as a person."

The woman stretched out her fingers and wrapped a strand of green silk around her fingertips, her face flushed and her eyes as charming as silk.

"In those days, people in the martial arts class liked to vent their sexual desires in the Huangliang Buddha Kingdom. Do you think this independent man still has the courage of the past to practice Happy Zen with me?"

Although he had seen it countless times, Cao Cang was still a little uncomfortable with the way women spoke.

If it had been in the past, he might still have chosen to shut up and answer with silence.

But for some unknown reason today, Cao Cang suddenly felt something in his heart and unexpectedly replied, "He must dare, but you have to be careful about the deformation of the mechanical body."

Concubine Yuan Ming's eyes widened, her lips were slightly opened, she was stunned for a moment and then said angrily:

"Okay, you can do it. I've taken care of you for so long, and you've been ignoring me all day long. Now that you've been beaten up, how can you talk to others? It doesn't matter whether you're good or bad. Bar?"

Cao Cang looked at the chattering mouth that was flying up and down, and his heart was filled with regret.

But besides the regret, there was also a sense of joy growing in my heart.

Concubine Yuan Ming snorted coldly, "I'm afraid this martial artist named Li Jun won't be able to bounce around for long."

Cao Cang frowned suddenly, "What do you mean, Buddhism won't let it go?"

"Of course, these bald donkeys don't have a good habit of spitting on themselves. Now that someone has spat on their face, how can they not fall out?"

The charm of the woman dissipated, replaced by a fierce and aggressive one.

She took out a green cigarette stick like a magic trick and held it in the corner of her mouth. She took a deep breath and exhaled a large cloud of fishy smoke.

His movements are extremely skillful, and he is obviously a long-time smoker.

Concubine Yuan Ming had a cold look on her face, "And do you know which big tree is behind Luohan Temple? It's Shaolin Temple! The biggest rich man in Buddhism!"

"This Luohan Temple is just a nail they stuck in the southwest region. If the entire Chongqing government hadn't wanted to drive Buddhism out, do you think Li Jun could have destroyed the Luohan Temple so easily?"

Cao Cang looked enlightened, and some doubts in his heart were finally solved.

It is certainly not easy for Luohan Temple to gain a foothold in Chongqing Prefecture and start the business of 'accumulating money'.

Although Li Jun was powerful, it was still a bit unbelievable to overthrow a force single-handedly.

Now hearing what Yuan Mingfei said, Cao Cang was shocked to realize that the situation in Chongqing Mansion was far more complicated than he imagined.

"Now that Luohan Temple is being destroyed and people are being killed, Shaolin Temple must send people to deal with it."

The woman said coldly: "And I heard that he also killed a Buddhist monk from Bailong Temple. The Jokhang Temple behind Bailong Temple has a lot of power in the area, and I'm afraid they will take advantage of this excuse to send people. Enter Chongqing Mansion."

"Shaolin Temple Jokhang Temple."

Cao Cang raised his eyebrows, and a fierce murderous intent suddenly emerged from his tall body, "I won't let them get close to you!"

"You still know how to worry about me?"

Yuan Mingfei rolled her eyes angrily, and suddenly smiled, "As long as you have this intention, you don't need to worry so much. Although I am a Buddhist, I have long since left the Huangliang Buddhist Kingdom. Now She is just a wild nun who has no ultimatum."

"Besides, the affairs of Luohan Temple have nothing to do with me. No matter how overbearing those Buddhas are, they can't use this excuse to trouble me, right?"

"They need a guide who is familiar with the situation. Without Luohan Temple, you are the only one who is most suitable."

Cao Cangyan's eyes were cold and concise, revealing the woman's hidden worries.

The smile on Concubine Yuan Ming's face suddenly stiffened, she smacked her lips several times, and her beautiful figure was instantly buried in the smoke.

"So I came to you today just to tell you to be more careful recently. If something goes wrong, leave Chongqing Mansion immediately without hesitation."

"I can't do this."

Concubine Yuan Ming said angrily: "Didn't I just give you a 'heart ape' mechanical heart? You don't need to pay for it with your life."

"And to be honest, I have regretted giving you my weapon heart for a long time. You have a bad temper and a tough temper. How many enemies have you made for me? The key is that you still don't know how to please me."

Cao Cang turned a deaf ear to her words and said to himself, "It's a bet."

The woman waved her hand and said with waning spirits: "Don't think about it, those people want me to die early so that they can take my position as the 'Rogue General'."

"It doesn't matter. I'm satisfied to live these years of unrestrained carefree life in Chongqing Mansion. At worst, I'll be caught by them and put back into the Buddhist Kingdom to serve the Buddha. My skills are not new yet, so I can handle it."

"Since the person in the gambling club is unreliable, the only choice is to find that person to join forces."

Cao Cang couldn't listen to the woman's consolation at all, and thought to himself.

Having made up his mind, he turned around and left without further delay.

After the pavilion door was slammed shut, the miserable expression on the woman's face quietly dissipated, and she whispered to herself:

"If that martial artist hadn't been too hostile to the Buddhist order, would I have had to suffer like this?"

Concubine Yuan Ming let out a long sigh, held the cigarette rod in her arms, and fell back into the soft quilt.

"It's really not easy to live a peaceful life. Everyone in the world is suffering, what does it have to do with me? It's enough for me to save myself."

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